Hayden is an out going young man and loves to have fun. Hayden enjoys any activity that involves being outdoors. He is excited for his camping and hiking adventure. Pray Hayden will have the courage to try lots of new things while and camp and will discover new strengths.
I hope you have a great start to camp today and have fun and I Love You
Dad (amish man)
Thanks and I love you to tell the whole fam I said hi by (Amish man)
Hayden! It was so great to see you claiming that rock wall!
Have an awesome week making new friends and being brave! You’re going to have a great time!
Thanks have a great time
Hayden I’m so glad that your having fun and so proud of you
Thanks I love you
Hey buddy! How are you doing? Looks like you are having fun from the live video. Great job on climbing the wall!! I love and miss you. Continue to have fun and be good.
Thanks I love you to
How was your day? How did u like archery? I’m glad to see you are having fun. I miss you.
Love mom
Hi Hayden!
This is Thomas’s mom 🙂
I just wanted to wish you well as you begin the hike! It has been fun seeing you in the videos and photos doing all the fun activities! We saw your dad and sisters at life stream this week!
Have a great day!
From Mrs C
Thanks we were busy so I wasn’t able to se the blog see you today
Hi Hayden. I hope you had a good 1st night. Continue having fun and learning new things. I love you and proud of you.
Love mom
Thanks love you it was fun
Hayden i continue to pray that you are having fun and learning alot and learning about yourself
Morning, Hayden!! It looks like your already having an amazing time at camp!! Your horse is beautiful….what’s it’s name? The climbing wall and spider web were probably easy for you after being at Camp Henry! 😊 Sorry I couldn’t be at your send off…we are still in Montana on our family trip through next week. I’m still praying for you each day though. Praying specifically for you to hear God’s voice clearly this week…He has so much to show you. It’ll be amazing!
omg so happy to hear from you and the horses name is Baue the spider web was pretty hard but we did it the rock wall was EASY will you be able to be at my drop off
Hey man!
I’m super jealous about what you guys are doing right now. I’m coming up there on Wednesday to hang out with you all and do the backpacking trip, but it looks like you guys are already doing some awesome stuff that I’m missing out on! Keep your head up and stay strong, looking forward to hanging out!
Thanks see you tomorrow
Hayden i hope your having fun and listening to God’s voice as he helps you during your journey at camp. Also I’m truly proud of you and things you’ve done so far.
Love ya,
Dad(Amish Man)
I hope you are still having fun and learning new things especially learning new things about yourself. Let God into your heart and follow Him. He will always be there. Have fun on the Hike!! I can’t wait to see you Sunday and hear about all your adventures adventures!! Love you 🙂
Hayden I pray that you will be a rockstar on the trail and let got show you how special you are and a awesome child of God. Also can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures when you return on sunday. I love you and miss you.
I love you to