The boys had an absolute blast playing archery tag, followed by an exhilarating zip line experience. Ryder then built us a fire, setting the stage for a powerful discussion about all the places we saw God at work during the day. It was a meaningful time of reflection and sharing.

We had an early wake-up this morning, starting the day with powerful devotions focused on God’s love for us. Packing out for the trail went smoothly, and we hit the road, heading north for the Manistee River Trail.

As I write this, we are halfway into the first leg of the trail, and the boys are doing great! They are encouraging each other, facing difficult challenges together, and building lasting memories. The camaraderie and support among the group are truly inspiring.
Please keep us in your prayers as the forecast shows rain for the next few days. For now, the weather is amazing! An early morning rain has cooled things down, and the breeze is perfect.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Stay tuned for more updates from our adventure!