Rayne is 12 years old and is in 6th grade. Rayne’s birthday is November 3. Rayne is a bright girl with a sweet demeanor. Rayne enjoys watching sports and playing video games. Rayne also enjoys working with horses. Rayne is the middle child of five children.
Hi sweet girl!! I miss our weekly drives, but I’m looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! I know this is something new for you, but if you don’t try you’ll never know!! Be brave, be strong and I know that you will be so glad you had the experience. Remember my story about snorkeling? I jumped and I had no regrets. You can jump into this and I can’t wait to hear your stories of your week at the ranch. Love you and your sweet spirit!! Mrs Hanes ❤️
I miss are weekly drives and I’m looking forward to seeing you to and I loved the story that you told me and I can’t wait to tell the story’s to you
Hi Rayne! Just a few days and you be heading out for an amazing adventure!! It’s going to be so much fun! I know you are probably feeling a little nervous. New things always bring a few nerves, but new things also bring lots of reward and great memories. Praying for lots of fun, lots of sunshine, great new friendships and so much laughter. 🙂 – Sharon Bylsma
Thank you for taking to the time out of your day to say something to me and I really appreciate you and I hope you have a amazing day
Hi Rayne,
I am praying for you and the things you will experience as you head out. You are an amazing young lady with so much strength and wisdom!! Let me know how you’re doing!! Hugs, Mrs Hanes ❤️🤗
Good morning Rayne! How is it going so far? I’d love to hear an update! I saw that you were climbing the rock wall!! Way to go, beautiful girl!! You amaze me!! Praying for strength today for you and all the WAR team. Find somebody to encourage today-you are such an uplifting person! ❤️
I miss you and can’t wait to hear all about your adventure! Hugs, Mrs. Hanes
It’s going good I love all the girls in the house and I hope I get to know them really well
Hi Rayne! Wow, sure looks like you are having fun! You climbed the rock wall!! You are so brave! I saw pictures of the horses, that sure looks like fun!! What color is your horse? And what is his or her name? I am continuing to pray for you sweet girl, praying for strength to do all the amazing things you get to do this week!!!
Hey Rayne, I sent you a message yesterday but I think it went to a different page- ugh, sorry. Anyhow, I am thinking of you this week and so excited to hear about your adventures. I watched you on the facebook live feed and you were 1/2 way up the climbing wall :). Were you scared? Yesterday I think you were suppose to meet your horse? How did that go? I bet you are in love. I can’t wait to hear about him/her? Keep me posted on how you are doing and I will continue to watch the facebook live feeds to get a glimpse of all your adventures. Praying this is a very special week for you and that you do BIG things!
Good morning Rayne! I hope things are going well for you I see you are already doing amazing things in just the first few days! I do have to apologize I am not great at technology and just figured out how to post on here hahaha. I seen you got to meet your horse the other day that is something dear to my heart how did it go? I also seen you girls took time to work on your goals and that looks like that is really exciting and if you are willing I would love to hear about them! I am praying for you every day and am so excited to see you grow as a person and in your faith this week. Have so much fun today girl can’t wait to see and hear more about what you are doing!
Hey Rayne, just thinking of you today and wanted to say hi!. I hope you and the other girls are getting super close and that you are making lifelong friends. How is the horse you are working with? Are you loving it? Are you guys getting prepared for the hike? Praying for you through this week and excited to hear about everything.
Hey Rayne! I was just thinking about you and wanted to say HI. I hope this week, you are doing amazing things and growing close to all the other girls. All the pictures and facebook live seems like everyone is having so much fun. How is your horse? Are you getting ready for the h ike? I cannot wait to see you and hear all about the week.
Hey you don’t know me but i have been on that hike and journey you are doing Amazing at riding
Hey sweetheart how is everything going? We miss you, and think of you everyday. We can’t wait to see you in a couple of days. I am really happy that you get to have this experience. We miss you and love you!
Hi Rayne! Wow!! I watched a couple of the live videos and it looks like you’re having an amazing time. I’m so proud of you!! 🤗
I am so excited to hear about all you’re experiencing this week! Have so much fun on your hike!! 🤗🥰