Goals, scary stories, and well…fire farts with boys

by | Aug 15, 2014 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

I sit here next to the fire as the guys settle the boys down for our first night. Tonight we spoke about goals. Great conversations about listening, staying out of trouble, playing less video games, being more social. A great first night of goals conversation! We then tested out the awesome new glow in the dark bibles!!! Thank you again to the VanDyke foundation!!! The boys are smiles and bonding.
However this is not without struggle. A handful of reminders and redirects have been passed around. Please keep our boys in prayers as satan will challenge them tomorrow during team building and coops.
But the power of Christ prevails as the bible has already been opened and verses recited as to what each one remembers
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 1:5
John 3:16!!!

That’s what it’s all about!!! Praise God


  1. Josh K

    MC! I’m praying for you! Hope your first night goes well and that you are having fun with everyone. Listen to Pat, he’s funny AND he knows what he’s talking about.

  2. Jenn H

    Boy farts?? Gross! Have a great first night guys!

  3. Trisha M. Belbot

    Praise God! Glow in the dark bibles sound pretty cool, I haven’t ever heard of or see one. My girls andI will be reading these verses together tomorrow evening.

  4. Consuelo (mom)

    Good morning boys hope your first night went well. You all should be proud.
    Stay strong.
    Much love hugs & blessings to all.
    DD mom

  5. Best Cousin

    Stay at peace.

  6. Carisa

    Praying that God works in mighty ways this week! You boys are blessed to have such Godly leaders there that care so deeply about each and every one of you! I know God has wonderful plans in store for you!

  7. NK Mom

    So these glow in the dark bibles I am hearing of….where do I sign up for one 🙂 hope your all doing well ♡♡♡sending lots of love and prayers your way boys…..and princess Katie 😉

  8. TA

    I love you

  9. Bonnie Guigar

    I bet I know which verse LG recited. It’s his favorite! Glow in the dark bibles? What an amazing gift!

  10. josh and martha ehlert

    This is for all of the young men
    I will be praying for all of you. I know the only thing that got me through eagle tower at FT Benning and the rest of it was GOD. I was very scared and nervous but god got me through the best 15 weeks of my life. God bless everyone of you.


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