Kiegan is grieving the loss of his father. Kiegan can become easily frustrated and has trouble regulating his behavior both at home and at school. Pray Kiegan’s experience at camp can be transformative.


  1. Deb mclennan

    Kiegan: I am so incredibly proud of you for making the choice to go! U can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures! When you come back I’ll have your bike all ready for you! I love you more than words can say.

    • Michelle

      Hey Kiegan,

      My name is Michelle. I am one of your prayer partners. I actually just got home from the girls trip. I can’t wait to see how God impacts you this week. You are about to experience so much. Did you work with your horse today? If so, what horse did you work with? I pray you sleep well tonight and begin to build strong relationships with the other boys and staff. It’s going to be a great week.

      • kiegan

        yes we got to work with our horses today and I got a hotse named caspian, and me week has been great so far and i’m looking forward to the rest of it

    • Tyler Huskey

      Hey buddy! Hope it’s going well. what has been your favorite part so far?

      • Kiegan

        Hey tyler,my favorite part has been the horses but we are done with them now

  2. Reese Mclennan

    Hey kiegan you’re so skibidi and sigma – Reese

    • Curt Weaver

      Hey bud, looking forward to meeting you guys on the Trail later this week. I heard your doing well at camp and watching the live feed seems like a ton of fun so far.

      • Kiegan

        yea it has been a lot of fun so far

  3. Kiegan

    thanks for the comments,I’m having a good time

    • Mom

      I hope your first night went well buddy! I miss you already but my heart is so happy knowing you’re having a great time! I’m sure Dad is looking down on you today and is sooooo proud you made the choice to go. I hope today is a great day for you and I can’t wait for the next Facebook live!!

      • Kiegan

        Hey mom, my first night did go great and I’m going back on the horses tomorrow, I love you

        • Russ

          Hi Kiegan: Praying for you young man and I know the Lord will bless you with perseverance in the heat and you will have a great time. He is going to give you wonderful memories from this camp outing also and make some good friendships.

  4. Reese Mclennan

    Hi kiegan you are doing amazing at camp and i have so happy for u

  5. Finn

    Hey kiegan I hope you are having a fun time!

  6. Dan

    I am very proud of you for choosing to go to camp! I know you will have a blast. Can’t wait to hear about it.


    • Kiegan

      Hey Dan, yes I am having a great time so far.

  7. Tyler H

    Hey Kiegan! Have fun at camp! I’m glad you went!! Love you bud have fun!

    • Kiegan

      Hey Tyler, I am having fun here at camp, I love you to

    • Mom

      Hi bud! I can’t wait for the Facebook live today! I’m so happy you get to ride horses again today! Will you be riding Alfredo again or a different one? I pray you are making lasting friendships there and are having a good time. I miss our late night chats and I can’t wait until they include stories of camp! I love you and am very proud of you.

  8. Michelle

    Hey Kiegan,

    My name is Michelle. I am one of your prayer partners. I actually just got home from the girls trip. I can’t wait to see how God impacts you this week. You are about to experience so much. Did you work with your horse today? If so, what horse did you work with? I pray you sleep well tonight and begin to build strong relationships with the other boys and staff. It’s going to be a great week.

  9. Marc McLennan

    Kiegan, I hope you have a great time at camp. Learn as much as you can while you’re there I’m proud of you. Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back. I love you!

    • Marc McLennan

      Kiegan, hope you had a good day today learning how to shoot a bow.

      • kiegan

        hey!, I had a great time today!

      • Mykael

        Hey Kiegs! Hope you’re having so much fun, I’m sure you’re crushing it! Love you so much❤️

    • kiegan

      yes Ill tell you all about it when I get home, I love you to

  10. Mike DeKuiper

    Hey Keigan! Mike here – coming up on Wednesday to hang out for the hike. I’m so glad you made it to our trip this year and love seeing what you’re doing up there and super jealous I can’t be there yet! Keep up the good work and I look forward to hanging out here soon! What horse did you get?!

    • kiegan

      hey!! I got a nice horse named caspian

      • Mom

        I saw you do the challenge with the paper around the barrel. That looked hard! You did great!

  11. Aunt Katie

    Kiegan, So happy you made the choice to go. I hope you are having a blast and I can’t wait to hear all about your horse. Uncle Andy and I are so proud of you! Love you tons!

  12. Michelle

    Hi Kiegan,

    Looks like you all are having so much fun. How did you do at Archery? Such a fun day filled with so many activities. What has been your favorite activity so far? I continue to pray you see God at work this week. Have a blast!

  13. Mom

    Hi bud!! I miss you! How’s it going? I saw you with the bow and you looked like you were doing great! Your bike will be fixed and delivered on Thursday!! Looking forward to watching you ride! Are you excited or nervous for the trail? I will be praying it goes good for you and you enjoy it! I love you so much!

  14. Briahna Elliott

    What’s up Kiegan! I’m glad you went on this amazing journey. You are a beautiful soul, with great passion. I know these experiences you are sharing with your peers will be one of the greatest moments of your adolescence, stay present and have FUNNN !

  15. Michelle

    Hey Kiegan,

    I hope you are having a so much fun. Thinking today is the day you went tubing down the river. What a great day for some time floating and relaxing. The river was pretty fast last week. How was it today? Tomorrow is your last full day at Cranhill. Praying you are enjoying all this trip has to offer. Trail Ride tomorrow. Make sure to teach the leaders all that you have learned about riding horses….they might need your help. I am praying for great weather. Stay cool… drink lots of water.

    God is at work in each of you!

  16. Marc Arnoys

    Kiegan –
    I was thrilled to hear that you are at camp right now! What an experience for you. I hope that you are having a blast and learning tons. I hope that you always remember how many people you have that care for you and will always be there for you.
    Have an amazing time. I hope that I get to hear all about your camp adventures!
    Mr Arnoys

    • Kiegan

      Hey, yes hopefully i get to tell you all about the camp

  17. Emily Rasmussen

    Hey Kiegan!

    I heard you made the decision to go to camp!! I am so happy and proud of you. I hope you are having the BEST time and look back at this experience with joy. We are thinking about you at BMS! We will continue to follow your journey.

  18. Stosija Cvrljevic

    Hey Kiegan!!

    I am so excited for you to see that you made the decision to go to camp! I hope you have an amazing time there and bring home with you memories to last a lifetime! I am proud of you but be so proud of yourself also for making the decision to go! That’s so incredible! I look forward to hearing about camp when you return!

  19. Dan

    I hope your week has been great so far. Four days in already! Enjoy your time in the outdoors. You will be blessed like crazy I know! That place is special.

    Have a blast!

    • Kiegan

      Yes i am having a good time and we are starting the hike of 11 miles tomorrow

  20. Ashton & Grace

    Hi Keigan,
    Ashton asked how’s it going,
    I also went to remberance ranch its very life changing I had the horse Bella tho I hope you are having a lot of fun on the horses the horses were my fav tho I didn’t do the guys version we did a lot of the same things the hike is the tiering part but you well be able to see a lot of the views and there’s a lot of fun involved we hope your having a lot of fun and maybe me Ashton and Jaylene will come to your welcome back. I know that it’s tiring but it’s worth it all just remember push through and keep trusting god! he’s always there even when you’re alone! -Grace sellers and Ashton

  21. Mr. Crete


    I am so proud to hear you have made it to camp! I hope you are having a great summer and I can’t wait to hear about it! I miss you in the halls!

    Fire Up, Go Eagles!

    Mr. Crete

  22. Mom

    Hi kiegan! Are you ready for the hike? Nervous? Just know that however you are feeling you are not alone. You’re over halfway through camp. I hope you’re loving it! I LOVE the Facebook lives so I get to see you and know you’re ok! Your bike will get delivered Tomorrow FIXED! I had to Karen but made it happen. 😉 love you!

    • Kiegan

      Yeah we have the hike tomorrow im nit really looking forward to it but it will be fun i think

      • Mom

        I know that’s the part you were most nervous about. I’m sure there will be parts that are hard but try to soak in the beautiful views and fishing. Hopefully you catch something you can eat! Home stretch! I’m proud of you!

  23. Marc Mclennan

    Kiegan, you’re doing amazing! I’m so proud of you! Good luck on your hike tomorrow and have fun!!

  24. Mr. Hoffman

    Take time to enjoy camp. Hopefully they have a gator for you to use. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

  25. Aunt Katie

    Kiegan, I love the photos from camp. I hope you are really enjoying all the adventures. Your hike is coming up soon and Uncle Andy wants to make sure you check out all the best fishing spots and report back. Can’t wait to see you when you get home! Love you dude!

  26. Mom

    Hey bud! I keep looking for messages from you. Hoping I get one tonight. I love you!

  27. Michelle

    Tomorrow is a big day! Time to hit the trail. I pray you see evidence of God throughout this trip. Remember to lean on him when things get difficult. He is with you, ready to lift all your burdens or struggles. I can’t wait for you to see the incredible beauty in the landscape HE created. Have fun! Embrace the hard and know that you are not alone. Praying for safety and good weather.

  28. Mr Hoffman

    Take your time to enjoy yourself at camp. Hopefully they have a gator for you to use

  29. Mr Arnoys

    I hope you are having an amazing time! You are a rock star. Enjoy!

  30. Mom

    It’s hike day!!! Praying for a smooth hike. Once you stay and get over the nerves I really think you’re going to love it! I can’t wait to hear all about it when I see you in three sleeps!

    • Mr. T


      I’m so proud of you for taking a step of courage and going to camp! You are a strong young man with a bright future. Never forget how many people love and care about you. Keep up your hard work and lean in to what you learn at camp. I heard about what you did this past weekend, and I’m so proud of you!

      Always rooting for you my friend,

      Mr. T

  31. Mom

    How was the first day of the hike!? I have not stopped thinking about you and praying for you.

  32. Mom

    How was the first night of camp?! You come home the day after tomorrow! Only a couple days left. Make sure you soak it all in. I can’t wait to hear all about it. I love you so much.

  33. Mom

    Kiegan. When you wake up tomorrow (now probably today) you get to say “I get to see my mom tomorrow” I’m overwhelmed with emotion that you decided to take this journey and I can’t wait to hear all about it! I pray that this last full day goes good for you and that you’ve learned a lot along the way. I’m proud of you.


  34. Mom

    Tomorrow! You’re coming home tomorrow! You did it!!! I’m so proud of you! Soak in this last day and all God has to offer. I love you!


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