Harrison is a kind and caring young man. He loves to tell stories and make people smile. Harrison hopes to write and publish a book someday! Pray Harrison will connect well to staff and peers while at camp. Pray Harrison will grow in his ability to have quality friendships and gain skills in communicating his […]
You and I got all of your gear packed up tonight. Happy to see you so excited for an awesome adventure. I love you and can’t wait to hear stories from your time on the trail.
I hope you have the best time and camp! Enjoy the camp food. Can’t wait to Hear if you have Hos as your horse again. I LOVE you tons and I am so proud of you for doing this camp. It is TOUGH!!! You are AMAZING!!! LOVE Mom
I miss you and I really can not wait to see you again
Hey Harrison,
Hope you are having a GREAT second day ar camp! I am trying to catch your Facebook lives but you know me and technology. I saw you climbing the rock wall! Awesome job! Love and miss you tons!!!
I still miss you and I Rode horses today
Hope you are doing good stay hydrated we are always stronger than we think one more step is always in you
Have a good time
rode horses today and I had fun
Praying for you Harrison that you will love exploring God’s great creation and see what a wonderful young man he has created you to be.
Good Morning Harrison,
I saw you on your horse today! You looked good! Enjoy tubing this afternoon. Perfect day to be in th water. Can’t wait to hear all about camp! Miss and love you tons!
Have a great first night at camp. Remember to keep your positive attitude and take on the challenges as they come. I love you!!
Hey Harrison!!
Just watched some of the video of you guys climbing the wall. I saw you asked if we were on the live feed. Mom was at camp I don’t have facebook. I’ll try to keep tabs on the videos as they are posted.
We just picked up Mom and she has so many stories from her trip. You guys will be able to compare camp stories.
Hope you are having so much fun. Be a leader and an example for others! Love you and miss you already!
I won’t talk to you tomorrow because I’m leaving for camp but I’m proud of you for doing this again. You got this and I’m praying for you.
Are you taking good care of the horses mabey I could have you take care of the drags love Grandpa Roy
Hey Harrison,
I am going to try and catch your Facebook live again. I think I figured it out. I think Charli misses you because she is watching her shows with the subtitles on. We love you tons! I can’t wait to see you on Sunday! Miss you tons! Have a fabulous day!!!
Harrison, praying that you have an amazing time at camp and during the hike. You got this dude!
Hey H, it’s Ms. Michelle. I’m so proud of you. Did you get the same horse as last year? Are you having fun? I can’t wait to hear all about your trip. Praying you sleep well tonight. Love you bud!
🙏🏼 thank you
I saw you on the zip line. WAY TO GO!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Loved that you did not give up!!! I can’t wait to here about your hike! I was thankful I did not run into big foot on the trail. However I may have stepped in his poop🤪. Can’t wait to see you in a couple of day!
Hey man!
I’ve been checking up on you guys, and I have to say – I’m super jealous with what you guys are doing and experiencing! I come up to hang out with you guys on Wednesday for the weekend, and I’m hoping you can catch me up-to-date on the inside jokes and stories! Keep your head up and stay strong, you’ve got this! Enjoy the week!
Cohen from last year wants me to tell you hi. He is going to the same camp as Charli. I saw him when I was dropping Charli off. Hope you are having a GREAT day! Miss you tons!
Hey Harrison. I saw you did the tomahawks today. So cool. I love that activity. Do you go swimming today. It was pretty hot so I’m sure the water was a great way to cool off.
I am really proud of you.
Hi Harrison! It’s your aunt whit and uncle Andrew. We hope you are having a fun time and learning lots about life and new skills. You truly amaze us with your sense of humor, your remarkable memory of facts, and your love for your family and friends. We can’t wait to hear about your time at camp. We are so proud you!
Thanks it’s fun. But I am a little scared of the hike
Hey Harrison. I hope you’re excited for the hike! You’ll have to compare notes with mom when you get back. John, Drew, and I are taking off for Copper Harbor this morning so we’ll be camping at the same time you are. Can’t wait to see you on Sunday!!
Alright man cool 😎
I love you, bud. You’re going to be a great assest on the trail. Help those around you! Keep an eye out for the dogman and let him know I said hi.
Hi Harris,
Wow you are having some amazing but hot weather at camp. Hope you are staying cool and drinking lots of water. Glad you are getting horse back riding in I know that is one of your favorites. Hope you get to do some new activities too!!
Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!! 💕love you tons!!
Hi Harrison ,this is grandma Strait. Hope you’re having fun and learning a lot. I’m thinking of you! Looking forward to hearing all about your time at camp. I love u very much and I am so proud of u,
Hi Harrison! Hope you had a good day. Praying for you and sending good vibes your way! Love u
Hi Harrison!! Can’t wait to hear about the wall climbing. I hope you have had a good couple of days. You got this! Love you!
Thank you for the message I am a little 😔 because Jaden attacked a kid and had to go home and dave left because he twisted his leg so he cannot go on the hike
Thank you for the message and I hope to see you soon
Thank you for the message and I hope to see you soon
Thank you for the message I am a little 😔 because Jaden had to go home and dave left because he twisted his leg so he cannot go on the hike
Hi Harrison, hope you’re having a great week hiking. We know you’re telling lots of jokes and make a new friends. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Have fun this week.
Hope you have a GREAT day today.. we can’t wait to see you and hear all about this great week you’re having!
We will See you soon.
Last night in camp, Harrison!! I can’t wait to trade stories with you. We’re leaving camp tomorrow morning too and I’ll see you tomorrow night. I love you tons!! Sleep well, buddy.
Hey Harrison!!
Hope you had the best time this week. Summer camp was always my favorite time of the year! We will have to do a game night where you can tell Jo and I all about your time!
I know you are a fellow fan of animal jokes, and I know you rode horses this week, so I’ll leave you with this:
“What does a horse say when it calls LIFE ALERT?”
“HELP, I’ve fallen, and I can’t geddiyup”