Jacilyna is 11 years old. She is a good student and maintains good grades. She is finishing the 5th grade and will start Middle School in the Fall. Jacilyna is a very kind and caring you lady to her peers and especially to her younger sister.
Yay….the blog is up and working! Makes me smile to see your adorable picture, Jaci! Your bio is perfect for you…so kind and caring. I can’t wait to hear all about this amazing experience for you…it’s going to be awesome! I know you’re already worrying, but there’s no need to! Illy is going to be fine without you…she’ll be so happy to hear about your experience! You’ll make great new friends because you’re a honey! And….you will do amazing at camp. I’ve been praying for you, sweetheart. I’ve been praying for your nervousness to go away, for you not to be worried about leaving Illy, for you to make great friends, and most importantly for you to realize this week how much you are loved by God….He created you so perfectly, and He loves you SO much! He’s all you need, sweetheart! I’m also praying for mom and dad, Illy, and the rest of the family! I can’t wait to see you at send off….I need a good Jaci hug!
hi Mrs Marsman i am having so much fun already and i made so many friends and i am just having so much fun
Are you all packed and ready? I can’t wait to see you tomorrow before you leave! You’re going to love it and have an amazing time….no worrying about anything! Illy’s going to do great and so are you! This will be a life changing week for you, and I’m so excited to hear all about it! See you soon!
Jaci, Im so proud of how strong, talented, and caring you are. You are the reason I wake up and smile every morning. Te Amo!!! Besos
hi mommy i miss you so much and I hope your knee is feeling better and I just want to see you soon love you so much mommy hope your knee gets better
I so happy you’re having fun. Take this time to enjoy life & your friends. Sharky & her babies, are so good. Sharky such a good mommy. Remy misses you and lucky. I love you so much mija. My knee is really painful but I close my eyes & see you & illy smiling and it takes the pain away. Besos mommy loves u sooooo much
Love you too mommy
Te amo mija,
Im so happy you love your horse. I want to buy us horses one day. We could all ride together ❤️.. Imiss you sooooooooo much. I still cant walk but ill get there. I cant wait to hug & kiss you. Besos
Hey Jac! So happy to read that you’re already having so much fun and you’ve made friends. I told you that you would! Just stopping by to remind you to enjoy this experience & continue to be the beautiful loving girl you are! Rae Rae, Nessa, & I miss you already 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about all the fun you’re having and everything you got to do when you get back 💙
Thank you miss you guys too
Have an amazing trip Jacilyna. Make some great memories. I will miss you. Can’t wait to see you when you come back. ❤️
i am having so much already i made so much friends and I miss you so so so much
Hi Jaci!! It is so wonderful to hear you are on this trip! I hope it is an amazing experience and that you learn so much! I’m praying for you and will keep praying during your whole trip. You are an amazing girl, Jaci, and I know this year has been tough. I am praying that you learn about God’s everlasting love for you this week! I’m praying that your heart is open to learning about the promises He has for you and for all who place their trust in Him! I miss seeing your sweet smile and hope you have the most amazing week! Be strong and courageous!! You’ve got this!!!
Love, Mrs. Schroeder ❤️
thank you i am already having so much fun and I already made lots of friends
Hi mija I love you sooooooo much and I pray you have the best time and learn so much we all love you and can’t wait to hear all about it! Love dad!
From illy: I hope you had a good trip there and can’t wait to see you and hope hope you arrived there safely love illy!
From Aubri: I love and miss you!
From MiaBella: Hi Jas I love and miss you can’t wait to see you!
From Aniyah: Hi twin I hope your having fun and a good time see you soon I love you!
From Avi: Hi Jas I love you and miss you and hope you have a lot of fun!
From Tav: I hope you have fun and a safe trip and just have a blast I love you!
Thank you dad i miss you guys so much and I have been so home sick and I am having so much fun and I met my horse today and its name is espresso but I miss you so much and I can’t wait to come back
Hey Jaci. We missed you yesterday for Caleb’s open house. It’s very noticeable when you’re not around because you’re so funny and light up our family. It sounds like you’re having a really fun time already. Can’t wait to hear about your horse riding experience because that’s always favorite when I went to camp. Love you!
I am having so much fun but I really miss everyone and I met my horse and its name is espresso
How was the climbing wall? I’m imagining, just like the giant swing, you were a little scared, but I bet you challenged yourself, jumped way out of your box, and beat those fears. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Today is the day you meet your horse, right? That will be so great….I know you’ll fall in love with yours quickly!! Today I’m specifically praying for you to make great friends that you can count on forever, to open your heart and mind to new things while you are listening to your leaders, and to realize how strong and brave you are. God has you exactly where He wants you right now, Jaci! He brought you to this trip and He’s going to show you so much! Keep listening….it’s going to be amazing!
The climbing wall was so much fun and I made it to the top and my horses name is espresso
I knew you’d make it to the top!! So proud of you for challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone.
We all LOVE YOU mija I hope today was another breakthrough for you and growing experience YOU GOT THIS GIRL❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love you dad i miss you so so so so much and I can’t wait to come home
♥️ Hi Honey. It’s grandma Maria. I’m so glad you were able to go this camp. Summer camps are some of the best memories I have as a kid. Grandma will be praying for you and know God’s angels are protecting you! Guess what my sunflowers 🌻 are really growing. Can’t wait to show you and your sister when they bloom. Well I know you are making friends and glad you’re having fun. You are missed you are loved but you are blessed to be able to attend this fun camp. Love you and see you soon. 🙏Sweet dreams 😇
Love you too grandma thank you
Hey Jaci – I saw you on the live feed today with your BIG, SWEET SWEET smile as you were shooting arrows. It sounds like besides the cold day, that you guys are having a ton of fun and growing together as friends & family. I hope you continue to have a great week and can’t wait to hear about it at the end of the week!!!!
Thank you so much I am having so much fun
Hey Sweetheart!! I hope your still loving it on day three!! It looks like your doing amazing things! I’ve heard that you’ve been a great leader, which doesn’t surprise me at all! 🙂
Are you liking devotions each morning? I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been talking about how God made you perfectly….exactly how He wanted you! You are so special to Him, Jaci! He has such a great plan for you if you follow Him!!
I got to watch you live shooting your bow and arrow!! How did you like it? Had you ever shot before today?
Did you already get to ride espresso? What did you think? I bet your horse loves you just as much as you love it!
I can’t wait to hear all about it! Have a great night and I won’t stop praying for you and your family!
Love you!!
I am having so much fun and I love espresso he is such a good horse and I hade so much fun shooting and I have never shot a arrow love you too
Hey little mama!! I hope you’re having so much fun. We all missed you at the family get together the other day. I hope you make some new friends. Enjoy your time.
I miss you guys too but I am having so much fun and I met so many new friends and my horses name is espresso and I love him so much and he is such a good boy but I miss you guys so much and I love you
Hi Jaci! Hope your having fun ❤️
I am having so much fun love you
Hey Jaci, hope you’re having fun there and with the horses, I’ve only rode horses twice but each time it was really exciting, we all miss you so much. Love youuu <3
Love you to and miss you
Love you to and miss you I have rode a horse 4 time and my horses name is espresso and I love him so much and tomorrow we are grooming them and riding them
Grooming is the best part. You get to really Bond with Espresso. Braid his tail. I braided my horses tail all the time. Love u mija
I love you so much mija watching the videos and seeing the pics of you are so exciting I’m so glad you are there and having fun we love you! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you dad I am having so much fun and everyone is so nice and I am so excited for tomorrow
I love you so so much can’t wait to see you ❤️
Hi Jaci!! It looks like you are having so much fun! Climbing wall, horses, and archery…wow!! I am praying that this week is unforgettable and that you learn so much about God’s love for you! Keep your heart open and enjoy every new opportunity that you have. Have a great day!
❤️- Mrs. Schroeder
Thank you so much you are the best love you❤️
Hi mija tried watching the live video today to see you but it kept cutting out I hope you had a blast we love you!!❤️❤️❤️🥰
I had so so much fun love you
That’s it! I’m signing up for camp. Lol I’m so happy that you are having such a great time. I can’t wait to see you and hear all the stories about your adventures at camp. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two that you are learning. You are seriously one of the coolest kids I know: Everything is going well here too so don’t worry about us. I MISS YOU! Love Gina
Love you too
You don’t know me but you doing Amazing things
Thank you
Hey Jaci…looks like you are having a riot! The archery tag looks so fun! Did you get one last trail ride with Espresso? I know you will miss her so much, but it was such an amazing opportunity to have this horse for the week…so cool!
I’m so thankful for your amazing camp counselors and your leaders! I’m sure you have learned so much from them all. They have so much wisdom and they’ve all been in the tough places where you’ve been as well. I love that they understand and will be forever role models for you! I know they all love you already! I’ve constantly heard how amazing you are, what a sweet young lady you are, and how your making friends and being a great role model to the girls! Praying these girls and leaders become forever friends!
Tomorrow is the big day to head out on the trail. I’m sure you are nervous but this is exactly where God wants you. Jaci, He will take you through this trail…..it’ll be tough, but along the way, make sure you’re looking for signs of Him and listening. He has so much to show you and teach you over these next few days! I can’t wait to hear all about your trip and celebrate with you on Sunday! You’ve got this!
We love you so much have fun on hiking we are all praying for you and are so happy you get to experience all of this !❤️❤️❤️❤️
I hope your having the best time ever Jaci!! Brooklyn and Jaxton miss you!! We love you girl!
Hey girlie!!!
I can’t wait to hear alllll about your time at camp! I’m sure you’re having the best time from what I can see. I love you so much and I am sooo sooo happy you are meeting new friends and learning so much! We have missed you at the house and all of us can’t wait to learn about everything you did this week! Enjoy the last few days and we will be so excited to welcome you home Sunday! Love you Jas to the moon and back! Xoxo Leah
Hey Jaci, praying this pouring rain hasn’t been pouring on you girls through the whole trail and all night! 😳 If it is, try to stay positive. It’s no fun being wet and chilly but it makes you even more thankful for a warm home and a cozy bed to go back to in a few days! You’ve got this! I’ve never done the trail but I’ve heard how hard it is, and I’m praying for you to push through and see all of God’s beauty along the way. Only 2 more days until you see your family! Keep making amazing friends and growing closer to God. Love ya and can’t wait to see you on Sunday!
I hear you’re leaving to get dry and warm!! So proud of you for making it on the trail and through the night in the rain! You girls are amazing….what an experience you’ll never forget! Have a great time tonight with all the girls! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow! I won’t stop praying for God to do BIG things tonight!! Love ya!
From illy : I miss you sissy and I hope your having a good time can’t wait to see you im gonna squeeze you so much because I missed you hope your having a great time I LOVE YOU ❤️
From Miabella: hi Jas I miss you so much can’t wait to see you tomorrow everybody misses you I love you hope you had a lot of but it’s time to come home now lol 😂 and pray for a safe trip back
Papi: Hi mija I’ve been praying this would be a life changer for you with this experience and to be even more connected to God your heart has always been big and I know it’s only going to be bigger now …in all things be prayerful good or bad I’m so excited to see you tomorrow I love you ❤️