Enjoys being active in activities such as bowling, hiking and going to the movies. Jeremiah can struggle with a negative attitude and being defiant. Pray God can help Jeremiah to approach each day with optimism and gratitude and will guide Jeremiah to rise above challenges with a hopeful spirit and resilient mindset.
Jeremiah, can you believe it? You get to leave tomorrow! This trip is going to be awesome for you and those around you. God purposed for you to be on this trip and I look forward to hearing from you what that purpose is. Sleep well and get rest.
Hi Jeremiah! You’ve been counting down the days and now it’s finally here! Praying it’s a special time to grow in your walk with Jesus and encourage others too!
Jeremiah! Enjoy your trip buddy! I hope you learn a lot and gain lots of positive memories to hold onto from this experience! Love you and can’t wait to hear all about it!! XOXO Aunt Beth
Good day, Jeremiah,
You are on my heart today. I pray today and all that you will do meet up to your expectations. Have a great day!
Miss you already and it’s only been 30 minutes. Praying that you will meet with God during this time like never before and make long lasting friendships
Jeremiah!!!! So excited for you to be at camp! I hope you have a great week experiencing great adventures! Praying for you to have a great time!
dad miss you too and I hope you will have a good father’s day
mom I hope I will come closer to God In this trip love you and
miss you Love you mom
auntt Beth I will tell you about it when I see you Steve thank you for praying for me
Mrs Brown. thanks for righting keep you posted.
JJ we love you and hope you have tons fun. Try new things, make new friends, and enjoy your time at camp. Can’t wait to hear about it when you get home. Love Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike
Having fun love you too tell you about it soon.
Hi Jembo! I miss you buddy! I hope you’re having so much fun I saw the picture of you riding a horse looked like so much fun! I can’t wait to hear all your stories love you lots buddy 🩷
We watched the Facebook live a little late. When it didn’t pop on at seven somehow we missed it! That rock wall looked cool! I saw you ring the bell. How’s the food? We are heading to the parade right now. Have fun with the horses today. Praying you are getting to know people!!! Love you Jeremiah!
Jeremiah…what an awesome experience you are going to have this week! So cool dude!! Enjoy every minute, I miss you & you will have to tell me all about it when I see you! Love you tons buddy! Grandma Jody
Love you mom the horses are awesome miss you and love you so much Love Jeremiah.
I miss you too it’s so nice the food is good and I miss you and love you love you Jeremiah.
Hi Jeremiah!! Papa and I are hoping you’re having a great time at camp!! I can’t wait to hear about all the fun and wonderful things you get to explore!!! Love and prayers for you Jeremiah!!!
Jeremiah! Have fun hiking and if you’re going to be a marine you better get used to it! Hope you’re having a good week at camp!
Cracking up Joe!!! 😂🥰
Jeremiah I saw you ring the bell on the rock wall… AWESOME! I didn’t get to see you on a horse but I bet that was awesome too. I had a good Fathers Day watching Mark and David march on Mackinac Island. Hope you had a good Sunday. Talk to you tomorrow. I love you Jeremiah
“Food and fellowship” I’m sure you heard your Dad and Mom say that phrase a million times. Today I pray that the fellowship means something personal to you as you seek and find new friends and the leaders with you. It looks like you all are having a fantastic time. Enjoy all that today has to offer you.
With the food I don’t think I will be hungry for a year.
Hi my darling! Horses are amazing aren’t they?!? Loving the pictures and seeing you on the Facebook live! Praying for you! Missing you! Excited to see what’s next today. God is good and kind, I know He has great things!
Love, mom
My horses name is Ruger very one is something miss you and ❤️.
Hey Jeremiah! Mike here – coming to hang out with you on Wednesday. I’m super jealous watching what you guys have been up to, and am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Keep up the great work and I’ll be praying for you!
Hey you went you get out on the trail.
Jeremiah… I love that you answered that food and fellowship was your favorite part so far. We built a community on food and fellowship while in Uganda and I know that place is special to you so it didn’t surprise me when that was your answer. Continue to seek God through His Word and your devotions with the leaders and other campers. God has a great work he is doing in you. Love you Jeremiah
Love you so much dad·are bible study QUESTION was who is God my answer was “the creator.”
Miss you and love you.
Hi Jeremiah! I hope you’re having a blast at camp (especially with the horses!!) and making lots of friends 😀 can’t wait to hear all about it! Me and Lukie miss and love you!
The horses are awesome. My horses name is Chief. I miss you and Lucas I can’t wait to tel you all about it .
Thank you for praying for me and I hope I will get to see you soon love Jeremiah.
Forgot to tell you I love you so much.
Jeremiah!! Wow! Look what you’ve been able to do so far. Amazing! Hope you are making good friends and see God at work all around you! These opportunities are such a gift. I’m so glad you can experience all these fabulous things!! Stay cool. Drink lots of water. Praying for your time!!
Hey Jeremiah! It looks like you’re having a blast. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Hopefully see you soon swimming at Sarah’s! Love you
Hop sow love you and I will see you love Jeremiah.
Hi Jeremiah! It’s so fun seeing and hearing you on the Facebook live! Sorry I didn’t write sooner our day was so busy! We saw the corpse flower bloom today! It really smelled bad, like garbage, rotten garbage! We had to wait in line for two hours!! Anyway, I never dreamed I’d hear you say that you wouldn’t be hungry for a year. Must be getting plenty of food. I’m so glad. We are praying for you every day… but I did that before you went to camp. I love you dearly, missing you tons!keep going strong, enjoy this special time.
Jeremiah… I loved seeing you on your horse and your horse has an awesome name. It sure looks like a fun camp, you are doing some really cool stuff everyday. I am praying for you and can’t wait to hear all the stories when you get back. Love you bud
I love you so so much I mis you so so much I can’t eat to come home and I have made a late of now fens I love you .
I am so glad you’ve made a lot of friends. That’s really special. Even better, when you are back from camp you all will continue to see one another and grow in these friendships. What a gift. You’re a gift to me. I love you. Miss you. Praying for you every day.
Miss you too ❤️ tomorrow we are going on the trail can,t
Wait to see you love Jeremiah
Hi again! I saw you trotting on your horse today! That was super super cool! I love doing that. Sorry the horses got your allergies all fired up! Hope you doing ok! How was the trail ride? That’s my favorite thing to do with a horse. Love you and miss you so much, stay strong in the Lord and His mighty power at work in YOU!
I really really miss you and the trail ride was bad 👎 after had to yoos my In haler but it was still a good .Love you so much j ❤️.
Oh man! You love horses but the allergies are a lot! Glad you got the experience 🙃 the girls were so jealous! Praying for your time backpacking. You got this! Can’t wait to see you in a few days! Love you! Mom💝
Jeremiah… I am happy to hear you’re making friends and can’t wait to hear all about it. I am jealous that you got to go on a trail ride on Chief today. That is so cool. And tomorrow is backpacking along a river which is awesome and you’ve already done a 5 mile backpacking trip once so you’re ready for sure. I love you and can’t wait to see you Sunday.
I wish you were here I wish I could say more but it’s time for bed love you miss you can wait to see you a gin .
You’re the best! Love you too!