Today the girls were up early and down stairs, ready to start the day. We began with morning devotions and then headed to breakfast. Wow! Cranhill Ranch has AMAAAAAZING Food! After some Gaga Ball and group games, we headed to Chapel in the Pines for some praise and worship time. Today’s message focused on understanding that even in the midst of tragedy, GOD IS GOOD! Tragedies happen that don’t make sense, but Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”. (John 16:32-33) Jesus does not abandon us during tough times. This is a message that resonated with all of us!
The girls spent some time exploring how the face they show the world differs from the emotions that often hide just below the surface. it was a beautiful time to be introspective. The girls also spent some 1:1 time reforming their goals and beginning to outline the necessary steps to achieve their goals.

During the Barn Orientation the girls were introduced to their horses today, beginning with grooming, saddling, and riding. The girls then helped with Barn Chores, and fed the other animals here at Cranhill. Our first official day of horsemanship training will begin tomorrow, and based off of all of the smiles we saw today, we anticipate that it will go well! . Such Fun!
Please continue to pray for our girls as we continue on our journey. Thank You all for the love and support.
– W.A.R Staff