Cadence is in the 7th grade. Cadence is kind and caring. She enjoys acting things out, character play and puppets. Cadence is an only child. Cadence’s mother passed away when she was two years old and Cadence has been raised by her Grandma and Grandpa.
Hello Cadence . . . my name is Karen and I have already been praying for you.
I image you may be anxious and excited about going to the Ranch this coming Saturday. I’m praying for great weather and that you will make many new friends during your stay at camp!
I’m looking forward to seeing photos of your adventures and finding out what God has planned for you.
Have fun and enjoy God’s beautiful nature around you!
You’re the best! ~Karen
Thank you for praying for me
Hi Cadence . . . I hope your first day at camp has been fun! It sounds like you are having a campfire tonight and getting your Bibles too. Have fun singing songs, telling stories and making new friends.
Blessings to You! ~Karen
I’ve had lots of fun and I made 2 new friends
That’s wonderful to hear Cadence!
🙂 ~Karen
Hey cadence, this is Sophie’s mom. We sat at the same table for the dinner night! I just wanted to say hi and I hope your having a great time at camp!
I’m having a great time
Hey Cornflake, hope you are having a great time. I miss you and love you 😍. God has a perfect plan for your life and loves you so very much. You are a precious child of the one true king!! Love Guida
Hello weirdo I miss you too
Hi Cadence, I’m praying right now for you and all your fellow campers. I’ll be getting ready for church in a few minutes. You are going to have a great day. Just be your fabulous self. I love you…Guida
Hi Cadence, how is my Cornflake doing today? Have you gotten acquainted with your horse today? I hope he is kind to you. Have a great day. I love you
I went to outside church
I loved outside church when I was growing up. I realized God isn’t contained in a building, but lives inside of us. I love you 💘
Hello Cadence . . .
I hope you had a great time with the horses today . . . animals are wonderful! They are a lot of work but it’s worth it.
Did you get to ride your horse today? Do you get to ride them more than once?
Praying that you have another great day #3 at camp!
Blessings to You! ~Karen
I get to ride my horse all week it was a bit scary but it was fun
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I love you Sweetie Pete
I Love you too.
Hi Cadence, how are you doing today? Hope you’re doing well with your horse. What is it’s name. Is it male or female? We did Father’s day at Michelle and C.J.’s. Everyone said to tell you “hi”. I love you. Have a blessed night and rest in Christ’s love. Love Guida
It was a bit scary. Today I rode Bella but I might get a different one and on the last day we go on a long trail ride
Hi Candace! My name is Gretchen Burk! We were just riding in the car and I was wondering how the first day of camp is going! We are praying for you and excited to see what God has planned for you!
The first two days have been great
Good night Sweetie Pete. I love you and miss you. Sweet dreams.
Yeah it was a out side area with a stage we also sang a song you know I just can’t remember the name of it
Good night Gracie
Hey sweetie!! We missed you yesterday at lunch. We had steak! Everyone got to go in 4 wheeler rides, even Guida!! We love you and miss you! Hope you’re having lots of fun. Don’t be scared to try new thing!
I miss you too. I have my own horse for the week then we go for an hour trail ride. Can’t wait to see you when I get home
Hi Sweetie Pete, how was the zipping? I wasn’t able to see everything. I know God will give you the strength and courage to be you. It doesn’t matter how far you get, just do your best and God will do the rest. I’m so proud of you. Sweet dreams Sweet one. Love Guida
I didn’t do the zip line it was way to high for me
Hi Cadence! I saw the video today of you doing the bow and arrow and hitting the target!! Way to go, Cadence!! So proud of you for trying all these new things! Sure looks like you are having lots of fun! What has been your favorite part so far?
My favorite part is down time and horse riding
Hi Cadence . . . I just looked at the video of your archery day . . . way to go shooting the turkey!
Keep on encouraging each other and use your Bible to journal in . . . I write all kinds of notes in mine and sometimes make drawings to go along with scripture. It’s a great way to enjoy God’s word and help you remember your favorite scriptures.
Can’t wait to see what your activities are at camp tomorrow. I’m keeping you and all the girls in prayer. ~Karen
Archery was really fun today I got to throw tomahawks
That does sound like fun!
Good morning Cornflake. I miss you and love you. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. I saw you shoot your arrows yesterday. Great job. Now I know who to hire to get our Thanksgiving turkey!! I’m praying for you and the others in your group. Love you 💘 Guida
Ccccccccaaaaaaddddddeeeeennnnncccccceeeeeeee!!!!!!!! We love you and hope you’re having a wonderful time!!! I started watching the video of your archery but had to stop and get the boys in bed then had to help cj with the camper. I’m going to try to finish watching it today. I can’t wait to see the part you hit the target!!
Elliott wanted to write you a message. Here it is:
B as I g duh rhythm if I don’t r have vg a it signed he erulhdho67u p 0lih4421qdsdssdofaaaA a d vvvvg had.
Have a wonderful day.
Ps. Elliott wants to know what kind of food you get to eat.
Hi, we had chicken for dinner tonight I can tell Elliott everything we had when I get back love you guys
TOMORROW IS TRAIL TIME! Woo hoo! This week has prepared you for the next few days on the trail! Lean into Him and let all the good from this week guide you & help you along the way. You are surrounded by some pretty amazing new friends who will be right there with you! Don’t forget to stop and look around at His awesome wilderness! And have a blast! I believe in you and believe you are up for this wonderful challenge! Can’t wait to read more posts and see what happens on the trail!
I will go hunting for the turkey when I get back lol
Hey, Sweetie Pete, how is it going? Aunt Kate and Jimmy are coming over for dinner tonight. May I tell them Hi from you? I hope you are doing good. How is your Horse? Have you worn her out yet? lol. I sure do love you
Have a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Tails to you. Love 💘 Guida
Love you, tell Aunt Kate and jimmy I say Hi, I don’t think I worn maisia out yet but I might have from all the trotting
Wow you are trotting already. That’s great. Glad you’re enjoying the horse riding. I’m so proud of you.
Papa says to tell you that he loves you and misses you. We had a good time today with Kate and Jimmy. But guess what? Who in the world would forget their purse and take off for Shipshewana!! I did all that shopping and no money!! I can laugh at myself. This also means I left my phone too. So I watched your live update when I got home. I pray for you often. I love you. May Jesus be your strength. I love you 😍
Lol did you still get the stuff
I hope you got to see the sunset tonight were you are, it was beautiful. God sure knows how to paint the sky!
Looking forward to hearing about your activities tomorrow.
Praying that God blesses your day! ~Karen
I get to see the sunset every night
Look like a great time! It’s so cool you get to go trail riding every day. I’d like to try throwing tomahawks some day.
We only when trial riding today, we did riding lessons everyday
Hello you don’t know me but you doing Amazing
Thank you
TOMORROW IS TRAIL TIME! Woo hoo! This week has prepared you for the next few days on the trail! Lean into Him and let all the good from this week guide you & help you along the way. You are surrounded by some pretty amazing new friends who will be right there with you! Don’t forget to stop and look around at His awesome wilderness! And have a blast! I believe in you and believe you are up for this wonderful challenge! Can’t wait to read more posts and see what happens on the trail!
I’m really excited for the trail
Hi Cadence I know you will be busy right now, but I wanted to tell you that I love you. I’ve been praying for you and the others as you are on this journey. It probably has gotten a little tough, but I know you are strong and brave. Plus God is always there for you..I’m proud of you for doing this. See you soon. I miss you and love you
Good morning Sweetie Pete. You are doing amazing things this week. I’m so proud of you. You are going to do great on the hike. Praying for you. May God be your strength. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don’t lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and he will direct your path. I love you. I know you will end well. Love Guida
Hello Cadence . . . I read about your partnered art project using only verbal directions yesterday and got to see your drawing! I am an artist so this activity would be right up my alley 🙂 it would be fun to participate with your group too.
I hope the rain holds off for your trail time today. If not, I’m sure you’re all having fun anyway! I enjoy traveling up north and exploring trails . . . there is something about being in the woods and seeing all God’s creations. Look up Psalm 104 in your Bible; the descriptions of nature is similar to the beginning of Genesis and God’s six days of creation.
Keeping you in Prayer!
Hi Cadence . . . Yay the rain stopped for a minute this afternoon! Stay warm and dry.
Praying for strength and perseverance for you and all the girls. Oh and good times to remember 🥳
You are awesome! ~Karen
Hey Sweetie Pete, I think of you all the time. I love you and miss you. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. It’s probably been tough out there on the trail, but I know you are strong and you are going to make it to the end. “He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it” . May the Lord be your strength today. See you soon. Love Guida