Sadie is a sweet and tender-hearted teen. She is very artistic and loves to sketch and draw. Sadie loves animals, especially cats. Pray Sadie will have the courage to try new experiences while at camp. Pray she will connect well with peers during the week and make new life-giving friendships.
Hi Sadie….my name is Gretchen and I am praying for you as you get ready for camp! I am so excited for you and the other girls as you head off to a week of adventure and growing! I will post often and send you little messages to encourage you along the way! I am a 1st grade teacher and am wrapping up my school year, too! I believe this next week of summer will be good for the both of us! Whew! I will check the blog often to see what you are all up to….I especially love to see the pictures of all the fun!
Hi Sadie!
My name is Molly and I will be one of your prayer partners while you are at Remembrance Ranch. You are now at camp and I really hope you have an amazing first day as you adjust to your surroundings. I bet you are going to love the horses. I can’t wait to hear the name of your horse. I know you will have so much fun and I will pray for strength and courage for you in all the new activities you will get to try.
I hope you have a great first day. I will be following you on the journey!
– Molly
Thank you! I’m having so much fun
Grandma Sharon and papa are so happy for you Sadie. Keep having fun honey.
Hey Sadie I’m so glad your having so much fun!! Aden and I are sending you good vibes and are so proud of you!
I pray for you bug that you will rest peacefully after a long and busy day and you will have more fun tomorrow than you can imagine I miss you. And I love you sleep tight little one.
Good evening Sadie bug I hope and trust you had a wonderful day. Not only are you learning a lot about yourself papa is as well? I hope you have a wonderful night. And I hope you are so excited and have a wonderful time on material hiking. The Manistee river. I hope? The sun. Comes out and shines. On new girls and boys and you get to play in the water and tube. Papa’s never tubed but I sure have canoed on that river and it’s a fun river. You kind of go huh where are we? Where are we oh? Yeah you’re gonna have a ball baby girl and I love you. Please be careful have fun and I will see you one day. May the lord be with you sleep well baby
Good glorious morning Sadie bug. I know you slept well and papa can I wait to see you tomorrow? I love you baby girl.
Hi baby girl. Tomorrow you will start your hike. It’s gonna be rough but worth it I’m sure. I hope you have fun on the hike. I hope you get to do lots of fun stuff on your hike. You will definitely learn alot of new things. I’m proud of you bug. You are an amazing young lady and I am honored to be helping in raising you. I love you tons and I will message you one more time before I go to bed tonight.
Hi Sadie…my name is Gretchen and I’ll be one of your prayer partners this week! Today is day 1 for your adventure at camp! HOW EXCITING! I’ll be watching the blog and videos as you go along! Lots of new friends, fun and challenges ahead for you & God will be with you all the way!
It’s gonna be so good!
Enjoy your first night!
Hi Sadie. I hope today has been a good day for you. I hear you’re getting to ride a horse. I hope you love it. I always loved horses but only have been on one once when I was about 14. I hope you’re having a great time at camp and making new friends.
Hey Sadie! I am so proud of you baby girl! I really hope your first few hours at camp have been amazing and you have a great day and first night! I love you!
Hi sadie it’s grandma. I love you tons and I hope you have an awesome time at camp.
Hi sadie (aka)Bug Papa well pray that you have wonderful time. I love you and you rock!
Good morning Sadie & campers! Praying today that you’ll find some joy and rest in the rain! It will bring you indoors …which will bring you together with others today. I pray it will be fun getting to know one another more!
Can’t wait to hear about how you liked the climbing wall yesterday and horses today!
What was challenging? What did you like best?
Good morning Sadie & campers! Praying today that you’ll find some joy and rest in the rain! It will bring you indoors …which will bring you together with others today. I pray it will be fun getting to know one another more! ☺️👍🏻
Good morning sadie hope you slept well. Have a great day. Can’t wait to hear all about your Horse.
Good afternoon Sadie I’m missing my little egg buddy at work this morning but I am so glad you are having so much fun! Noel slept on the couch lastnight and meowed goodmorning to us for you! I love you so much!
I love you too, and I hope to talk with you soon!
I was crying today because I was home-sick..
I miss you mom, love you!
Hi sadie! I hope you are enjoying camp! I’m already so eager to hear about all of the amazing experiences you are going to have. I am praying for you that you enjoy yourself through all of the fun that you have, and I pray that you learn how strong you throughout the adventures hike that you are going to start later this week. I will keep following along your side on this new journey. But most importantly have fun girl!
Hi Sadie! Hope you are having so much fun! You got to make S’mores over the campfire last night! Yum!! Did you get to meet your horse today? That is always a super fun part of camp. I hope you have a blast learning how to care for your horse. I can’t wait to hear all about it! I am praying for you this week as you try so many new things. I hope you have so much fun and know that God is always with you as you step out of your comfort zone to try new things! God will always give you the strength and courage!
Grandma Sharon and papa are so happy for you Sadie. Keep having fun honey.
Hi sadie!! I hope you are having a good time at camp! Have you met your horse yet?? If so I would love to hear its name!! I’m praying for you as you are surrounded by girls you haven’t been around much before if at all. I pray that you find the confidence to reach out and make new friends at camp! you are a beautiful young lady and so sweet, be confident girl and have so much fun enjoying camp. Also I heard you got to make s’mores the other day, yum!!! Keep being you and I am praying that you have so much fun!!
Good morning sadie. I hope you you slept well and have a great day.I love you
Hi sadie. I hope you are enjoying your first full day of camp. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Love you.
Hi Sadie, it’s Aunt Kitten. I hope you are having an amazing time at camp!!
Hope you had a great second day.wishing you love a sweet dream s
Sadie, I am so very proud of you! I’ll be anxious for you to tell me all about saddling a horse. I’ve never thought about it, and you have learned how to do it! You are learning so many new things.
Keep having fun!
I love you too, and I hope to talk with you soon!
I was crying today because I was home-sick..
I miss you mom, love you!
Good glorious morning sadie. Papa trust you slept well may the Lord be with you today and give you the insight that you need to succeed and what you have a wonderful day love. Papa.
Sadie, I am so very proud of you! I’ll be anxious for you to tell me all about saddling a horse. I’ve never thought about it, and you have learned how to do it! You are learning so many new things.
Keep having fun!
Good morning, Sadie! Praying 🙏 you got a good nights sleep.
May your day be filled with fun, laughter, new friends, and many blessings 🙌.
My beautiful smart amazing wonderful talented girl I am so happy you having fun out there and I am so proud of you for sticking this out! I really hope you’re feeling better tonight and I really can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! I love you and I hope you sleep well tonight. We have been making sure to give Noel extra love for you and she is doing well as are the other kitties!
Happy Monday bug. I’m missing you today but I know you are having fun and that makes me feel much better. The kitties are good. Noel sleeps on the back of the couch every night silly girl. I am so proud of you bug you have stepped out of your comfort zone and you are doing amazing things. I love you so very much and I hope you have a great rest of your day.
Hi sadie. I’m getting ready for bed and wanted to say good night. I love you do very much and I miss you like crazy. Enjoy your last night in the cabin. It’s hard to belive it’s like half way over with already. You are doing great. You are having fun and learning so many things. I’m jealous. Lol. Okay baby girl I hope you sleep great and ohhh don’t forget to the take the water shoes mom bought you on your hike and your bathing suit and your hat. Sorry just being a grandma. Okay I love you I will message you in the morning but doubt you will see it since you will be in the wilderness by night time. Sweet dreams my little bug.
Good evening, Sadie! I saw the post with Michelle and the archery range! Looks like fun! I went to camp as a student and remember trying out archery! It definitely took some practice! I’d love to hear more about the HOT SEAT!
Praying you are connecting with the other girls! Praying you notice God all around you in His great big outdoors!
Hi baby girl. I can’t sleep so I thought I’d talk to you for a few. It’s Tuesday already. I’m glad the weather is warming up and hopefully you will be able to go swimming. How did you like riding a horse? Last time I was on a horse as an adult I was very scared but I did it just like I know you did it too. You are brave and I love you for that. I hope you have a fun day today and remember it’s okay to have fun. I love you very much.
Good glorious Tuesday morning sadif. I hope you slept we are feeling better papa loves seeing you in the blogs. And the live chat.I can’t wait for you to be able to tell Sophie all about camp. I hope you’re having fun. Soon you’ll be able to get in the water and get wet love you.
Good morning. I hope you have a great day today. Miss you and love you tons
Good morning Sadie. I got to see you in a video yesterday and today. I am so proud of you for doing all these different things. I saw how well you did on the horse today, that was awesome!!! I hope you get to go swimming today. I really hope you are having a great time.
Happy Tuesday Sadie! Seeing you on your horse just made me smile so big you have no idea! You are so brave and I am beyond proud of you! You’re my little animal lover just like me and I continue to pray that that you have the strength to make it threw anything! You are my 1lb miracle forever!
Hi sadie! I heard that you got on your horse Alfredo today, i’m so proud of you girl!! i am so proud of you for being so brave and trying new things at camp! i’ll be praying for courage and friendship 🙂
Hi bug. I saw you trotting on your horse today. That was just amazing. It filled my heart with love. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Ohh and about that very cute kitty you were holding. Okay pumpkin. I love you so very much. Have a good night and stay warm. Hugs and kisses. Gma
TRAIL DAY!!! woo hoo…you guys are off and hittin the trail today! The nice cool weather makes it nice, too! I pray you walk with Jesus as you put one step in front of the other. He’s walking right with you, Sadie. Enjoy God’s BIG OUTDOORS! His fingerprints are everywhere you if you look! ☺️
I did, but when I got out of the water, my body went into shock, and it felt like tons of needles were stabbing me all over my body, I’m better now, but I don’t think I should go back into the water soon.
Love you! <3, sadie
Ohhh no. That’s not good. I’m sorry that happened but I’m glad you feel better now. I love you
Good evening, Sadie! WAY TO GO today on your horse and trotting your way to VICTORY! Wooo hooo! Your bravery and courage helped you accomplish that! You should be very proud of yourself. You and the others are taking on some challenging tasks and you’re definitely showing your skillllllllls☺️
Good morning sadie. Its Wednesday already. I’m glad you got to go swimming. It was probably cold though. I’m sorry you had to go through that when you got out of the water. That’s no fun at all. I heard on the video this morning that you are going on a trail ride with the horses. How very cool. Do you enjoy working with your horse? Are you staying warm at night? Well I miss you and I live you and I will message you later today. I am so very proud of you for continuing with your adventure and not giving up. Some things are worth working through huh?
Hey sadie, it’s Friday. 2 more nights and you will be home. I can’t wait. I’ve missed you tons. I bet you’ve been doing alot of walking and some fun stuff in between. I hope you are staying warm at night. It’s nice weather here not hot though. So we have the doors open again and the cats are loving it. They are so spoiled. I bought this new catnip thing for them then aren’t sure what to do with it but they know it’s catnip for sure. I love you sadie. Your are an awesome kid. I hope you are having fun. I miss you. I will post again tomorrow after I get out of work. Then you will be home on Sunday. I won’t be able to pick you up on Sunday but mom and I think papa will be there. I have to work but I think you and mom will pick me up right afterwards. Fun fun. Be good. I love you bug
Happy Wednesday my love! I am missing you like crazy today but I am so happy you get to have this adventure right now! It has been amazing to see you on your horse Alfredo and seeing everything you are doing you are going to come back a new kid I won’t know who you are! I love you so very much and I tell you this all the time but you are the best thing I have ever done in my life! You are so amazing smart talented, you have a beautiful soul and are beautiful inside and out never forget that ever! I hope you sleep well and I know you all are ramping up for your 11 miles hike just remember threw God all things are possible!
Happy Thursday sadie. I’m not sure if you will see this post but I still want to send them to you atleast until Saturday. You are hiking now. Ohhh my goodness. You are a lot more braver than I am. Things at home are good. We all miss you even the cats. Last night I was up around 3am and Noel was stretched out on your bed. I just had to go give her some love and I told her to not get use to having the bed all to herself cuz you will be home soon and she’s going to have to share again. Silly kitty. I’m starting to knit again I needed something to do. Okay sweetheart. I love you and I hope you have a ball on your hike. Be safe. And I am so proud of you. Love you
Good evening or good morning when you read this papa hopes you had a good 1st day. On the trail hope you had fun God-bless you be safenjoy the warm or not so warm weather but hopefully I’ll get a little warmer. And I can’t wait to see you Sunday. Papa loves you bye baby girl.
Hello baby girl, you have been out om the travel for a few hrs now, i hope hiking is enjoyable and easy for you sweetheart and that you continue to be brave and know you are amazing! You can do anything just remember that! I don’t know if you’ll read this but I love you and I miss you like crazy, I’m counting the days till I get to hug you again!
Hi sadie! I’m really interested in knowing what your favorite part of camp has been so far? I’m sure camp might be a little nerve racking and hiking might be scary, but there is something good in every challenge. Remember that you got this girl!! 😁
Good afternoon. Sadie bug. I hope you’re having a wonderful time and loving nature and loving God. Papa’s been praying for you hope all you girls are having a wonderful wonderful ti’m I will see you soon I love you. Bye.
How’s the trail treatin ya? Hope these cool days and nights are good and that you are seeing Jesus all around you! You are getting closer to the end of the week…praying you are walking closer to Him! He loves you so much!
Good morning sadie. I hope you slept good last night. I hope you stayed warm. Im just about to start work and I just wanted to reach out to you. I am so excited that you are coming home tomorrow. I’m going to hug you and never let go. You have been warned. Lol. Okay my sweets I hope you have a great day. Have fun and be safe. I love you very much
Sadie, I can’t wait to hear all about your experiences! You’ve done things I have never done!! Some of those experiences are archery, saddling a horse, tomahawk throwing, going on a 11 mile hike, or sleeping in a tent. I’m very anxious for you to come home and tell us all about it. Enjoy your last day and look forward to seeing you Sunday! I love ❤️ you.
Guess what? Nope. Noo not that either. You are coming home tomorrow. I can hardly contain my excitement. Sunday needs to hurry up already. Really it does. Lol. Okay sweetness one more night. I hope you are staying warm enough at night. I love you bunches. See ya tomorrow. Hugs and kisses
Hi sadie! You are going home so soon and I am so proud of you and everything that you have accomplished at camp. You are so strong and you have learned so much. You are amazing! 🙂
Good morning Sadie bug..I hope you slept well on your last night papa can’t wait to see you today and give you such a Big hug miss you sadie. have fun on your last day see you soon.