In our Morning devotion, we talked about us being God’s creation. We are the “crowning jewel” of God’s creation. God created us unique above all other created things. We are the only living creature made in the image of God and the only ones create to have a forever relationship with him.
After breakfast, we headed back to the barn. The girls continued to work on their riding skills and learned about how to use the round pen to develop trust with the horses. The round pen is a metaphor for our relationship with God. Just as He knows the plan for each of our lives and we have to learn to trust His vision, the horses have to learn to trust their trainers. With consistency, clear boundaries, and expectations we can all learn to follow the path set before us.

The girls worked together and engaged in a team-building activity to build a tower of noodles strong enough to hold a marshmallow! Creativity flowed through a lot of the girls during this activity.

We also went tubing down the river today! What a perfect day to be able to enjoy the water!

After the tubing, the girls made their way to the zipline! The girls all stretched themselves to overcome their fears and insecurities. EVERYONE demonstrated what it means to trust, be brave, and have faith.
Continue to pray for the girls and staff. The connections they are making with each other and the staff is amazing! God is Good!
I can’t wait to hear all about the zip line