Francisco is energetic and inquisitive. He likes to have fun and try new experiences. Pray Francisco will have a great time at camp and he will learn many new things about himself and the world around him. Pray Francisco will connect well with staff and shine a bright light to everyone he meets.
Next week is camp and it will be a great week! I pray for your safety and all the fun that you will have. I hope you do some things that you already know how to do, but also learn how to do new things. Enjoy getting to meet new friends and hang out with the cool counselors. Be kind to the other campers, as they may be afraid, lonely, or not feeling well. A smile and nice words can really make someone’s day.
God walk beside Francisco as he starts a new adventure, in a new place, with new friends. Keep him safe before, during, and after camp.
Thanks will do have fun
Thanks for praying 🙏 and stay safe
I hope you are getting excited about camp! It is going to be such a fun week! Weather is going to be hot, so pack for that. Every day I will pray for your safety, that you make new friends, and you are having fun. Enjoy the adventure!
I hope you had a great first day! We love you , and miss you already. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures.
Hey Francisco this is Mom and Dad Hope you’re having a good time we miss you and we love you.
Good Morning!
I’m praying your are having fun and making new friends. I’m also praying that you are learning about the outdoors, to believe in yourself, to trust others, and most of all to learn that Jesus loves you.
I hope you’re enjoying your first day at camp! I can’t wait to see you with your horse! So proud of you! Have fun!
thanks was so fun and stay safe out there
Hey bud! I hope you’re having a great time and having fun trying new things. I love you!
Thanks will do so fun so far and stay safe out there
You looked great riding your horse! Way to go bud! Keep up the good work! So proud of you!
Thanks so much fun so far
You’ve had a great weather to do some fun activities. Praying that you have enjoyed the first days there at camp. Be safe, make friends, and have fun!
What a great day to be at camp! Hope and Pray that you had fun and met new friends. You can do anything you set your mind to. Think big!
Would really like to be there with you. You are just getting settled in an hoping you are getting the hang of camp life. I was blessed with being a Boy Scout and loved getting away to the outdoors. It’s an adventure. Be safe an trust in the lord he will guide you through anything life throughs at you. Have fun but be forgiving of others 😁
hey papas, we miss you & we hope your having so much fun already . enjoying the little things & taking all the changes you can . i’m so glad placed this opportunity in your life because i know your making some awesome memories ! Zamir said : “i love you, you will come back home later ” & Zayden said : “Go at the water park later & i love you”
we got to see you guys on the horses & the rock wall; so cool so jealous !! and boy takeoff that sweater !! haha
Thanks so much and I’m having so much fun I was riding horse and grooming and saddle them up.
Hey man!
Can’t wait to come and hang out with you guys on Wednesday! I am super jealous of what you guys are doing up there, and can’t wait to hear some sweet stories of what has been happening up there. Keep your head up, stay strong, and looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Hey brother hope you’re having fun 😊 I can’t I’m saying this but I miss you
Hey bud-
We were so glad to see you on live today. You looked like you were having so much fun, you needed a nap lol. We love you and excited that you’re having fun.
I do I’ve been really tired lately
But I’ve learned how to trot on a horse
Hi this is me Mauricio I hope your having fun I miss you can’t wait till you get home
Horseback riding, that always scared me a bit. Horses are so big and very beautiful. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Just want you to know even that you are thought of throughout the day, and I continue to pray for that you are strong, brave and courageous throughout your day!
hey francisco it me your child hood fren hopefully your having fun at camp imgoing next year because it was a blast we had a 3 day hike across the manistee river ther was bears by us and everything we went tubing and had a celebration at the last day we had pizza and every pop have fun francisco we love u nohomo
Wow! You did awesome making your horse trot!! Way to go! You looked like a pro! I’m so proud of you! Praying for you all as you go off on your hike tomorrow.
Thanks. I just got done with crannhill ranch nowbwe got hiking
Hey my lil Moonkee, Hope you’re having a great time!! Enjoy everything you can while at camp …. Miss you💕
Love Grandma
Hey Papaz!!! Hope you’re having so much fun, can’t wait for you to come back and hear all about how much fun you had! Love you 😘 tia Nena!
I am hoping you are enjoying yourselves on the trail. I know you probably won’t have service to read this until Saturday, but I’ve been praying you are all doing well and are safe! Can’t wait to see you on Sunday and hear all about it!
Hiking can be really hard and when it’s hot, I imagine even harder. Not only do I pray for you but also your leaders as you hike the trails. Drink water, rest and enjoy the beautiful world around you. You are stronger than you think. But God knows!
Hope your camp experience was awesome! Many blessings to you, your family, friends and all the people that made this week so special!