

  1. Jamie Curtis

    Gracen!!! Hey girl! Praying for you as you get ready to head out on your second RR camp week and trail. I truly look forward to hearing how your week goes and will be praying that God continues to guide you as you work towards your goals!!! Much love girl!!!

    • Gracen

      Thank you

      • Kathy DeBoer

        Hi Gracen! Watched you do archery this morning ! So glad you’re having a good time. We will be watching and praying for you the rest of the week.
        Love you,
        Grandma and grandpa DeBoer.

  2. Amy DeHaan

    Hi Gracen! My name is Amy and I am one of your prayer buddies (team Gracen🙏) I have been praying over you and will continue to pray and keep you in my thoughts! What an exciting opportunity to meet new friends and grow your relationship with Jesus! He has big plans for you and wants you to believe that and so do so many of us!!! I pray your heart and mind stay fixed on HIM and you feel his presence and his peace during this special time!! Armor up!!! You’ve got this 🙏❤️💪

    • Alicia DeBoer

      Hi Gracen! Hope you had a great first day at camp. Can’t wait to see you riding on your horse!
      Love you!

      • Gracen

        Love you mom I miss you so much I’ve made 2 new friends Mia and jasi I’m having fun 😘 💕 xoxo 💋

        • Alicia DeBoer

          So glad you are having fun! What is your horses name? I saw you on the live doing archery….loved your turkey noise! 😆
          Hope your week continues to go well! Love,

          • Gracen

            Luv you my horses name is Alfredo I miss you so much xoxo

          • Alicia DeBoer

            Hi Gracen! Hope your doing well on the hike. Hopefully the rain hasn’t been too terrible for you girls. Only 2 more days to go! Can’t wait to hear about your camp experience! Love you!

  3. Sandy Marsman

    Hey, Gracen! I’m so excited to see you’re going to the Ranch again! Praying that God uses you in big ways this week as you’ve already experienced WAR and you’re an expert now! I know that you will be such a great leader to the other girls that are there for the first time! I can’t wait to read the blog and hear all about your experiences.

  4. Gracen

    Thank you everyone I’ve been having a great time and I’m so grateful for your kind words about me and I hope you all are doing great 👍 💗 💕

  5. Amy DeHaan

    Good Morning Gracen! It looks like you are having a great time so far!!! Praying you continue to grow relationships and most importantly your relationship with Jesus! Life can bring many lonely moments but we have the comfort knowing Jesus is always here for us! He sees, he hears and he loves you more than anyone!!! What a comfort to know you are never alone! Have a great Sunday ❤️❤️

    • Gracen

      Thank you everyone 💓 ☺

    • Alicia DeBoer

      Hi Gracen! Too funny that your horses name is Alfredo…..especially since that is one of your favorite foods! Its great to hear your having a good time and meeting new friends. I bet its nice that its not hot this year at camp! Talk to you soon! Love you!

  6. Jamie

    Happy day 2 Gracen! I hear you e already made a new friend in Mia and I can imagine you are making her feel so welcome! I know God is going to use you and grow you in many ways this week. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Have a blast!!!

  7. sharon

    Hi Gracen! loved watching the video of you girls on the archery range. Nice job hitting the bunny! 🙂 Sure looks like you are having lots of fun! What has been your favorite activity so far?

  8. Gracen

    Thank youuuu

  9. Bryan Wolbrink

    Hi Princess how has camp been? I’m kinda excited for you and hope it is a awesome experience for you. Making some new friends? We were hoping the thunder storms we had didn’t get over by you while you were on the hike. Anyways send me something any time sweet hart. Love Gramps

    • Gracen

      Thank you xoxo

  10. Amand

    Hi Gracen! Hope you are having a great time…I will keep my eyes open for pics…I think I saw 1 of you and Alfredo already. Thinking about you and can’t wait to hear about your week ahen you get back.
    Love, Aunt Amanda

  11. Gracen

    Thank you everyone

  12. Amy

    Good morning Gracen!!! I am so happy to see you are making new friends! Hopefully they will be life long friends who you can always connect with because of this great experience! It is so important to have friends in Christ to encourage you and whom you too can encourage during life’s challenges and to share in your joys too! Keep on growing and learning it’s a life long process we need to embrace! Have so much fun today!

  13. Marissa

    Your doing great

  14. Nic Deboer

    Gracen hope your knee feels better, have a fun time on the hike, we’ll see you Sunday.

    • Gracen

      Thank you love you dad I’m going. To suck it up and have fun

  15. Amy DeHaan

    Hi Gracen! I’m hoping you girls are doing ok with all the rain! Animals are such great therapy for us, they love unconditionally and are always happy to greet us! Unlike some of the humans we interact with! Lol. Praying you all stay healthy and upbeat as your journey draws to an end at camp. I hope you can Enjoy every moment that is left ❤️🙏


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