Caring and gentle with determination and grit to overcome hard things. Feel the love and protection of heavenly father to overcome anxious thoughts and will find strength is God’s promises and trust in His plan for her life.


  1. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Sofia…my name is Gretchen and I’m one of your prayer partners! Today you left for camp and you’re off to Cran Hill. You will be in my thoughts and prayers all week! I’m praying specifically for new friendships, trying out new things, and strength as you go through each day.
    I’m watching the blog and can’t wait to see all the fun and challenges!
    😊 Gretchen

  2. Hillary weaver

    Make lots of friends, try new food, jump out of your comfort zone and push yourself.

    You can do this!!

  3. Celena Delgado

    Hey soso,
    Have fun make lots of new friends!!! I can’t wait for you to come back so I can hear all about it!!! I love you very much!!
    ❤️Tia Nena😘

  4. Alexandra Pelayo

    Hey Sofia,
    I hope your having a great time and getting to start to try some new and exciting things. We love youuu!!!

    • Sofia

      I miss you and dad ,but I am having so much fun 🥹🥹🥹😘😘😘

  5. Grandma

    Hi SoSo, hope you’re enjoying camp! Have fun honey and enjoy everything to the fullest 💕 I love you and I’ll be watching 👀 talk to you soon.

    Love Grandma

    • Sofia

      I love you so much 😍😍😍

      • Grandma

        Looks like you are enjoying yourself honey…. That is wonderful I’m so happy you had a chance to go!! 💕💕

        • Sofia

          Thank you so much 😊😊

  6. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Sofia…how was your first FULL day of camp? Looks like you guys are having a great time. Praying today for God to show you that you are safe and surrounded by friends and staff who love you.
    Can’t wait to see all the fun you’ll have tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻

  7. Gretchen Burk

    Good evening Sofia…looks like you had a fun day at camp learning about horses and I think you took a swim test! I hope you are making some new friends and are enjoying God’s big outdoors!
    Rest up….another fun day tomorrow!

  8. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Sofia….how was working with horses today? I saw you went tubing down the river today, too! What a beautiful day out in God’s creation!
    Praying for you day and night!

  9. Sharon Bylsma

    Hi Sofia. My name is Sharon. We met at Remembrance Ranch way back in March when you and your parents came for a visit. I love that you are finally at camp and experiencing all the fun things! I love seeing all your smiles in the pictures! Are you having fun with your horse? What is your horse’s name? Today is the last day at CranHill already! Tomorrow you set out on the hike portion of your journey. I know God will give you all the strength you need! I pray you enjoy all of the amazing scenery and experiences on the trail. You are strong, brave, and made so perfectly in the image of God!! Enjoy the hike and be proud of all the new things you are accomplishing! I will follow along on the blog and I can’t wait to see pictures!!
    Proud of you!!!

  10. Hailee

    Hey bestie I miss u all ready but see u Sunday and u doing great keep it up and lm here!

  11. Gretchen Burk

    Good evening, Sofia! Another day down at camp! Everything you’ve done this week is leading you and helping you to get ready for the TRAIL! Wooo hoooo! I am so excited for you and the girls and am trusting that The Lord will give you the strength and endurance you need to succeed! You can do this…lean on Him…on your new friends and counselors and enjoy God’s BIG BEAUTIFUL world! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

  12. Gretchen Burk

    Trail time…how was day 1? I was praying for your backpack to not feel too heavy and every step you took for you to feel strong! Hope tonight you get some rest in your tent and that conversations around the campfire bring laughter!
    May you feel The Lord’s love, Sofia!
    Gretchen (Emma’s mom)

  13. Alexandra

    Happy Saturday Sofia ☺️
    We love you and got to see all the cool things you’ve been doing; we can’t wait to hear all about them. We can’t wait to see you tomorrow….Love you mija!

  14. Javon

    Hey Sofia,I hope your enjoying yourself! We miss you soso . I can’t wait to hear all about the trip I know you miss your family but that’s okay just have fun make lots of memories love you

    Tio jabon

  15. Gretchen Burk

    LAST NIGHT!!! YOU MADE IT! Wooo hoooo! Must feel so good coming into the home stretch of a long fun-filled and challenging week! I am proud of you.
    I pray you found a little more of Jesus …a little more JOY ….and some peace and strength from Jesus to carry you on as you go back home.
    The leaders you are with care very much about you, Sofia.
    Happy last night on the trail-


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