

Derek is 13 years old and attends Allendale Middle School.  Derek’s birthday is October 25.  Derek moved to Michigan about 2 years ago from Vermont.  Derek has a brother that still lives in Vermont who he misses very much.  Derek is introverted and shy.  Derek enjoys...


Manny is 12 years old and is in the 6th grade.  Manny’s birthday is January 21.  Manny is a very shy, introverted, humble and kind young man.  Manny loves to play soccer, be outdoors and play video games.   Manny does well in school and is respectful to his teachers...


Christian is 12 years old and is in 7th grade.  Christian’s birthday is June 18.  Christian has a great sense of humor and makes friends easily. Christian loves to play video games and is also involved in boxing, wrestling and baseball.  Christian is the middle child...


Ahntony is 14 years old.  Ahntony’s birthday is February 16.  Ahntony lives with his mother and younger brother.  Ahntony loves to play video games.


Gracen is 12 years old.  Gracen’s birthday is December 23.  Gracen is independent and outgoing. Gracen enjoys the outdoors.  She has taken horse lessons and is trying softball this year.  Gracen spends a lot of time in the summer camping and...