Kasen has been with Remembrance Ranch for several years and is excited to serve as this years Junior Leader. Pray Kasen will be a confident leader to encourage and support this years W.A.R. group. Pray Kasen will grow in his relationship with Jesus and learn God has a great plan for his life.
Kasen- we are so proud of you for taking this leadership role with the Ranch again. Continue to let your light shine to these campers. Praying God gives you wisdom and strength for working with the youth and blesses you abundantly for serving. We know that God has great plans for you and declaring Jeremiah 29:11 over you. For surely, I know the plans for you say the Lord, plans not of evil but plans for a future with hope. Blessings!
I am so beyond proud of you.
To see your growth, and maturity has really been an amazing experience to see.
Going from a camper to a junior leader is amazing and you should also be very proud of yourself and I hope that you are.
We love you Kasen! Have a great week!
You look like you’re having some fun, I seen a smile or two 🙂
You’re not missing anything over here, keep doing what you’re doing dude. I hope you are learning/teaching new things!
We miss and love you so much!
Mom & Dad
Kasen- this is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it. Again, we are proud of you for serving and being Jesus hand and feet on this journey. Hebrews 13:7 – Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. This is a good reminder as you are now a leader at the Ranch. We pray times of refreshment, fun and new relationships for you and all the campers. We can’t wait to hear about the journey. One of our favorite scriptures in Joshua 1:9 which is Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Blessings!
Kasen ,It is amazing to see your growth from camper to a Jr leader and wanting to help kids that have struggles.
Happy Monday Kasen, Hope you are enjoying the great weather and all the beauty God has created. You will experience good times and some challenges this week so praying God’s wisdom and strength. Our sons favorite verse Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me lean into this truth and He will help you. Can’t wait to hear about your experience and God bless you for serving.
Hey Kasen!
So proud of you for stepping up as junior leader! God is using you in so many ways. Remember to be open to His guidance and enjoy every second in His glorious creation!
Mrs. Self
Hey Kaso!
I hope you’re having a blast, as well as building good relationships with the boys!
I can’t wait to hear about your week.
We love you!
Mom, Dad and Taliya❤
Happy Wednesday- thank God for waking us up today and giving us a beautiful day. We hope you are having a great time with the boys and being Jesus hands and feet. I am sure these boys look up to you and hope that you are building friendships with them. Praying Jesus over everything this week as He has won and has the victory. Praying HIs continued strength and love. Blessings!