Alex is outgoing and athletic. He loves all kinds of sports! Pray Alex will find new strengths and courage as he works through all the phases of camp. Pray he will bond well with staff and see them as positive role models in his life. Pray Alex will seek after Jesus and desire a transformational […]
Hi Alex!
My name is Tumaini and I’ll be praying for you each day as you start your W.A.R. Camp! I’m so excited that you get to go on this experience this week! I’m sure you are too! I can’t wait to hear about all the adventures you have!
Praying for strength, rest, and that you have the best time making friends!
Hey, thank you for the prayers! I appreciate your message!
Alex, I miss you already and you left a min ago. I love you mijo I am so glad you are going on this trip I pray to Jesus and thank him because I know he is coming with you too. It’s a new experience for you there will be a lot of praying this will bring you closer to him (Jesus) we need him in our lives. Have fun be safe…love you
Hey,Mom I am having a total blast at this camp!.And I will continue to pray every night. Love you.
That makes me happy that you like it..God is going to touch your heart you will feel his presence it will be a beautiful experience.. I love you my bear..n miss you a ton😔❤🙏🙏🙏pray a lot mijo. This will be the greatest experience of your life have lots of fun..good night mi amor
I am so proud of you. I hope you are having a fun time. How high did you get on the rock wall? I’m sure you rocked it. I love that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new. Remember, God has big plans for you this week. Enjoy every bit of it.
Love you,
Mrs. Woods
Hey ms woods I’m having so much fun at camp, and I climbed all the way to the top and touched the bell!
Mijo I’m glad you are having fun . I am happy you are praying. That’s good you know God listens to all our prayers..I love you this will be a great experience for you. Have fun n be good
Hi Alex!
Hope you are having a great day today! Have you gotten to meet and ride your horse? What’s is it’s name?
I thought of this verse from Isaiah that I wanted to share with you!
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10
Remember that God is always with you, in both the happy and hard times. Praying for you!
The horse ride was pretty fun! I got to ride Hoss. Thank you for the verse!
Hey Alex,
How are you doing? I saw pictures of you working in the barn and riding a horse. How did you like it? This week you are going to have so many new experiences. There are times when thinks might get hard. Just remember, you can’t do hard things because you are not alone. You have an incredible God with you ALWAYS.
Love you,
Mrs. Woods
Alex..cant sleep..I know your sleeping with your busy n exciting day..hope you had a great day..I saw you on the horse❤ praying for you . Love you 🙏🙏❤ cant wait till you come home n tell me all about it.
I love you ❤️❤️
I really loved riding the horse, and I do believe that God will be by my side😁
Hey Alex!
I love seeing all your smiles at camp. You are trying new experiences every day. This is making you stronger!
I can’t wait to hear how God is impacting you this week.
Keep up the great work!
I am so proud of you!
Love you!
Mrs. Woods
Hi Alex!
How was your day today? Did you have fun at the archery range? I hope you got a bullseye!
Hope that you are making friends and a lot of memories! Praying for you!
Heyy what’s upp bro, I saw all of the photos and it looks like you are having so much fun just like I knew you would. I know you are making new friends, trying new fun things, and learning about JESUS! that is GOOD! Because God is good. What is your horses name and have you been sleeping good? How is the food? Love u bro I’m glad you’re having fun. Be safe. See u soon
I all most got a bullseye! And I had made some pretty great friends! 😆
Mijo..have a good night. Hope you had a fun day I’m watching you on the lives.. if I have break at 9:30am tomorrow I will get on you guys live to say hi..I miss you so much
Did you watch the live? I love you ❤❤❤
I sure did.. I saw a few pictures im glad your having fun and being good cant wait to hear all about it..miss you❤
I am so proud of you. You are doing amazing. Tomorrow you begin the hike. This is the most amazing part of the trip. You are going to learn that you can do hard things when you have the support from those around you AND TRUST in GOD. When things get tough, pray. HE hears you and will provide you the strength you need.
I can’t wait to hear about all the details of your trip.
Mrs. Woods
Hi Alex!
Hope that you are having a great time on your hike! I wanted to this verse with you!
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” -Deuteronomy 31:8
God is with you with every step you take on the trail! He goes before you and He is your guide! Continue to trust in Him! Praying for you each day!
Alex. Your on yiur hicke now.. I’m praying for you and yes,, God is with you watching over you..stay warm.. hope your having wondeful time, I love you. ❤ 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hi Alex!
Praying for you as you finish up your hike! How cool it is that you get a front row seat to God’s creation! Remember, you are child of the Creator, the King of Kings!