Aleena is 14 years old. Aleena’s birthday is May 11. Aleena is returning to camp this year as Junior Leader of the Girls W.A.R. camp. Aleena is a very adventurous, intelligent and creative young lady. Aleena has grown so much in her faith and personal relationship with Christ over this past year.
GIRL!!! I am oh so proud of you and know that God is going to do some amazing things in and around you this next week and throughout the year. Praying for you girl to remember how deeply your Creator loves you and have some incredible plans for your life!! Much Love!!!
I am so beyond honured to be here I’m so happy Thankyou so much for helping to make this possible!
Tomorrow you come home, and I want you to know how amazing you are!! I am so proud of you for putting yourself out there, and trying something new. I am sure you grew in ways you never thought you could. I bet you learned some new leadership skills and provided hope and light for the girls around you. I love you babe!
Sweet, sweet Aleena… we are so proud of you and how much you continue to shine. Your love for God, your family and for you is shared through your heart of gold. We are praying God helps guide you as you share his love with others. We love you so much.
Grandma and Grandpa
I love you guys so much!!!
Oh my word….Aleena! I was so excited to see your picture on the Blog page! I’m so proud of you for coming back as a Junior Leader! You’ll be so amazing for these girls to guide them and teach them what you’ve learned over the years. I can’t wait to see you at send off and give you a huge hug….I miss your sweet smile!
Oh my goodness Mrs . Marksman I’m so happy to see your name on my page you have definitely set the bar for future teachers to this day I still think of you! I’m so exited to See you ! Thankyou so much for writing to me !
Ahhh….you’re so sweet! I remember great talks in the hall and lots of hugs from you!! Such awesome memories! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
I’m so proud to have a teacher like you that’s there when I’m broken and stays for the process of my rise ! You and Mrs. shcroder both! I can’t Thankyou enough for simply being there for me you can never know the difference it made!
I am encouraged that you’ve entered this race; my hope is that you leave this experience with the principles (the basic need-to-know) skills to not only survive, but thrive!
As you work on you, everything else around you will make sense!
Yes I am so exited Thankyou so much!!!!
Sweet Beautiful Aleena , I know we don’t know each other well but Im so proud to see you taking this journey. We need more young people to learn to travel in Life with God . I Love you and sending prayers for all of you girls my you grow in your journey closer to each other as well as our Creator.
Hi Aleena!! I’m so proud of you!!! How exciting that you are coming back to the Ranch as a leader! I will be praying for you during your trip! Let your light shine bright…..I know you will be such a blessing to the other girls!
❤️- Mrs. Schroeder
I’m so happy to have such a blessing to have a person like you in my life that comes in when I’m broken and gets me resources I need to lift me and continues to stay for the process and now Look at me! Thankyou so much ! I miss you and hope to see you soon!
It has been amazing to see how God has worked in and though you over the last few years! I’m praying that He uses you in big ways this week to support the girls that are there, but that He also continues to remind you of His deep love for you! I am beyond proud of you!
I can’t wait to read more updates on your trip! Love you, girlie!
❤️- Mrs. Schroeder
Today you start W.A.R.2021, from a different perspective. I am sure you are nervous, and maybe a little timid bc of all the new faces, but don’t be. Embrace those other ladies and show them, thats it’s okay and just how amazing RR is. Use your time to help others but don’t forget about you! Work on those leadership skills by listening to the other leaders and not being afraid to try new things. Dad and I couldn’t be more proud of the young lady you have become, and we can’t wait to hear about this year’s adventures.
❤️❤️❤️Thankyou momma bear
Your first day as a junior leader is now in the books, you are a beautiful lady with many things to offer to all those girls. Let your light shine and embrace the many things you will learn. We love you and look forward to hearing about your great adventure.
Grandma Rozema
It was so great to see you yesterday! I’m so proud of you….what a blessing you are going to be to these girls! I love that you know right where they all are and you can understand their pain. You will be such a great role model for them all. I’m thanking God that He has you here! He has you exactly where you need to be and He has SO much to show you this week, Aleena! Keep your heart open to Him and keep listening! I’m specifically praying for you to hear His voice this week to know exactly what these girls need, to grow in your faith and grow closer to God, and to see what an impact you have on others! You have such a great story to share!
Thankyou ❤️‼️
Happy day 2!!! Praying that God continues to grow you and use you today and this entire week!!! He has some great things in store for you a d I can’t wait to hear all about it!
It has been amazing to see how God has worked in and though you! I’m praying that He uses you in big ways this week to support the girls that are there, but that He also continues to remind you of His deep love for you! I am beyond proud of you!
I can’t wait to read more updates on your trip! Love you, girlie!
❤️- Mrs. Schroeder
Hey sweets!
With God as your savior all days are great! I miss you today, but I know you are doing great things ahh mg r that makes it worth it. Just wanted you to know I love you and the beautiful person you are becoming. Keep doing the little things and be proud of who you are!
Love you
S pop elk check is not working
S p e l l c h e c k ~ I think I am being tested right now !!!!
I hope you’re enjoying yourself!! I can’t wait for you to get back and for the awesome summer we have ahead of us, good luck at the rest thither 💞💞
HI Aleena!! So proud of you for stepping into the Junior Leader role this camp year. Praying that as you lead with love and grace these girls see Jesus shining so brightly through you. Praying for God to give you wisdom and encouraging words to share with the girls as they navigate this journey. What a beautiful role model you are for them. I’m thankul you are able to step into this role with Remembrance Ranch. Covering you in prayer and may God fill your heart with His peace and love. Hugs, Aleena!! — Sharon
Hi Aleena! Praying for you and hope you’re having fun! I will see you Thursday 😊
Seeing you is the sunlight of my day! Enjoy your day!!!! Love you….
Oh my word…..you amaze me! I just watched you on the live during archery and I’m so proud of the leader you’ve become! You are going to change lives and be forever changed from being a junior leader! You’re doing amazing. Keep being a powerhouse for God and these girls!! Love you!
Hi Aleena, Looks like you are having a great time!!! You are such a joy and I am so blessed to be your prayer partner. Fun fact…you have the same birthday as my husband! Can’t wait to get to know you better.
So happy to see you having a good time and sharing Gods love.
Praying for you snd all the girls
Hey aleena
Good morning sweetheart,
You are amazing! You have a heart of gold that shines through you to show others you care, your patient, you love with all your heart and gods word. Don’t forget to take a minute for you and unwind, take a deep breath.
Go make today all you can and know that you give your best and that is always enough. We are praying for you and the other girls.
To my “other daughter”,
You’re an amazing young woman, and I’m proud of you!
Share your love of life with those campers, and everyone you meet! Don’t forget to stop and enjoy the scenery too!
Tomorrow you come home, and I want you to know how amazing you are!! I am so proud of you for putting yourself out there, and trying something new. I am sure you grew in ways you never thought you could. I bet you learned some new leadership skills and provided hope and light for the girls around you. I love you babe!