MoRian loves sports and outdoor activities. His favorite sports are football and soccer. Pray MoRian will connect well with the staff and peers while at camp. Pray MoRian will learn more about himself through his camp experience, especially that he is a child of God made on purpose for a purpose!
We miss you Mo and Pete is lonely lol.I hope you are having fun.Love mom and dad.
Um I’m doing fine I got to ride a horse 🐎 and I miss my bed and Pete
lol Pete misses you very much I’m glad you are enjoying yourself we miss you
It’s Sunday morning and I’m guessing you’re just waking up. Today will be a full day and there may be some challenges. Keep your head up, your heart open, and rely on your friends and leaders to guide the way. We’re praying God shows you amazing things today and the rest of the week!
I’m doing fine and ima gonna be home soon
Hey man!
Looks like you guys are doing some awesome things up there, and I’m jealous that I’m missing it! I’m coming up on Wednesday to hang out with you guys for the weekend, and I’m looking forward to it. Keep your head up and stay strong! There’s more people than you realize looking out and praying for you all!
lol Pete misses you very much I’m glad you are enjoying yourself we miss you
I’m on my way back and I had a good time if even tho we couldn’t do much