Madison is outgoing and athletic. She enjoys playing many sports. Madison loves vacationing and boating with her family. Pray Madison has a positive outlook for her week at camp. Pray Madison will connect well with the staff. Pray for a transformational week that will carry into all of Madison’s relationships and experiences.
Hi Madison, my name is Emily, and my family and I will be praying for you and thinking about you during your camp experience (and beyond!). We also love vacationing and boating so we hope to chat about that with you sometime.
We are so excited about the many fun activities you get to try at camp. We pray that any nervousness and anxious feelings will calm. We hope that you connect with the amazing staff. We look forward to following along on your adventures via the blog.
Hope you’re having fun!! Love you really excited to see you Facebook live!! The rock climbing looked very fun!! Hope you are enjoying your time there!
Hi Madison, my name is Emily, and my family and I will be praying for you and thinking about you during your camp experience (and beyond!). We also love vacationing and boating so we hope to chat about that with you sometime.
We are so excited about the many fun activities you get to try at camp. We pray that any nervousness and anxious feelings will calm. We hope that you connect with the amazing staff. We look forward to following along on your adventures via the blog.
Just praying for you thank u so much😃
Good morning Madison,
It’s a beautiful day today. I’m enjoying my coffee and thinking of you and the whole group preparing for your trip. We are grateful for all the people working behind the scenes to make this upcoming week possible. We are praying over all the details from transportation, food prep, camp staff, and weather. Please know that you are in our thoughts today as you continue to get ready. Our prayer card let us know that you are very athletic–we look forward to reading about and seeing pics of you taking on all the challenges at camp.
Thank u so much for your prayers
Good night. Good day to u 😊
Good morning Madison,
I hope that you settled in at camp a bit. We have an 11-year-old in our family and know that experiencing new places can bring a host of feelings from excitement to nervousness. We look forward seeing/hearing about your adventures in the coming days. I’m grateful that you have some cooler weather today and hope that the rain doesn’t impact your day too much (especially campfire s’mores). We pray that you will begin making connections with the team and the other girls today.
Hey sweetheart!!! How was day one? I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left yesterday, and I’m was praying for all of your worries to go away! I know how badly you wanted to bring a friend, so I’ve been praying specifically for you to meet a great friend at camp! Someone that gets you, you can have a riot with, and just share your heart with. I know that God planned this entire trip out perfectly with who was meant to be there, and He has the perfect people for you there too! That’s just how He works! I can’t wait to hear all about day 1 and what you are all up to today! Have a blast!! ❤️
Thank u so much and new friends Payton and Kyle so much fun.
Hi Madison! I hope you are having an amazing first few days at camp! Did you get to meet your horse today? Looks like you did great on the climbing wall! Can’t wait to hear all about it. I know you were probably a little nervous heading off to camp not knowing anyone, but I’m pretty sure with your beautiful smile and fun personality you have connected well with many of the girls. I know God has great things in store for you this week. Praying you can enjoy this amazing experience! Praying for strength and courage and of course that you have a blast making great memories!!
Good night. Good day to u 😊
Good morning, Madi! How was the climbing wall? How did it compare to the giant swing or leap of faith? After watching you do those, I’m sure it was a breeze! Did you get to meet your horse yesterday? I’m so happy to hear that you’ve already found some of your people!! I can’t wait to hear more about them. Have a riot doing all the water stuff today….it always looks like so much fun! It sounds like the church service yesterday was awesome. Even though you were nervous about “all that religious talk” God’s got some big plans for you this week, and He has so much for you to hear! The biggest one is how loved you are!! He created you perfectly and He loves you SO much!! Glad you got to hear that you don’t have to carry all your heavy burdens alone! He wants to take those from you!! ❤️ Have the best day today!!
Hi Madison,
I’m pleased to read that you’ve started connecting with some of the other girls. From the pics, it looks like you are busy working in the barn and spending time with the horses. I hope that your first ride went well. I love the fun names of the horses–wondering what your horse is called. I hope that you rested well last night and feel ready for a big day today. We’ll be thinking of you and cheering you on from afar!
Looks like you are doing all kinds of fun things seen your horses and the spider web obstacle looks like a great time.. love you lots!!
Hi Madi!! I just heard you were at the Ranch this week! What an amazing opportunity! I will be praying that you have a wonderful time and learn so much about yourself and our awesome God! He loves you so much!! I can’t wait to read the updates and see how your trip is going. You are an amazing girl with so many special qualities! I’m so glad I got to know you this year. Have a great time! Love ya!
❤️-Mrs. Schroeder
Good morning, Madi! Praying for you this morning and always. I can’t wait to hear about your day today. Looks like it’s been amazing so far. Have the best day ever!
Hope you are having fun looks like the horse riding was a blast!! Hope your headache went away. Enjoy your time these are days you will never get back. Embrace everything surrounding you there is so much out there take it all in and cherish the time at camp! Heard you get to go swimming and have a water day! Did you get to shoot the guns yet? How’s the camp store? Love you
Mason seen you Facebook live and really wishes he could be there. He said you are very lucky to get to go to camp.
I can’t believe it’s your last day at Cran Hill! The hike is tomorrow morning!! How are you feeling about that? The hike will be tough, but you deal with tough stuff all the time! This camp is all about learning strategies to deal with the hard things in life and how to get through them. God has so much to teach you here about how much easier life is if you allow Him to join you! Speaking of hard stuff, I’m sure you did amazing at the spider web after already doing it at Camp Henry, but it’s always hard to work with others and figure it out…that’s what life is all about! Sounds like you’ve been rocking it though. Your white horse is beautiful and you look like a natural on it, heard you were the first to get a Turkey in archery and you were great at tomahawk throwing. I’m praying for you today and for your journey along the Manestee River! It will be amazing, but such a hard journey! God has it all planned out and has you here for a reason. He has so much to teach you. Listen to these amazing leaders….they are trustworthy and love you so much already. And….smile Madi!! Your smile lights up a room! You have so much joy to bring to others!! Love ya!!!
Good morning Madison,
It was so fun to see the updates about riding and and all the other fun things at camp from obstacle course adventures to archery. Our family is thinking about you as you head out on the trail. I did my first backpacking trip when I was your age and I still remember the jumble of feelings about it–excitement, nervousness, worry, curiosity…It’s my hope that you lean into the entire experience–your body will amaze you with its strength and capability. Look around and soak in the beauty. Away from the noise of society, it’s easier to be amazed by creation. Isn’t it amazing? Don’t forget to include yourself in that–God made you just as carefully as the nature around you. Excited to hear about your first day on the trail!
Happy Trail Day! I’m so excited for you. The trail is going to be such a challenge, but it will be even more rewarding! I’m praying that you enjoy all of God’s beauty and listen closely to all He has to teach you along the way. He has you here for a reason, and He has so much to show you! You got this, Madi!
Hi Madi,
I hope that your first day and night on the trail went well. It takes a bit to get used to those packs but I’m sure you rocked it. I’m wondering what your first site was like and what scenery surrounded you. We are thinking about you as you hit the trail again today–for strength, courage, and stamina.
Good morning! How’s the trail so far? I have no doubt that you are rocking it! You’re strong and brave, so this should be easy for you!! 😊 Praying more than anything that you are surrounded by God’s beauty and His presence and you hear all He has for you on the trail!!
Good morning Madi,
You did it! You completed the trail. I know today will be so busy but I hope you take a few minutes to savor what you (and the whole group) accomplished. We look forward to hearing more details about your experiences on the trail!
You did it! What an awesome accomplishment! I’m so proud of you for conquering this challenge. Praying that you saw and heard God all along the way! He has so much to show you and tell you! One of the most important things is that you are His and He created you perfectly, without any flaws! He loves you so much, and He’s always here to take all of your burdens away from you and handle them Himself if you let Him. I can’t imagine how hard the trail was, but I was told you did amazing! Way to go! I wish so badly that I could be there to celebrate you today, but our family is still out in Montana. So, I’m celebrating from here! Im so proud of you, Madi!!