A young man with a big heart who cares deeply for those around him. Pray God can work in Kiptyn’s heart and give him the wisdom to regulate his anger and frustration. Pray her can find healthy outlets for his struggles.


  1. Brad & Nicole Mokma

    Hi Kippy!!
    Dad and I are So Very excited for you to experience camp and to see what God has planned for you this week!! We hope you have an amazing time and get to experience God in a new way! Let us know how the van ride went and how the first day is! What did you have for dinner? I’m sure it was good! Did you do any activities today or just got to hang out with the boys? We Love you more than ever!!
    Mom and Dad

    • kiptyn mokma

      Hey we had at lot of fun today I had orange chicken we got to go swimming and rode horses thanks again for all the support love

  2. Tumaini

    Hi Kiptyn! Hope that you had a wonderful first day at camp! What a great experience you will have! I’m so excited for you! Praying for you each day!

  3. Brad and nicole mokma

    I have no idea where the message I sent earlier went! It said it posted and now it’s gone. I’m so sorry!! I hope you still get this tonight! Dad and I are SO incredibly proud of you and can not wait to hear how God uses you and what he shows you this week!! Love you more than ever!! Sleep well kiddo!!

    • kiptyn mokma

      Thank you so much I appreciate your support love you see you soon

  4. Tumaini

    Hi Kiptyn! Hope that you are having an awesome day today! I heard that you get to meet your horse soon, what’s it’s name? Enjoy the time in nature and making friends! Jesus loves you!

  5. Brad and Nicole Mokma

    Hi Kip!
    It was really cool to see you on a horse today! Did you like it? We are excited to hear back from you! Were you too tired to respond last night? lol how has the food been? Are you eating points to spend at the store? Was the rock wall kinda scary or hard? How did you sleep? Did you have fun playing water tag? Has it been hot or not too bad?
    Can’t wait to hear from you! Love you SO much!
    Mom and Dad

  6. Nolan

    Bro Kip.

    I am so proud of you for doing this. You will become a great young man. I know that you will, it’s gonna be cool to see what god is going to do in your life. Very proud of you.

    • Kiptyn mokma

      Thanks man love you see you soon

  7. Mike DeKuiper

    Hey Kiptyn! Mike here – coming to hang out with you guys on Wednesday. Super jealous I’m missing everything you guys have been doing so far. Keep your head up and have an awesome time, and look forward to seeing you guys on Wednesday. I’ll be praying for you all until then!

    • Kiptyn Mokma

      Thank you so much excited to see you and to go on the trail

  8. Mark Stephen Mokma

    Kip we hope things are going well so far . We will pray for a good week. Love you

    • Kiptyn

      Thank you love you

  9. Mark Stephen Mokma

    Hi Kip just watched some videos looks like you are doing well. Hope the week goes well and are praying for you. Love you

    • Kiptyn

      Thank you love you too

  10. Mom and Dad

    Hi Kip!
    Hope you survived the heat okay today! How was your aim with shooting today?

    Wanted to let you know Grandma is still in the ICU, but is doing better!! I’m bringing grandpa dinner at the hospital tonight and visiting gram. I’m going to show her the live while I’m up there, she’ll be really excited to see it!

    How has the food been?

    Are you making any new friends?

    We love you so much and can’t wait to hear back from you!! Sleep well Kip!

    • Kiptyn

      Hey glad see is still doing good the food has been really good my aim was decent and I have made a lot of friends love you

  11. Cooper mokma

    Hey Kip hope you are liking camp and wondered if you did the spider web thing yet?

    • Kiptyn

      Yeah we did do it we did it in 27 minutes also travis says hi

  12. Zoie

    Hey Kippy!!

    I hope you are having the best time!! It was so hot today, did you guys go swimming or something to keep cool? What has been your favorite thing so far?? Love you bud!!

    • Kiptyn

      Hey we have had a lot of fun today we went to the beach an got to do a water slide and climbing thing and my favorite part about today was getting to ride the horses. love you see you soon

    • Kiptyn

      Hey we went swimming and went do tude river rafting my favorite part has be the horses love you too

  13. Paul and Carol VanDyken

    Hey Kip
    Hope you’re doing well. Don’t worry about me this week. I’m praying for you everyday! Have a wonderful time!
    Talk later, Love you! Gram

    • Kiptyn

      Thank you so much and I would like you to know that I have been praying for you to love you

  14. Tumaini

    Hi Kiptyn!
    Hope you have been having an awesome time making friends and having fun! I wanted to share this verse with you from Isaiah 41!

    “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

    God is with you and by your side, every single day! He is bigger and greater than any fear! Praying for you each day!

    • Mom and Dad

      Hi Kip!!
      It was fun seeing you on the horses this morning! How was the heat today? Did you do a lot of swimming? I missed having our lunch and movie date today, but I’m so glad you can have this opportunity to grow and learn more about God and his love for you! What else did you do today? We hope you have a fun last full day at cranhill tomorrow and a great start on the trail! Love you very much!!

      • Kiptyn

        Hey we did a lot we got to go tude river rafting today and also got to shoot a 22 can’t wait to see you lo e you

    • Kiptyn

      Thank you so much that that is a great bible verse

  15. Tumaini

    Hi Kiptyn!
    So glad to hear you’ve had some fun-full days at the ranch! As you get ready to go on the trail, enjoy the time being able take in all of God’s beautiful creation! From the clouds in the skies, each tree in the forest, to every bird and fish you’ll see, He created it all! And most of all, He created and loves you! You are His masterpiece!

  16. Mark Stephen Mokma

    Hi Kip looks like you are having fun and experiencing alot of cool things. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends as you head out on your hike. Stay safe Love G&G

  17. Mom and Dad

    Hi Kippers!!
    Man we miss you around our house, but we are SO thankful you are able to have this opportunity!! How did you do with your horse test today? Did you do more swimming? Good luck on the trail!! Drink lots of water and know we love you and can’t wait to have you back home!!

    • Kiptyn Mokma

      Hey we got to go on a horse hike and we got to go swimming at night love you to see you soon

  18. Kiptyn Mokma

    Thank you love you too

  19. Tumaini

    Hi Kiptyn!

    I’m sure you had a full day on the trail! Here is a bible verse from Proverbs 3 to encourage you!

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

    Our God will lead us and guide us through the paths in nature and in life!


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