Cares for others and always willing to help. Significant emotional struggles from past trauma. God will make his presence known and Hailee’s heart will be filled with His comfort and peace. God’s transformative power will be at work in Hailee’s life.


  1. Kelly P

    Hailee we all love you an I am glad to see you was having fun. Love mom..

    • Kelly P

      Good afternoon Hailee just wanted to jump in and say hi and you can do this you put your mind to anything and fight through the fear we are all here for you and know you can do this day by day it will get better looking forward to seeing you live today.

      (Love mom & sister Faith)

    • Frank-big brother

      Hailee it’s your brother have a great time this is a very good program for you have fun

      • Frank-big brother

        Hello Hailee it’s brother I bought you and faith a pool so you get to hop in after your trip

    • Frank Britt

      Hi Hailee it’s brother I love seeing you having fun injoy the little things

      • Kelly P

        Hailee I love you and I’m so proud of you Ghost and I are rooting for you !! I can’t wait to hear about the great experience you had you got this big hugs
        Love your big sister KayleAnn and brother in law Ghost.

        write this for your big sister her blogging is not working

        • Hailee

          See u tomorrow love u

      • Emaleigha

        Hi Hailee this is Emaleigha your sister I hope you are have fun with ever at the camp and enjoy your camp it is fun for you u be want to do this u be tell me everday u are excited to go to camp and now u are there hope you are have a fun time love u hailee

      • Aunt Angel

        Hi girl I hope you stay there so you can have a lot of fun I wish I was there I love Horses we all love you just now we are Rooting for you.sunday you come home not to long I know you can do it when you get home Sunday hope to see you at gun lake for Father’s day I am so proud of you ❤️ 💗 💙 💖 ♥️ 💕

    • Angel

      Hailee this aunt angel I hear you want to come home I just want to let you know I am proud of you I see you have a lot of friends you got this girl 4 days left you can do it ema’leigha said she was to do it next year so I am going to find out how to singe her up but you got it you can do it love you

      Aunt angel

  2. Denise A Parks

    Grandma is proud of you staying with the girls and having fun I will see you on tomorrow I new you could do it love gram Hugs

    • Frank-big brother

      Hello Hailee this is your brother just letting you know I love you and you’ll be fine I would love to do something like this kid so get your head in the game you will be the first one to read my message so if you don’t read my message I’m going to 1v1 you in basketball 🏀

  3. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Hailee…my name is Gretchen and I’m a prayer partner for Remembrance Ranch. You will be in my thoughts and prayers this week as you take on Cran Hill and the trails. I’m praying specifically for new friendships to be made and for fun times at camp. One day at a time and one step at a time …you can do it!

  4. Hillary weaver

    Hailee you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know.

    You got this !!!!

    • Aunt Kristine, Uncle Mike, Kyra

      Hailee me and uncle Mike and Kyra I here to cheer you on you got this and it looks like a lot of fun we love you and hope your having a good time

      • Denise A Parks

        Hay hailee it’s gram we will be there tomorrow wensday to pick you up just keep good vibes and get a good night rest and have fun before we get there wensday love gram hugs bunches 💗 ❤️ 💖

        • Hailee

          See you love u too can’t wait!!

  5. Kelly P

    Hailee we are here supporting you on the sideline knowing you can get through this and have lots of fun with new friends and come out of the comfort zone you got a lot of good and safe people working with you and helping you through this you can do this you can do anything you put your mind to you know this you are strong you are brave and I want to hear all about it when you get home.

    (Love mom & sister Faith)

    • Gretchen Burk

      Hi Hailee…how was your first FULL day of camp? Looks like you guys are having some fun and getting settled in. Praying today for God to show you that you are safe and surrounded by friends and staff who love you.
      Can’t wait to see all the fun you’ll have tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻 Hang in there!

    • Frank-big brother

      Mom put the new pool up for you and faith come home soon

  6. Denise A Parks

    Hello Hailee this is gram we all love you SWEETIE and please have fun there and keep smiling and you’re safe there and the girls will walk you through and the worker’s have fun love ya very much 💗 💖

    • Kayleann

      Hailee you’re so awesome and so brave I am so excited to hear all about you experience Ghost and I are rooting for you we have been watching the facebook lives and are so proud of you have a great time

    • Kayleann

      Hi Hailee it’s sissy I am so proud of you for over coming your fears and sticking it out I can’t wait to hear about the good experience you had!!! Remember to smile Ghost and I are rooting for you love you

  7. KayleAnn

    Hailee I love you and I’m so proud of you Ghost and I are rooting for you !! I can’t wait to hear about all the fun experiences you had you got this!!!

  8. Kayleann big sister

    Hi Hailee it’s sissy I am so proud of you for over coming your fears and sticking it out I can’t wait to hear all about the good experience you had Ghost and I are rooting for you Love you!

  9. Denise A Parks

    Hello Hailee this is gram I hope you’re having fun and lot’s keep your head up you can do this and smiles with your camp experience and doing different things together with all the girls and team leaders love ya see you on video tomorrow

  10. Kelly P

    Hello beautiful Hailee today is another day down awesome job can’t wait to hear all about this journey that you are doing in life right now I am proud of you for sticking through it I know it’s not easy being away from home I am so proud of you

    (Love mom & Faith Allen AKA Dad And Ema’leigh)

  11. Sarah Butterfield

    Hi Hailee, my name is Sarah and I am one of your prayer partners! I wanted to send you a note and let you know that I am thinking of you and am so proud of you for taking this brave step in your journey! I pray that you can learn a lot about your strengths at camp and that you will make great new friends as well. Have a great day!

  12. Emaleigha

    Hello Hailee this is Emaleigha your sister u got this girl I now u do because u can make a lot of friends and make moments with them at camp so have fun with ur friends Hailee okay we all love u so much if u want to tell me everything after u are done with camp u can because we u come home for camp after it is all done everyone is going to be wanting for u okay so do not forget that everyone want u to have fun and do fun things with your friends and at camp to okay ever night for u go to bed Hailee look at your pictures of your family and say I can do this the are think of me right now and i am so proud of u okay have a nice time hailee okay

    • Loretta czarnecki

      Hi hailee auntie loves you hope your having fun love you big hugs

  13. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Hailee… my name is Sharon. We met when you came to visit the Ranch office for the first time in March. I am so happy you are at camp experiencing all the new adventures. I know it was scary to embark on this camp experience, but I just know you are going to have so much fun and learn so much! I am praying for strength and courage as you continue to take brave steps into so many new things! Are you having fun with your horse? What is your horse’s name? I saw a picture of you and your horse – you two look great together! Have so much fun Hailee!! I am so proud of you!!!

  14. Kelly P

    Hello my strong beautiful young lady I am proud of you you are doing wonderful hope you get a good night’s sleep and rest for the next day I know it’s been so long you been away from home I will see you soon and then you can tell me all about it and give me and sis a big hug we love you ❤️

    (Love mom & sister Faits)

  15. Kayleann

    Hailee it was so nice seeing you smile for the first time can you believe you beat Michelle in basketball !! Keep up the good work Hailee I know you’re struggling and missing home but you’re safe and all the girls are there to support you!!!
    I know you want to come home but I’m rooting for you to stick it out you are stronger than you know and braver than you think

  16. Aunt Kristine

    We hope your enjoying your time at camp and looks like a lot of fun auntie loves horses and I hope you got to enjoy what it feels like to care for a horse and all the other amazing things you never got to do we love you hailee you got this you can do this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  17. Sarah Butterfield

    Good morning Hailee! It looks like things are going pretty good at camp! What a great opportunity to experience so many fun and new things! You and the rest of the team continue to be in my prayers! I pray for great relationships to be formed and that you can see how God has created you PERFECTLY in His image. You are beautiful and strong and capable! Have a great day!


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