Sophie is 12 years old. Sophie’s birthday is September 15. Sophie currently lives with her Dad, but also spends time staying with her Mom and half-sister, Chloe. Sophie is kind and caring and makes friends easily. Sophie loves animals and wants to live on a farm when she grows up. Sophie enjoys outdoor activities.
Hi Sophie! My name is Sarah and I will be your prayer warrior! I’ve been covering you in prayer for the last couple weeks and I look forward to meeting and sending you off on Saturday. God has great plans for you at camp and always!!
Thank you Sarah for praying for me for the past few weeks can’t wait to see you again thank you for commenting
Welcome home Sophie!! You did it! So proud of you! ♥️
Hi Sarah, I wish I could have met you today! Thank you for praying for us! My dad said it was great to meet you! I’m sure we’ll meet soon!
I would love to meet you sometime! It was great to meet Sophie…she seems like an amazing young lady with so much potential. I am happy that I get to be her prayer partner!
Hi Sophie, I’m praying for you and thinking of you and your new friends. I hope you’re having a great time and enjoying your horse 🐎 😊 time. What is your horses name? We are having a nice time at Grandma and Poppies house 🏠 by the lake. Love and miss you 😘!!!!! 😘 ❤
My horse name is bow it’s a boy thank u for praying tell them I love them love u lots
Hi Sophie 👋 it’s Grandpa and Grandma Miedema. Hope you are doing well 😀. We love and miss you. Hope you are growing in the Lord. We are praying for you too. We see you on the horse and hear you have done a lot of fun things. Go Sophie Go!!!) Love you so much ❤️ sweetheart 💗 💖.
Hey sophie, I hope you have the best time at camp! We love and miss you already! Love mom and Chloe.
Hi Sophie! I hope you had a blast on your first day at camp and that your nerves settled quickly. Praying that you will make lasting friendships and learn lots about yourself this week. I’m sure you’re so excited to have time with your horse! Also praying that you learn a lot about God and how much He loves you!!
hi mom im having fun i had a mini panic attack at the rock wall but i am okay And im over my fear of heights i made lots of friends and I miss u to xoxo
Oh my goodness sophie!! Grandma miedema, Chloe, poppy, great grandma Elliott, and I all seen the rock wall. I’m so proud of you for getting over your fear!! I had a panic attack for you when I seen the wall lol I’m so glad your having fun and making friends! We all love you so very much! I hope you get some good sleep in your bed! I’m excited for you to meet your house and to here all about it! We are praying for you! Xoxo
Hi Sophie, I’m Cadence’s grandma, she calls me Guida. I’m praying for you right now. I hope you are having a great time camping. God is going to do great things through you. I know He has His hand on you and loves you
Thank u me and cadence are becoming great friends
Hey sophie, I hope you didn’t get to rained on today. I’ve been thinking and paying for you. I love and miss you soo much!
Hey soph,
Hope your having a blast at camp. I love u and miss u. Oh and so does ranger.
I miss ranger to am I going with u when camp ends I love u to
Hey soph, I seen pictures of you with your horse today!! He looks very big and beautiful! I hope your having a great time! We love and miss you!!
Miss u to love u to my horse is a boy he is so sweet
Hi Sophie, I’m one of your prayer partners and just wanted to tell you that I’m praying for you. That God will show himself to you each day in new ways. I hope you are having a blast this week and making new friends. Enjoy every moment!
Thank you for praying over me
Hey girly, I hope your having a great time! I can’t wait to here your adventures! We can work it out so u can go see your dad when u come back! I seen your comment to your dad! We love you so much! I’m so glad you got a boy horse and he is so sweet! I hope you have a great day. Love mom
Love u to mom im having so fun but I miss home alot
Thank u for praying over me God bless ur hart
Hi Sophie!! Are you loving the horses? Because I know you love animals!! What color is your horse? I have seen a few pictures of the horses and it looks like sooooo much fun!! I sure hope you are having a blast!!
Hi Sophie, I know this might be the last time I get to write you because I know your going hiking in the morning! I just wanted to say I’m so proud of you for going to camp on your own. trying all these new things and facing big fears!! I’m so excited to hear everything you have to tell me about this trip! I’m sure I could even learn some things from you now and I’m so excited!! I’ll pray the weather is nice for your hike. We love and miss you so much. We are back home from our trip. We drove right by the Manistee forest which is where you’ll be hiking. It looked beautiful!! Have a great last night in your bed and bring on the tents! Love you!
Love you to miss home alot having fun tho lots of friends and u can still write to me but I might not be able to answer daddy texted me on here and I miss u and ranger 💖 buy me some candy love u guys xoxo
Hi Sophie, sounds like you had an amazing time so far. I’ll be praying for you as you start to hike tomorrow, for safety, for fun times on the trails and that you’ll see and feel God’s presence in His beautiful creation outdoors.
Hi Sophie! I hope you had an awesome day! I saw a couple pictures of you with your horse and you looked pretty happy! 😍
What is your horse’s name? That’s so great that you get to experience all these adventures. I’m praying you are having fun and making great friends!
hey sophie, can you believe it’s day 3 already? I really enjoyed seeing you all during archery on the video today! I’ll be praying for you as you learn more about Jesus and how much He loves you! I’m praying you can see what an amazing girl you are and how God has created you for a great purpose…you are so special! Have a great evening!
Hey sophie, I can’t believe it’s been 4 days already!! You have been doing so many fun and new things already! I hope your having a great time learning about the lord! Love and miss u so much.
Hello again Sophie! I just got through watching you jump off that platform on the zip line ! That is so impressive! Did you love the feeling after just trusting and letting go?? It’s amazing! You’re amazing! I hope you’re having a blast! 😍
Hello you don’t know me but your doing great
Thank you
Hi Sophie! Praying for you as you get ready to hit the trail tomorrow! Praying for strength and determination! You’ve been preparing for this the whole week and i know you’ll do great!
Thank you for praying for me I feel prepared for the trail little nervous
I’m so ready
Sophie when you read this you’ll be off the trail! You did it! You got really wet but you did it! I’m praying you learned how strong you are and that your relationship with Christ is growing stronger each day as well!
Hi Sophie! Just wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking of you and praying for you! I hope you’re enjoying your summer since you got home from camp and are feeling God’s love surround you in all you do!