Ryder is a creative young man and loves all things mechanical. Ryder struggles with some learning complexities that cause frustration both at school and home. Pray Ryder can embrace challenging situations with a positive mindset. Pray Ryder can gain skills to help him grow through adversity and emerge stronger.


  1. Kirsten Fisher

    Ryder I’m both proud and in awe of how you face these new challenges head on you are bright and resilient! You did an amazing job riding for the first time! And we loved watching you persevere on the rock wall last night! Grandma and great grandma have been catching up on the lives after the fact as well. Love you always

    • Ryder

      Thanks I am having a great time

      • Kirsten Fisher

        Ryder I’m so glad you’re having a great time! I have been and will continue praying for you and everyone there with you! I’m also so happy you’re making strong bonds! By the way you had really awesome form at the archery range

        • Ryder

          Thanks I am having a great time

  2. Kelly sitzer

    Hey Ryder. I hope you’re having fun and making some great friends and memories.
    I watched you climb the wall like a champ. Very impressive.
    How’d you like riding a horse? You looked pretty relaxed up there. Enjoy , grandma loves you 😘

    • Ryder

      Thanks the horses where very fun for the next few days right after breakfast we have to go take care of the horses

  3. Daniel Kleis

    Hey Ryder. I am proud of you. You are amazing me on how you a facing new challenges. I am very impressed on how you did on the rock wall. You have a great time . Love you Dad

  4. Aubree Kleis

    Hi Ryder I love you so much I hope you enjoying your time there I miss you so much I whish you are here. I love you so much have a nice day.

    • Ryder

      Thanks I hope you have a great night

  5. Mike DeKuiper

    Hey Ryder! Mike here coming up on Wednesday to do the hike with you! I look forward to hanging out with you guys, and you looked like a total natural on the horses! Keep up the great work and can’t wait to hang out!

    • Ryder

      Thanks and I hope you have a great day

  6. Kirsten Fisher

    I spoke with Papa Fisher today and wanted me to tell you he is so proud of how well you’re doing at camp he’s been watching the videos of you rock climbing and doing archery and can’t wait to hear all about it and says your bike will be all put together and ready for you when you are done! I love you to the moon and back son! Praying for you always

    • Ryder

      I love you too and I hope you have a great day

      • Kirsten Fisher Mom

        Watched the live this morning! You looked so comfortable up on your horse! I can’t believe you guys can saddle your own horses I rode for years with my friends and still needed help to get the saddle tight enough. lol I’m gonna continue praying for you. I know god has his arms around you on this journey! I cannot wait to hear all about it when you come home! I love you and miss you

        • Ryder

          Thanks I can’t wait to see you I love and miss you

  7. Kirsten Fisher Mom

    I have all the stuff for baking when you come home. And we’re gonna have some mozzarella sticks you can make in the new air fryer if you’d like. Annnnd the pool is open now too so we will be able to go swimming as well. Keep your chin up. You are strong resilient kind and smart. You can do anything you put your mind to. And if you’re struggling give it to god. Praying for you in this journey I love you Ryder

    • Kirsten Fisher Mom

      Your brother and sisters say hi and they love you and can’t wait to see you Sunday. We’re all praying for you and can’t wait to hear all about this awesome journey! I Love you Ryder


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