Roy has a compassionate heart and an amazing smile. He is a talented athlete. He plays football and would like to play at a college/professional level. Pray Roy will have an amazing experience at camp. Pray Roy will connect well with staff and find he has amazing mentors who want to be an encouragement to […]
Hi Roy, this is Grandma, I’m so proud of you! You will have a wonderful time. You are a beautiful child of God! Love you more!
Hey Roy –
You made it to Cran Hill and through the first day & night! I’m praying for you this week. I’m praying for safety, for building relationships and for God to show you amazing things this week.
Make the most of it!
Hey Joel thanks for praying for me
Hey Grandma I’m having a lot of fun and am even getting a little closer to god and I love and miss and I love your more.Love,Roy
Yoda is doing good! He goes cra,zy when he hears you on Facebook! I love seeing you having such a great time! I love you honey, sleep tight! Big hugs goodnight!
So glad to hear that I can’t wait to see him when I get home I bet he’s going to go crazy I love you both very much thank you for taking care of him while I’m gone
Hey Roy,
My name is Michelle. I am going to be your prayer partner. I actually just got home today from the girls’ trip. I’m so excited to see how God reveals himself to you this week. How do you like the horses? I hope you are enjoying the food. I love the food at Cranhill.
Praying you sleep well tonight and that you build positive relationships with the others there. May you be open to all God has in store for you this week. You are going to have so much fun.
Hey Michelle I love my
Horse I have Alpha he’s a great horse although today he was a little bit stubborn and it was annoying but then he listened so thanks hope you had a good time here too
Hi Roy
I just wanted you to know that I’m still praying for you. I pray that you are learning a lot and having lots of fun. I pray that the activities help you to learn more about yourself and about God. I hope you are building strong bonds with the other guys and with the leaders
Hello Joel thanks for praying for me and I have been getting close to my cabin mates and other people here with me thank you for praying for me and we went tubing to day and I caught a crawdad so it’s really fun here I’m learning lots of thing again… thanks for praying for me
Hey Roy!
I’m headed up to hang out Wednesday night through the weekend, and looking forward to it! Hope all has been going well for you man!
Hi Roy! I loved seeing you all throw tomahawks today. Did you make one in the target? It is definitely harder than it looks. I think you also got to do the aqua park today too. My what a great way to cool off.
I continue to pray you are feeling God’s presence this week. I pray that you hear the words he has chosen for you. May you fully embrace this experience.
Remember God can speak to you through the people in your lives. I pray you open up to the staff and build positive relationships with the others. You are there for a purpose. Have fun
Thanks I really needed that third paragraph I made three in the target at once thanks for praying for me
Sounds cool looking forward to meeting you
Hey Roy – I finally looked through some of the pictures today and saw you with Alpha. I loved seeing everyone with the tomahawks. That looks like a blast.
Praying that you continue to make the most of all of the activities – physical, mental, and spiritual.
Be open to learning something new and I pray you are building bonds with the other guys
You amaze me! I love your smile! Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to hearing all the stories you will have to tell .me! ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ hugs, and prayers to you
Hey Roy! I loved seeing the pictures of you throwing tomahawks. It’s a lot harder than people think. And you were a rock star.
I can see you all are being challenged in so many ways. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed and struggle when we face a difficult challenge. Remember, you always have an incredible God to talk to when you are struggling. Pray! He is walking beside you ALWAYS. Lean on HIM and HE will give you the sense of calm you need to face any obstacle. You are not alone.
As you hike tomorrow remember to LEAN on God. You can do all things through CHRIST who gives you strength.
Enjoy your day!
I love you too I’m looking forward to telling you about as well love you lots 😘
HI Roy! It’s Sharon from Remembrance Ranch – we met at family night. It’s been so fun to watch you on your camp journey. Wow you sure are doing a lot of fun things. Did I see a picture that you landed all THREE tomahawks in the log??!! Wow, that’s amazing! It’s so hard to get even one to stick and you got them ALL to stick! Nice work.
And the zip-line looked amazing. You looked so confident when you left the platform. Good job! Praying you continue to have so much fun and learn even more amazing things about God and how much he loves you!
Have a fantastic experience the next few days! You are in .my praYers! I can’t wait to see you on Sund i love you. God Bless you
I will leaving today I love you soooo much can’t wait to see you miss you and my puppy doggy love you both lots hope brasean is doing good keep me updated till sunday
Hi Roy!
This is Thomas’s mom 🙂
I just wanted to wish you well as you begin the hike! It has been fun seeing you in the videos and photos doing all the fun activities!
Have a great day!
From Mrs C
Hey Roy –
I was praying for you this afternoon right about when you were somewhere between red Bridge and the campsite. I’m wondering if it was fun or challenging. Enjoyable or a struggle? Sometimes we learn the most when we do hard things.
I can picture exactly where you and the group are tonight. I’m praying that everyone has a great night and that cooking and other camp stuff goes smoothly. God shows himself in nature in a major way. The next few days will be full of new and exciting challenges.
I pray that God shows you how amazing he is and how much he loves you. He made you for a purpose and has great plans for your life!
Thank you for the message I am so proud of you and I thank God every day for giving me the privilege of having you in my life! God is good all the time! I hope your first night out went well? I love you so much! Sweet dreams! GG
Hey Roy! Today is day 2 of hiking. You have already finished the toughest part of the hike. Praying for you as you finish the hike tomorrow. It is going to feel so great to take off that heavy pack.
I know God has been at work in you this week. Praying for you as you walk your final miles and hear God’s word at Salvation night tomorrow.
You are loved!
Yay! You did it! Good job! You must be very proud of yourself! I a.!!! Sleep well to ight . . I will see you tomorrow! I ❤️