As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of these teenagers and their families. Whether you have a passion for mentoring, assisting at events, or simply the outdoors, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference.
If you’re unsure of how to get started, don’t worry! Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re interested in volunteering your time, skills, or resources, we welcome your support! Together, we can make a lasting difference in our mission to transform lives.

Be part of the team
Make a Meaningful Impact
Support & Build Our Communities
Grow Personally & Spiritually
Camp Staff
Looking for adults who love God and want to share that passion with youth Attend pre cap trainings Atte nd Family Day functions Attend camp for the full duration of ones commitment Attend a minimum of 4 follow up events over the next 10 months Help mentor and guide teens through their experience at camp Share personal testimony Camp staff must be in relativel y good physical health to participate in any backpacking hiking adventures Work well with a team of like minded individuals Love the outdoors Past experience working with teens
Meal sponsors for Life Skills, Community Service, etc.
Sack Lunches for camps Snacks Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Chips, Condiment s Pizza for events Snacks for events
Community Service Volunteer
Assist lead staff with teens by: Assisting and holding teens to service expectations Listen atten tively Be respectful to self and others while they are working Do not allow teens to be a distraction Model proper attitude by showing respect to fellow staff, host agency staff and teens Intervening with teens who are not following expectations or show ing an appropriate level of respect for leaders or peers
Assist Lead Staff in the proper execution of projects and tasks Transportation Transporting teens to or from events Driving Ranch Vehicle or personal vehicle Copy of Drivers license
Leading or writing devotion for specific e vent Devotions are set up to reflect the work being done
Report any inappropriate behavior to event lead
Lifeskill Volunteer
Assist lead staff with teens by: Assisting and holding teens to Life Skill expectations List en attentively Be respectful to self and others during the events Do not allow teens to be a distraction to presenter or other teens. Model proper attitude by showing respect to fellow staff, host agency staff and teens Intervening with teens who are not following expectations or showing an appropriate level of respect to presenter, leaders or peers
Assist Lead Staff in the proper execution of projects and tasks (if applicable) Training may be available prior to Life Skill to help better equip volunteers t o support staff
Transportation Transporting teens to or from events Driving Ranch Vehicle or personal vehicle Copy of Drivers license
Leading or writing devotion for specific e vent Devotions are set up to reflect the work being done
Report any inappropriate behavior to event lead
General Events Volunteer
Assist lead staff with teens by: Repeating Expectations to smaller groups or assigned teams Assisting and holding teens to Event expectations Listen attentively Be respectful to self and others during the event Do not allow teens to be a distraction to presenter or other teens Model proper attitude by showing respect to fellow staff, host agency staff and teens Intervening with teens who are not following expectations or showing an appropriate level of respect to presenter, leaders or peers
Assist Lead Staff in the proper execution of projects and tasks (if applicable) Training may be available prior to Life Skill to help better equip volunteers to support staff
Transportation Transporting teens to or from event s
Leading devotion before event Devotions are set up to reflect the Life Skill being taught
Report any inappropriate behavior to event lead
Child Care | Parent Academy/Bible Study
Time expectations, 2 hours during Bible Study and Parent Academy Eat and mingle with the families from 6 – 7pm Bible Study 7 – 8pm
Providing childcare to children under the age of 11 by: Playing age – appropriate games Coloring in books or on approved material Watching faith based or G – rated videos
Care givers will not be expected to deal with any diaper changing or other bodily fluids Parents may be removed from parent session to assist in any outrageous behavior or hygiene issues
Care givers will be given the option to sign up on a monthly rotation It is expected volunteers will be on time and stay the duration of the event unless other arrangements have been made with RR administration prior to the event
Transportation | Parent Academy/Bible Study
Drivers needed to help transport teens to and from events Driver’s license number required by interested drivers for anyone driving a RR vehicle Dash Cameras will be issued to drivers transporting teens with their spouse, or while no other staff is present See transportation section in RR manual
Drivers will be reimbursed for miles driven while driving to transport teens to events
Bible Study Writer | Parent Academy/Bible Study
Bible studies are written monthly based on the topic of the year as assigned by RR Administration Program Manager will share template and purpose with author s Bible Studies are written in such a way as to incorporate discussion with Q&A sections throughout the Study
Bible Studies must tie relevant issues in our everyday life to the specific story being told Bible Verses should be on the paper to be distr ibuted to the group. (since most boys do not bring their bibles) Teens are asked to read verses out loud in the group
Bible Study Volunteer | Parent Academy/BibleStudy
Write Devotions and Bible studies and assist with topics Leading the bible Study Leading a game for the night Assist lead staff with teens by: Assisting and holding teens to Bible Study expectations Listen attentively Be respectful to others while they are sharing Do not allow teens to be a distraction Model proper attitude by showing respect to fellow staff, and teens Intervening with teens who are not following expectations
Assist Lead Staff in the delivery of Bible Study : By sharing perso nal experiences Leading the reading Or asking deeper questions to help give teens better understanding of material discussed
Keep theology and philosophy at an age – appropriate level for the teens Report any inappropriate behavior to event lead It is expected volunteers will be on time and stay the duration of the event unless other arrangements have been made with RR administration prior to the events
Food Prep | Parent Academy/Bible Study
All food prep is to be coordinated through the executive meal coordinator – aka Kathy Hanes Volunteers to cook for up to 80 people Pick one month of the year to cook for Kitchen clean up
Event Set Up & Tear Down | Parent Academy/Bible Study
- Tables and Chairs
Want to
Our Volunteer applications are always open. Click the button below to apply now!