Destiny loves music of all kinds and enjoys playing the keyboard and guitar. Destiny struggles academically. Pray Destiny will be more motivated to attend school and she will have a more supportive environment to pursue her passions and reach goals.


  1. Hillary weaver

    Destiny you are such an awesome kid. You have a challenge from me to jump out of your comfort zone, smile at people and know you are made in gods image and he loves you always.

    • Andreana Athena Abdalla

      Thank you for all you’re help

  2. Mrs. Schroeder

    Hi Destiny!!

    I am SO proud of you for.going to RR! I know you are going to love it, but I also know it is taking you out of your comfort zone! We often grow the most when we take steps to challenge ourselves. You’ve got this! You are such an incredible girl! I pray that while you are there you learn more about yourself and our amazing God who loves you and has a purpose for you. We all know you can do great things and I’m praying you learn so much from all the leaders this week! Have a great time! Love you, girl!!

    • Andreana Athena Abdalla

      You have been such an amazing teacher! You have beyond teacher duties and has been a family friend. Thank you for you’re dedication to my daughter.

  3. Sandy Marsman

    Hey Destiny!! It was awesome to see your amazing smile and you laughing so much on the live video! It made me smile seeing you! I hope you are having so much fun, and I’m so proud of you for going to the Ranch! I’m praying for you everyday, and I’m praying for your sweet leaders too. They are all so incredible and you can trust them! They will teach you so much this week that you can take home with you and remember forever! God created you perfectly, Destiny! He loves you so much, and He brought you to the Ranch specifically because He has so many great plans for your life! I can’t wait to see more videos of all you’re doing at camp!! Have a great time!

  4. Andreana Athena Abdalla

    You have been such an amazing teacher! You have beyond teacher duties and has been a family friend. Thank you for you’re dedication to my daughter.

  5. Andreana Athena Abdalla

    Hi Destiny!!! Mama is SO PROUD of you!!! I have been watching and I think I have figured it how to get in Facebook live and will be on watching my baby girl!! Mama misses you and can’t wait to hug you!

  6. Mrs. Schroeder

    Hi Destiny! I’m hope you are having so much fun! You looked pretty comfortable on your horse. I’m proud of you! I hope you are making some good friends and learning so much from the leaders. Have a great night!

    Mrs. Schroeder

    • Destiny

      Thank you for your kind words Mrs.Schroeder. I have created friendships with every girl here and the horses have been a lot of fun. Talk to you later

  7. Gretchen Burk

    Hello Destiny….
    My name is Gretchen and I’m a prayer partner for Remembrance Ranch.
    I’ve been following the blog for your week at camp and it looks like you’re off to a great start. I pray you are having fun, making friends with the girls and horses, and praying that you grow in Jesus.
    Keep up the smiles and bravery you got going on, girl!!!
    You got this!

    • Destiny

      Hi Gretchen thank you for being my prayer partner I have been having a lot of fun with the girl and the horses i am excited for the trail tomorrow. Please keep praying for me.

  8. Danielle

    Hi Destiny!!
    How has your week been going! I’m so proud of you!
    What is your horse name?
    I’m praying you make great connections with the other girls and that you have fun on the trail!

    What has been your favorite meal been so far at Cran Hill?

    • Destiny

      Hi Danielle. Thank you for your message. My favorite meal has been chicken tenders. omega is the name of my horse. Pray for me as we start our hike tomorrow

  9. Sandy Marsman

    How’s it going Destiny? It looks like you’ve had a busy day! How do you like your horse? It’s so cool that you’ve got to spend so much time with them! I love seeing you get out of your comfort zone and push yourself! You should be so proud of everything you’ve achieved already this week!

    It sounds like you’ve already been able to get into the Bible and start reading! That’s awesome because all of our tough questions can be answered for you now that you know where to look. God is so good, Destiny! He has you here because He has so much to teach you.

    So proud of you! ❤️

  10. Mrs. Schroeder

    Hi Destiny!! It looks like you’re having tons of fun! You also looked like such a natural on your horse! What is your horses name? What has been your favorite part? I hope you’re making lots of new friends and learning so much from your leaders! I’m so, so proud of you!! Have a great night!!

  11. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Destiny! My name is Sharon and I am a prayer partner with Remembrance Ranch. I am praying for you this week as you do so many new things at camp! I know many are really fun, but also challenging! Praying God gives you the strength you need each day and you feel His love guiding you every step of the way! He is such a faithful and loving God!
    How cool you attended the rodeo last night! Looks like you had so much fun! Are you enjoying riding your horse?
    The hike portion is coming up soon. The hike will be challenging but so much fun! Enjoy every minute experiencing all the cool sights and experiences on the trail! You’ve got this!! Can’t wait to see pictures while you hike! Have fun! Proud of you!

  12. Hailee

    Heyy girll see u Sunday are the best and your so silly!!

  13. Gretchen Burk

    Good evening, Destiny! Another day down at camp! Everything you’ve done this week is leading you and helping you to get ready for the TRAIL! Wooo hoooo! I am so excited for you and the girls and am trusting that The Lord will give you the strength and endurance you need to succeed! You can do this…lean on Him…on your new friends and counselors and enjoy God’s BIG BEAUTIFUL world! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

  14. Andreana Athena Abdalla

    You’re Dad are so proud of all you have accomplished already! We can’t wait to see you and miss you very much!

  15. Sandy Marsman

    Good morning Destiny! I’m praying for you as you head out on the trail! This will be the most amazing experience for you! I know it will be so hard, but you can do anything you put your mind to. Stay strong, and listen to God while you’re out there! You’ll hear him through your devotion time, through the counselors, and throughout the trail. It’s going to be awesome! ❤️

  16. Mrs Schroeder

    Hi Destiny!

    By now you are on the trail! I have been praying for strength, endurance and that you keep an open mind to all that you will experience and learn. I am also praying that your ankle doesn’t hurt at all while you’re hiking! There is so much beauty you will experience on your hike! I pray your heart feels so much love and sees so much beauty that you have no doubts that God loves you so much and has big plans for your life. I am so proud of you!!

  17. Gretchen Burk

    LAST NIGHT!!! YOU MADE IT! Wooo hoooo! Must feel so good coming into the home stretch of a long fun-filled and challenging week! I am proud of you.
    I pray you found a little more of Jesus …a little more JOY ….and some peace and strength from Jesus to carry you on as you go back home.
    The leaders you are with care very much about you, Destiny!
    Happy last night on the trail-


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