Getting Close!

Hello!  I am so excited for Monday!  Let me give all of you a quick recap of what has happened thus far and what will happen next week!  So far, each of our 6 teens have been partnered with a prayer warrior who has already started praying for them and...

Reminder to Parents/Guardians!

Hey Parents/Guardians!I wanted to remind you all of the medication policy for camp! Please remember to bring only the amount of medication that will be needed for your child’s time at the ranch. (Example: if your child takes a medication once per day, please...


Hi Everyone!! Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Jenn Harrod, therapists for the WAR Program at Remembrance Ranch! I am SUPER excited to leave in a week for this life changing event, but wanted to give you an update on what I have been working on so far:We have...

So pumped!

I am excited to get into the lives of these kids. I know the value of being told that everyone deserves a second chance at making good choices. I was a rebellious fool for most of my younger life, but there comes a time when we have to say enough is enough and change...