Our morning devotion was on all the wonderful things God created… and talking about how each one of us is his most beautiful creation!!
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10
The morning was filled with time with the horses. The Girls worked on horse riding skills, learning how to groom and saddle their horses. The Girls also put the bridle on their heads and put their hands on the bit to feel how the horse feels when a rider gives direction.

Archery builds confidence! Archery is a great sport for building confidence quickly. Lots of girls hit the targets, and everyone participated. For some, it was their first time using a bow and arrow. We had a blast! A little competition… the whole group vs. Miss Michelle. 😊 Who could hit the most targets. It was a great time, lots of laughs!!
Today we did an entrepreneurship activity. The girls worked in teams to survive a Mission to Mars. It was great to see their creativity and leadership skills develop. We are excited to see how they will continue to grow in their skills while working together to problem-solve.

We ended the day with a Rodeo put on by CranHill! It was so much fun!
Please continue to pray for the Girls and the Staff.
~W.A.R. Staff

Looks like you girls are having a blast! I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures Eliera, have fun be safe and learn alot ☺️
So many opportunities given to some awesome girls. Enjoy every moment and take chances. You won’t regret it!