Adventures on the Trail
As always, cellular connection on the trail is not great, so we are not getting a ton of photos. However, we are thrilled to report that the girls are safe and doing exceptionally well! Our adventurous group is hiking approximately 3-4 miles each day. Every mile hiked...
A Day of Adventure & Reflection
Yesterday was another wonderful day at Remembrance Ranch, filled with a variety of engaging activities that brought laughter, learning, and a sense of community. We began the morning with more horse riding and barn chores, deepening our connection with these animals...
An Action-Packed Day at Remembrance Ranch
Yesterday was filled with exciting activities and new experiences! We started the day working with our horses, navigating obstacles and practicing teamwork as the horses worked side by side. This helped the girls bond with their horses and each other, building trust...
Embracing The Challenge
Another beautiful summer day for our boys W.A.R. group. The weather has been fantastic this week for all of the adventure and challenges of camp life. The boys are doing great! They are really coming together to accept each activity with a positive attitude. It was...
God’s Creation
The boys are doing great! New challenges and activities are normal occurrences for them right now. They are walking into challenges with courage and grace and finding much success! Monday started with more time with the horses. The boys saddled up their horse and...
Starting Strong
Our boys group arrived, settled in and is already conquering so many things! The climbing wall was their first adventure Saturday afternoon. All the teens accepted the challenge of scaling the very tall wall! The boys really pushed themselves outside of comfort zones...
Strength and Grit
Tonight (Saturday) is the last night of the adventure for the girls. I received word today that the girls successfully finished the last leg of the hike! 11 miles backpacked over the last three days. What an accomplishment! The girls have been so supportive of each...