Creative young lady and a good friend to many. Better understanding of her emotions and being able to manage them in a healthier manner. God will provide wisdom to see the beauty and goodness in each day and the motivation to seek growth and change.


  1. Bethany

    We hope you are having the best time! It was great to see you rock climbing. I know you will love it and have so much fun. I cannot wait to hear about everything, especially the horses. We love you.

  2. Hillary weaver

    You are beautiful, a great friend, adventurous, playful, and a natural leader. Take the challenge of being a positive leader in something out of your comfort zone.

  3. Cheryl Kuyper

    Neriah have a wonderful time. Loved watching you climb the rock wall. Keep that smile on your face. So excited that you get to be at this camp.

    • Neriah

      I loved the rock climbing it was SO much fun, even when I did it like a thousand times

    • Neriah

      I miss you all tell the cousins that we are going to ride on the horses when they run and gallop in a circle

  4. Janene Schroeder

    Hi Neriah!!!
    I am SO proud of you for going to RR!! It is such an amazing program! I know you are so excited about the horses! I’m praying for you that you also learn so much about our amazing God while you’re there. You are such an incredible girl, Neriah! You have so many wonderful gifts and talents, such a big heart and you are a natural leader! I am praying you that you have such a great time! Love you, girlie!

    Mrs. Schroeder

    • Neriah

      Thank I miss you so much I wish that I could tell you all about but luckily I will have a chance to tell you because I will walk back to oakwood from middle school. You are the best teacher I have ever had I miss a lot I who’s I could do 5th grade again just to be with you

  5. Arica Adams

    Hi Neriah!
    I hope you’re having an amazing time so far! I can’t wait to hear all about it! Praying you make long lasting friendships! ❤️

  6. Bethany Kuyper

    Hey Neriah- the whole family says hi- grandma/ grandpa/uncle bry/ aunt Chelsea/ aunt Amy/ uncle Jared/ and all the cousins. We watched you ride the horse!

    • Neriah

      I miss you and I am having a good time. I did not get the horse I wanted but the horse was a little fussy but I got an even better horse than I thought I did. His name was Alfredo. I love you!

  7. Gretchen Burk

    Hi Neriah…how was your first FULL day of camp? Looks like you guys are having a great time. Praying today for God to show you that you are safe and surrounded by friends and staff who love you.
    Can’t wait to see all the fun you’ll have tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻
    Gretchen (prayer partner)

  8. Sandy Marsman

    Hey Neriah! It was so fun to watch you zip up the rock wall in the live video! You have no fear!! I’m praying for you everyday! You are such a natural leader, and I’m sure you’re making great new friends! Take time to listen to your amazing counselors! They are the best, and they will teach you so much that will change your life forever! God has such amazing plans for you! He created you perfectly and He loves you so much!! Have a blast sweet girl!!

    • Neriah

      Thank you so much I miss you a lot. I wish that I could go back to 5th grade just to see you again.

  9. Cheryl Kuyper

    Neriah we miss you but are so glad you get to go to this camp. It looks so fun and you are learning so many things! Love you!!!!!

  10. Bethany Kuyper

    Braylon and I are watching the videos every day. Alfredo looks like a great horse. You look so good riding. Can’t wait to hear all about it. We love you.

    • Neriah

      I love riding horses 🐎 so much and we learned how to 🏃🏾‍♀️ with them and mine was the fastest of all of them all 😂

  11. Cheryl Kuyper

    Hi Neriah, just saw you horseback riding and you look great!!!! What beautiful weather you are getting. Keep having fun. Love you!

  12. Mrs. Schroeder

    Hi Neriah! I’m so glad to hear you are having so much fun! You looked pretty comfortable on your horse. I love the name Alfredo…So cute! I’m proud of you! I hope you are making some good friends and learning so much from the leaders. Have a great night!

    Mrs. Schroeder

    • Neriah

      I miss you a lot but I am having a great time here. I wish the year did not end so fast 💨. 👁️,A, 🚪, 🫵

  13. Arica Adams

    Hi Neriah!
    I love that you have Alfredo! You look so natural on your horse! Praying you continue to grow and have fun!

  14. Sandy Marsman

    It was so fun to watch you riding your horse today! It looks like Alfredo listens well to you! I’m sure he loves you. ❤️

    What’s the best thing you’ve done so far? I can’t wait to watch the live tomorrow.

    I’m so glad you are already spending time in God’s word! He has you here for a reason, and He has so much to tell you through the Bible!

    Praying you are making great friends and having a blast! ❤️

  15. Jill


    Your mom told me about the awesome camp you are at and I am so excited for you! May you be reminded of God’s goodness and the beauty of his creation each and every day! ❤️

  16. Hailee

    Heyy see u Sunday are perfect and doing amazing 👏 💖!

  17. Neriah

    Thank you so much I did a lot of thins out of my comfort zone and I feel so brave thank you for all your help you thought me how to be a great friend to all, you will always be in my ❤️ always and you are my sunshine ☀️ you are always with me. Love neriah

  18. Lette Huisman

    Hi Neriah!

    I took a walk with your mom and Theo this week and she told me you were at camp! It sounds so fun, and she said you were doing so great with the horses! I hope you have a great time. It makes me smile to think of you being outside and riding horses and exploring all day long…it seems like so many things that you love!

    Have a great week! Praying for you and the other girls!

    Love, Lette

  19. Sandy Marsman

    Morning Neriah! I’m so excited for you to experience the trail! This will be such an awesome challenge and a huge achievement for you! You’re going to do amazing! I’m praying for you to be strong and listen to God’s voice in your devotion time and through your counselors! He has so much planned for your life and He loves you so much!!! Praying it’s amazing!

  20. Mrs Schroeder

    Hi Neriah!

    By now you are on the trail! I have been praying for strength, endurance and that you keep an open mind to all that you will experience and learn. There is so much beauty you will experience on your hike! I pray your heart feels so much love and sees so much beauty that you have no doubts that God loves you so much and has big plans for your life. He loves you so much, Neriah! I am so proud of you!! ❤️


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