Bailey is a brave young lady with a never give up attitude. Pray Bailey will experience God’s goodness at camp. She will learn to walk in His light and follow the path God has for her. She will trust in God’s plan for her life and continue forward with God’s strength and love within her […]


  1. Stephanie agosto

    Hi Bailey!! Me and Your sisters hope you had a great first day!. We seen you did a great job on the wall. I miss you already. I hope you get some good sleep tonight and ill be sure to make the live tomorrow. Love you sweet heart. Lots of hugs and kisses. Your sisters said to tell you they love and miss you. I cant wait to hear how its going.

    • Stephanie agosto

      Good morning my girl :). I hope you got some good sleep. Enjoy breakfast,
      I look foward to seeing on LIVE tonight. Lots of hugs and kisses. Have a great day bailey. Muah i love you so so much lol.

    • Sky sarah

      Hey Bailey…..”Blaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Haha I hope you still remember this. Me and Skylette say hello and we love you so so so so so so so so much!!!

  2. Stephanie Agosto

    I hope you had a great first day!! I love and miss you so much. Ill
    Make sure to make the LIVE tomorrow. But i seen you on the wall. You seem like your having fun.
    I cant wait to hear all about it! Your sisters said to tell you they love and moss you. I hope you get some good sleep tonight hun and that you have good day tomorrow. Good night my sweet girl. I love you….lots of hugs and kisses.

    • Bailey

      Thank you mom I love you so so much you are the best I miss you so much I have fun I miss you have a good time and tell my sisters I love them to and Steph Jo bye I love you bye

      • Pat agosto

        God’s giving us a beautiful day bucky bucky. Enjoy what he has made.

      • Stephy Jo

        My girl Bailey 🥰

        So proud of you! Can’t wait for a beach day when you are home!
        🩷❤️🩵 we love you

        Hi Bailey (that’s Seleyna)

      • Stephanie

        hi sweetie 🙂 how is your day going? I miss you so so much. Im glad your having a good time. I cant wait to give you lits of hugs and kisses my girl. Muah muah muah lol. Love you hun.

  3. Janene Schroeder

    Hi Bailey!
    I am so proud of you for going to RR! It is such an amazing program. I hope you had a fun first day and night! You are such an incredible girl and I know you’re going to learn so many wonderful things this week! Listen with your heart to everything they share with you. Love you, girl!

    Mrs. Schroeder

  4. Stephy Jo

    Hi Bailey, hope your first day/night was great! I can’t wait to hear all your stories when you’re back. Love ya

  5. Aunt Sarbear

    Hi Bailey! I miss you so much and your cousins miss you and we all love you! I really hope you are having the best time ever, making new friends, and spreading the love and joy that you have inside. You are so special to us all and a wonderful niece, so funny and helpful and sweet and beautiful. Keep an open mind and a happy attitude and your great laugh and smile and have a good time. We will see you soon baby girl!

  6. Pat agosto

    Bailey have a great time and shine like the star u r. Love ya

  7. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Bailey…how was your first FULL day of camp? Looks like you guys are having a great time. Praying today for God to show you that you are safe and surrounded by friends and staff who love you.
    Can’t wait to see all the fun you’ll have tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻
    Gretchen (prayer partner)

  8. Sandy Marsman

    Hey Bailey! It looks like you are having so much fun at camp! Aren’t the leaders there amazing? They are the best and they’ll teach you so much! Hold onto everything you learn and take it with you when you leave camp. You’ll be forever changed!! I’m so proud of you for going! Did you get to ride horses today? What has been the best thing about camp so far? I cant wait to watch another live video! I’m praying for you everyday that you’re there!

    • Bailey

      I did get to ride the horse I love them and the best thing so for in camp to go swimming I love doing that it is so fun I miss you so much you are the best bye

      • Stephy jo

        Riding a horse is so cool B I love that for u!!!

  9. Pat agosto

    Hi bailey…love you

  10. Mrs. Schroeder

    Hi Bailey! I’m so glad to hear you are having so much fun! You looked pretty comfortable on your horse. I’m proud of you! I hope you are making some good friends and learning so much from the leaders. Have a great night!

    Mrs. Schroeder

  11. Sandy Marsman

    Swimming there looks so fun! Hopefully you got to go again today! It looks like you did so much today! I got to see you on your horse. Do you love riding? What’s your horses name?

    I’m glad you’ve been able to get into the Bible and start reading too! I love that we can get all of our tough questions answered that way!

    You should be so proud of yourself for being at the Ranch and going so far out of your comfort zone! God has you here for a reason, and He has such amazing plans for your life, Bailey!

    So proud of you! ❤️

  12. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Bailey! My name is Sharon and we met when you and your Mom visited the Remembrance Ranch office in March. I am so happy to see you having so much fun at camp! Are you having fun with your horse? What is your horse’s name? It is so cool you are finally at camp enjoying all of the amazing experiences! What has been your favorite activity so far?

    Tomorrow you start the hike. I know you might be a little nervous, but I also know God will give you strength and courage every step of the way! Be proud of the amazing young lady you are and be proud of all the amazing things you are accomplishing this week!

    I will be praying for you and you step out on the trail. Enjoy all of the amazing scenery and experiences! God has BIG plans for you Bailey! You are a beloved daughter of the King! I am so proud of you!

  13. Hailee

    Hey queen your doing great I love u see Sunday beautiful

  14. Stephanie agosto

    Hi Bailey, you looked pretty good on that horse. Im so happy you are having fun seems like you are making lots of friends. We miss you so much Monday cant come soon enough. Your going to do great back packing trip. Its such a awesome experience and it gives you such an Accomplishing feeling. I hope you sleep good tonight. Here Trinity lol….

    Hi Bailey its Trin we are so bored with out you I cant wait for you to get back. Miss you have fun on your hike. Love you

  15. Sandy Marsman

    Good morning, Bailey!! I’ve been praying for you as you head out on the trail. I’m praying that this will be an experience that changes your life forever. You will be so blessed to be out on the beautiful trail and be able to experience all of God’s greatness. Praying you hear His voice through the counselors, your devotion time, and through those around you! He loves you so much and has such great plans for your life. Enjoy challenging yourself! You’ll be so proud when you finish the trail! You got this!

  16. Stephyjo

    Bailey girl!!!! Just commenting to say hello 🥰 love that you are spending so much time outside in nature!!! Hope your still loving it

    Everyone misses you đź©·

  17. Mrs Schroeder

    Hi Bailey!

    By now you are on the trail! I have been praying for strength, endurance and that you keep an open mind to all that you will experience and learn. There is so much beauty you will experience on your hike! I pray your heart feels so much love and sees so much beauty that you have no doubts that God loves you so much and has big plans for your life. I am so proud of you!!

  18. Pat agosto

    Hi Bailey, glad ur having fun. Can’t wait to c u. Love gramma


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