

Max is 12 years old. Max’s birthday is July 9.  Max is a good student and does well in school. His favorite subject is History. Max participates in band and plays the trombone. Max loves outdoor activity, he enjoys hiking, biking, going to the beach, playing soccer...
Jayden B.

Jayden B.

ayden is 12 years old. Jayden’s birthday is August 22.  Jayden is a gifted athlete and is very involved in sports.  Jayden is doing well in school academically and maintains good grades.


Cooper is 12 years old and is in 6th grade.  Cooper’s birthday is April 2.  Cooper is a very gifted athlete for his age. He has a competitive spirit and enjoys playing basketball and baseball.  Cooper does well in school and has good relationships with his teachers...


Tony is 11 years old and is in 5th grade. Tony’s birthday is May 12.  Tony is a friendly, polite and shy young man.  Tony does well in school, his favorite subject is math.  Tony’s favorite sport is soccer and basketball.  At home Tony enjoys playing video...


Alex is 11 years old and is in the 5th grade. Alex’s birthday is November 17. Alex has good attendance at school and gets good grades. His favorite subject in school is Science.  Alex loves to read and play video games.