Day 1 Hike, camp, and a POWERFUL testimony!

by | Jun 23, 2017 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Unfortunately our cell service has not been good. We are currently taking a break with this view….

Being at a higher altitude, we have cell service. We will post pics on our FB page as much as we can and will post on the blog when we have service.

The first few miles of the hike were a challenge for some of the boys but they pushed themselves and were able to make it to our first camp site. We set up camp, had dinner, and then spent some time swimming in the river.

While being out in Gods beautiful creation was AWESOME, the most powerful part of the day was when our Junior Leader, Kadyn, gave his testimony. All the boys were in awe as he told them everything about his troubled past. They didn’t believe him at first based on his complete AWESOMENESS today!

After the testimony around the fire, the boys were told an old Indian story based on doing the right thing. We ended the night by teaching the boys how to do Sasquatch knocks and calls. I believe we were able to call in at least two squatches before we hit the sack 😉.

It was a rough night as the storm rolled in and hit us hard with thunder, lighting, and rain; but God is bigger than  any storm and the rain didn’t get us down! We were up early, packed and ready to move to site #2 at the waterfall. Keep us in your prayers as this is our toughest hike of the weekend and we have a few boys already struggling. The accomplishment at the end is so worth the struggle!


  1. Laura

    Proud of you Kadyn for sharing your life with the boys. Glad God is using you to plant seeds that will take root. And glad that God is showing RR that He is using their program to help all of you and them. Sometimes you don’t get to see the fruits of your labor. But after 2 years you can all see that you are growing up into a nice & caring young man.

  2. Scot, Toni & Luke Rich

    Dear Camp Leaders- You are doing an awesome job and especially Kaydn for sharing his story for God’s glory for leading the other campers to Christ. We pray for good weather, protection, strength and patience for the rest of the hike/trip. As you all are doing God’s work we pray that you use God’s armor to fight off any attacks from the enemy as stated in Ephesians 6:10-18. Keep on shining as the world needs your beautiful light. Matthew 5:16


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