Allyson is very creative, loves to draw and paint. She also loves to read. Has experienced a lot of trauma at a young age. Pray Allyson’s camp experience will be positive and she will experience God’s love and healing power.


  1. Hillary weaver

    Make friends and build bonds. You’re an amazing girl let people see you shine.

  2. Mom

    I saw you climbing the rock wall! I am so incredibly proud of you! Hope you are having so much fun and making new friendships! I heard you are doing the swimming test today, which means you will be right where you love the be… in the water! I also heard that you will be meeting your horse today (Sunday). Can’t wait to hear all about it!! I love you and miss you!

  3. Dad

    We were able to see you on the climbing wall last nightI am very proud of you Ally. I can’t wait to hear about the horse you get to work with. Keep having fun! We will continue to pray for you. I love you!

    • Allyson

      I’ll be praying for you. I love you ❤️

  4. GG and Papa

    Have a GREAT TIME on your own personal vacation!! Keep smiling and have some FUN!
    Love you tons!

    • Allyson

      Love you and miss you ❤️🤗

  5. Aunt Lizzy

    Hi Ally, we are so thankful you are part of our family! You are such a sweet girl with a beautiful spirit! We hope you are having an amazing time at camp!

    • Allyson

      Love you so much ❤️

  6. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Ally…how was your first FULL day of camp? Looks like you guys are having a great time. Praying today for God to show you that you are safe and surrounded by friends and staff who love you.
    Can’t wait to see all the fun you’ll have tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻
    Gretchen (prayer partner)

    • Allyson

      It was so much fun that I had so much that the day went by so fast 🏃‍♀️ there. A lot of stuff to here

  7. Joan Haagsma

    Ally, this is Bukka and Buppa. We are so proud of you! We saw you on the climbing wall and on a horse. You looked great on both. I heard you heard the speaker talk about Stones of Remembrance. You have so many talents and this week is the time to share them and start sticking up those stones remembering how God loves you and has blessed you. We love you so much!

    • Ally

      Love you

  8. Mom

    I saw you doing archery earlier! Did you all beat Michelle? 😉
    It was great to see your smile and hear your laugh! Zack says hello and he misses you. I Love you and miss you!

  9. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Ally! This is Sharon Bylsma. We met when you first came to visit the Ranch office in March. I am so happy you are finally experiencing all fun things at camp!! What has been your favorite activity so far? Are you having fun with your horse! I love seeing the pictures and following along on your journey! Praying God will give the strength and courage for all of the activities and challenges. So proud of you!!

  10. Dad

    Hello Ally,

    Hope you are having fun? What has been your favorite thing about camp so far?
    I Love you and am praying for you.

    • Ava Stickney

      I’ll be praying for you.
      I love you ❤️

  11. Mom

    Hey pretty girl. I miss you and your smiling face. I got to see you on your horse this morning! You looked like a natural. What is your horse’s name?

    Did you have fun tubing down the river today?
    Did you go down the big water slide yesterday?! That sounds like so much fun!!
    What did you get as a special treat at Culvers… peanut butter shake?! ☺️

    Dallas keeps going into your bedroom looking for you. 🐶 I think it’s safe to say we all miss you. You bring so much joy to our family.

    Praying for you!!
    Ephesians 3:14-19 ❤️

  12. Joan Haagsma

    What a great day for tubing! Did you enjoy the slide at the Aqua Park? I watched you on your horse! You are so good with animals and that horse is lucky to have you as it’s caretaker! You are going to have so many stories to share. Remember you are a MASTERPIECE and we are so grateful that God has shared you with us. Don’t doubt yourself because God never makes mistakes and he made YOU! We love you! Love Buppa and Bukka

  13. Erika Zimmer

    I am so proud of you Ally! You’re an amazing girl and doing amazing things! I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures.

  14. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Ally! Looks like you are having so much fun!! Love to see all the smiles in the pictures! Tomorrow the journey continues with the hike! I am praying God will give you all the strength and courage you need to complete the hike – and do you know what?? I KNOW God will give you those things and more because he is a faithful and loving God! And YOU are a beautiful daughter of the King! So proud of you!!

    Mrs. Bylsma

  15. Mom and Dad

    It looks like you are having a great time!! I am so happy for you! So excited for you and your backpacking trip that you are going to embark on tomorrow.
    You are brave, you are strong, you are courageous, you are a child of God!
    How did your trail ride go today? Did you enjoy zip-lining?!
    Dad had his surgery today and he is doing great! All is well!
    We love you and are so proud of you! See you soon!!

  16. Aunt Jess

    We are all praying for you and hope you have a wonderful time! We pray that the Lord’s strength would be with you!

  17. Joan Haagsma

    Buppa and I are praying that you continue to have a great time. You are learning so much about horses! I saw you with Caspian! You looked like a pro! We love you, lady!

  18. Gretchen Burk

    LAST NIGHT!!! YOU MADE IT! Wooo hoooo! Must feel so good coming into the home stretch of a long fun-filled and challenging week! I am proud of you.
    I pray you found a little more of Jesus …a little more JOY ….and some peace and strength from Jesus to carry you on as you go back home.
    The leaders you are with care very much about you, Allyson!
    Happy last night on the trail-


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