Enjoys being outside and thrives in Equine riding. Carson struggles with anxiety and trusting others. Pray Carson can surrender his fears and will fully trust in God’s love and guidance for his life. Pray he will know a transformative relationship with Jesus.


  1. Steve Quakkelaar

    Carson, I am so excited for you as you plan and prepare for this trip. Know that I am and will continue to pray for your preparations and when you are on the trip. I pray that God will calm any fears or anxiety you may have about going on this trip. Even more than that, I pray that you will experience a powerful peace and a sense of wonderful adventure.

    • Steve Quakkelaar

      Good day, Carson,
      You made it to camp and had your first overnight. You did it. God has you where you are at this time to do exactly what you are doing. Today I pray you are resting in the goodness of God and what he is doing in your life. Have a great day!

      • Carson

        thank you for praying I appreciate it and ill be praying for you to have goodnight and morning

  2. Steve Quakkelaar

    On this night before you leave on your trip, I pray for rest and sleep for you. Trust that the leaders are prepared, you are prepared and that God is going before you to prepare an awesome trip for you. Sleep well.

    • Steve Quakkelaar

      Good Tuesday to you young man. I hope you had some relief from the heat yesterday. How did archery, hatchet throwing, and horseback riding go?

      Today I pray that your pack carrying this week pays off on the Manistee River Trail.

  3. Carson

    Thanks Steve for the 🙏 compliment. I appreciate it I will have good time you to have a good time.

    • Kelly wallace

      Hi Carson it’s grandma Kelly I hope you’re having an amazing time and that you can develop a deep relationship with Jesus! You have an awsome testimony already! I love you and am praying for a great time and that you will meet new friends.

  4. Eric

    So happy to see you out with the horses today, Carson! Can’t wait to hear more about the one that you got to ride about. I hope that your first day of camp has been grand. Jealous about all the good food you’re likely having up there!

    Chat to you soon!
    – Eric

    • Carson

      Thanks I love you. ill see you sumday when I get back

      • Steve Quakkelaar

        Wow, swimming, good food, horses, church outside, what a day! Throw in some new friends on top, God is good.

        My prayer for you today is to see God in the nature around you and in the people around you.

        Have a wonderful day. I’m low key kinda jealous of all the fun things you are doing.

        • carson

          Thanks Steve you to I’m having a very good time
          I hope you are to!

  5. Alex Perry

    Hey Carson! I hope you’re having an amazing time at camp! I can’t wait to hangout and catch up on everything, it’s been a while!

    • Carson

      Hey dude I am having a good time I hope you are to see you soon

  6. Mike DeKuiper

    Hey Carson! Mike here – coming up to hang out with you guys on Wednesday to go on the hike. Super cool to see you guys hopefully having a fun time up there. Looking forward to hanging out with you this weekend, and keep up the great work!

    • carson

      Thanks, excited to see you

  7. Eric

    Hey Carson!

    I hope you’ve been having a great day at camp and keeping cool in the heat. Praying that the week continues with safety, good weather, and lots of fun activities!

    Love you!

    P.S.: My parents say hello! 😀

    • Carson

      Thanks I am to I hope you are
      To love you see you soon

  8. Walter Zelichowski

    Hello Carson!

    We are so happy that you seem to be having a great time at camp. Looks like you’re getting to engage in lots of fun activities! As your group heads out on the hike, please know we are praying for you and that we can’t wait to hear about your week when you are home!

    – Ms. Kathy and Mr. Walt

  9. Eric Zelichowski

    Hey Carson!

    Sorry I wasn’t able to jump on the Facebook Live this morning to see what you all are up to. The early morning ones are harder for me to watch since I’m working until after midnight most nights.

    I hope you had a great day and got to do lots of fun things. If I remember right, you are heading out on the trail tomorrow? I hope you have a blast! Please know I will be praying for you each day, as I have been already. The adventure may be a challenge, however, I think you’ll manage well. 🙂

    Love you and miss you!

  10. Eric

    Hello Carson,

    We are so proud of you! You have made it through day one of the hike! You’ve got this. Sending you love and big hugs!

    Mr. Walt, Ms. Kathy, and Eric


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