Alaina loves art and video games. Alaina is very athletic and enjoys sports, basketball is her favorite sport. Pray Alaina will have an amazing time at camp. Pray she will learn that God has an amazing purpose for her life and has given her many gifts to share with those around her.
Hi Alaina,
I’m Gail and I’m one of your Prayer Partners for the year. As you are preparing for your camping experience, I am praying for you to experience God’s peace… that goes beyond ALL understanding!
One of my favorite verses is, “Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD!” When you get anxious….PAUSE….TAKE A BREATH….LOOK AROUND….and SEE GOD….in the sunrise, sunset, the quietness, in the birds, wind, rain….HIS CREATION….and repeat….I AM A CHILD OF GOD! He loves you so much!
Thank you
Good Morning Alaina,
On this beautiful, cool morning…I pray you will experience God throughout the day!
Hey there Alaina ❤️ Looking forward to seeing your adventures this week. Sleep well my child for HE is with you! Love Mom
I love you soo much mom. 💕
Hello great warrior !!!! Gma and Gpa W saying HI… Sending much love and prayers for your awesome adventure Alaina !!! We are so proud of you and want to say it is a blessing to have you as our beautiful granddaughter. We KNOW you’ve got this and we KNOW that God is on your side and will give you strength to do a great job when challenged and have lots of fun along the way. Don’t be afraid of challenges. HE is your strength when you feel weak. Love You…..
Jayden- Hi Alaina. How are you?
Dad- Looks like you all are having so much fun. Did you show off your tomahawk skills?
Yeah I didn’t fart this time. Love you dad love you bro.
Hi Alaina!
Looks like you are having a great time! The climbing wall is so tall – you are so brave climbing up that! Did you get to meet your horse today? What is his or her name? I know you have been excited about finally getting your turn to got to camp. I hope you are having a blast! Have a great day! I’m praying for you – for all the strength and courage to try new things this week!
Hi Alaina,
One full day into Camp….and my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you! God doesn’t promise us a life free from struggles….He does promise that He will NEVER leave us or FORSAKE us. Continue to TRUST in Him each step of the way!
Hi Alaina,
You are into your first full day at camp. I’m thinking you’ve had to deal with rain….sometimes that’s an obstacle you need to overcome and drive through to finish your task! God doesn’t promise Christ Followers an easy road….trouble free….He simply asks each of us to fully TRUST Him…He will see you through!
Dad- Love you Alaina! Looks like your having lot’s of fun.
Jayden- Slay girl. Yo Yo Yo. You rule!
Ha ha 🤣 that is funny.love you
Hi Alaina,
What an amazing week you’ve had, weather wise! I’ve been praying for God to reveal Himself to you in BIG WAYS too! I’m sure you are tired and putting in the last miles of your hike….dig deep, allow God to work in and through you….Cast ALL your cares on God….for He cares for you!
Hi Alaina,
Sure hope you’re having a great time at Camp and getting to know the other girls and Couselors. What activity has challenged you the most, so far? What has been your favorite activity? Do you learn new songs? Music is a great way to remember God’s goodness to each of us!
Good Morning Alaina….We are praying that you will have a Wonderful….Fun….Blessed… Day. Strength to you… You have the strength of a warrior AND you have God on your side…. Enjoy and Learn and Grow. God is teaching you WHILE you are having fun. We are so thankful that you have this opportunity to experience this adventure… Love you More !!!! Gma and Gpa W
Love YOU. What is your horses name? What has been your favorite activity so far?
Praying for YOU sweetie pie.
Hi Alaina,
I saw some pictures of the group working with horses. They are such beautiful animals, but they also can be terrifying because they are so big and you never know what they are going to do! I hope you had fun and learned more about horses! Praying that you have a GREAT day and that you will PRAISE Him for this beautiful day and call on Him when you feel anxious! He is near….call on HIS Name!
Hi thank you 😊😀
So proud of YOU ❤️🤠 Praying for you as you prepare to go on your hike. Keep your heart tender, remove your mask & let JESUS transform your life ❤️
Xoxo LOVE Mom
I love you toI am soo exsided to see you guys I had a breakdown today.
Hello Alaina!
Wow! It looks like you are having a great time! Aunt Susie and I are praying for you every day. We pray that God will show you ways to be courageous and trust God to help you through any challenges you face. HE is your strength! 1 John 5:4 says “You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world.”
We Love you!
Uncle Gary and Aunt Susie
What a word it will be helpful for my trip. I love you.
Hi Alaina,
I’m kathy and be of your prayer partners. I’m continuing to pray for you as you are on this journey. What a wonderful experience. I will continue to pray for you and hope to hear some of your own details about your time hiking. Praying Gods blessings for you.
Hi Alaina, We know God is talking to you about some really cool stuff! Continue to listen for HIS whisper in your heart as you are on this adventure. We are praying for you and love you a whole bunch!
Uncle Gary and Aunt Susie
I love you guys,
Hi Alaina,
I just prayed for you to have a great day! God gave me these words, “This is the day that the Lord has made…..we will rejoice and be glad!”
Jesus LOVES you ❤️
and so do I
Night night
Love Mom
I love you too mom. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Low I love your mom. I can’t wait to see you guys again. Had a huge break down at camp today.I’m going to miss you guys. Love you.
Hi Alaina Gpa and Gma W. Just saying hi. You were an amazing cowgirl yesterday 🐎💕👏👏👏. Awesome to see you and your teammates work SO hard. You are learning and growing ✝️😍😍. Keep asking God to guide you. He’s ALWAYS WITH YOU.
BIG HUGS. ✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😎😍🥰
Hi Alaina,,Just watching the activities for this morning. Such beautiful ladies and amazing horses. Looks like you are getting to know each other. So excited about what you are learning. We are SO Excited for you and your group. You will Do Great !!! The hike will be so amazing. You will see so much of God’s beautiful creation. Are you Excited? you can be confident that you have all that you need to do this !!!! So Proud of you Alaina !!!! You are a beautiful young lady with grace and a heart full of love for Jesus and all of us. Count on your GMA and GPA W praying for you and cheering you on !!! Can’t wait to hear the stories !!!! Big Hugs ….
HI Sweet Alaina… You just be who God created you to be and Trust Him and your leaders. You will do Great. Praying… Cheering…. xoxoxo GMA and GPA W God is your strength !!!!!
Hi Alaina!
Love you and praying for you every day! You are amazing and I’m so proud of you for your strength. Keep on keeping on. The best is yet to come!
Love ya!
And Chad and Lila and Fannie (you’re favorite dog)
Hi Alaina,
It’s your last day to travel and I’m reading through your blog posts and see all the love and support you have in your life!! What a great thing to have as you grow up!! Never forget that even though life gets tough, you have an awesome cheering section that is there for YOU!!!
Continued prayers as you return to “normal” life with all the experiences and choices you made during your W.A.R. Trip.
Hi Alaina,
Wow!! I’m reading through your blog posts and see all the family and friends who support you as you experience Girls W.A.R. 2023. This just makes your return all the sweeter because you have such great people who are there for you in “real” life too!!
Continued prayers as you return from your hike and process the experiences you’ve had. I saw you had a meltdown this week. Guess what? I have meltdowns too!! It’s what you do after the meltdown that shows your growth and maturity. Praying that you will keep growing and learning how to deal with those tough days and make the best choices going forward!!
You’ve had a life-changing week. What are YOU going to take away from it?
Hugs, Kathy