Aleena is 14 years old. Aleena’s birthday is May 11. Aleena is returning to camp this year as Junior Leader of the Girls W.A.R. camp. Aleena is a very adventurous, intelligent and creative young lady. Aleena has grown so much in her faith and personal relationship...
Isabella is 11 years old. Her birthday is October 16. Isabella is friendly and out-going and she makes friends easily. Isabella enjoys school and loves to learn.
Cadence is in the 7th grade. Cadence is kind and caring. She enjoys acting things out, character play and puppets. Cadence is an only child. Cadence’s mother passed away when she was two years old and Cadence has been raised by her Grandma and Grandpa.
Jacilyna is 11 years old. She is a good student and maintains good grades. She is finishing the 5th grade and will start Middle School in the Fall. Jacilyna is a very kind and caring you lady to her peers and especially to her younger sister.
Amiya is 13 years old. Amiya’s birthday is June 21. Amiya lives with her mom and 2 siblings. Amiya can be shy, but once she warms up her sweet and friendly demeanor shines through. Amiya is very caring and has a big heart. Amiya makes friends easily. This will be...
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