Harrison is outgoing and fun. He loves to be in nature and to hunt and fish. Pray Harrison will thrive at camp. Pray Harrison will learn new skills that will help him have positive relationships with his peers. Pray Harrison will discover his identify in Christ.


  1. Grandma Julie

    Hope your having fun. Grandma is very proud of you! Love u

    • Roy Strait


      • Roy Strait

        Harrison have a good time. And you get back you can help me hook Winston to pull logs outof the woods

    • Mom

      Hey H,

      Hope you had a good night sleep? Looks like you might get some rain but the rest of the week looks sunny. Wonder if the horses like rain? How is your horse doing? Is his name Larry? Anyway hope you have an amazing day.

      Love Mom

    • Grandma Julie

      Love the pictures . Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. Grandma is thinking if you!

  2. Pastor John

    The trip has finally arrived! And I’m sure you’re beyond excited as well as probably a little nervous for what you might have to do or feel on this trip. So even though you don’t know me, I’m praying for you today to the God who knows you even better than you do. I’ll keep in touch this week. You have my prayers every day!

  3. Dad

    So excited to hear about all of your adventures, struggles, and accomplishments. Continue to be strong and know that we’re all so proud of you.

    • Michelle

      Hey H,

      I am so excited you are at camp. I hope you are enjoying it all. Did you climb the rock wall? Tomorrow you will get to meet your horse. It’s going to be great. I can’t wait to hear all about the trip

      Praying you sleep well tonight.

      Love you,

      Ms. Michelle

      • Dad

        Hope you had a great day bud. Looks like today may be the last of the heat. What’s your horse’s name? Hope dinner was good and that you sleep great tonight.

        Love you and miss you.

  4. Grandpa Butch

    Go get em tiger

  5. Lynn Helms

    Harrison, I am so proud of you embracing this new adventure! Charli is already missing you. She just realized she has to unload the dishwasher all week long. Enjoy your time up north!
    Love mom.

  6. Maria

    Harrison! Hi Buddy! My name is Maria and I am sooo excited for you! I have been excited for this week to begin since June which is when I learned all about YOU! Like you, I live in Allendale and I have a son who likes to fish too! I have two Golden Retrievers who also like to fish!
    Today is only the beginning of a fabulous journey! One that may be filled with many questions and that is OK! There are so many people who are wrapping their big old arms around you and holding you up! Know we are praying for you this week and for the many weeks to come! You go this BUDDY! Have a great first day, I can’t wait to hear about it!

    • Crystal

      Harrison – We hope you are having an amazing time and having fun adventures!! We look forward to hearing all about it! Love you lots!

    • Faith Self

      Hi Harrison!
      Hope your having a great time at camp! What has been your favorite part? I’m so proud of you! Keep leaning on God throughout this week and everyday!

  7. Harrison

    thank ypu for your support everyone

    • Heidi

      Hi Harrison!

      I’m so excited for you going on such a big adventure! You are going to have such great stories to tell me when you are back. Remember you are strong, brave, smart, and funny. You can do anything you put your mind to. Stella has been missing seeing you 😺

      • Grandpa But h

        Hope you are having a good time looks like the horse riding was fun

  8. Mom

    Sounds like you had a great first day at camp! Keep up the great work of trying new things. We love and miss you! Sending prayers that you see all the amazing things God has in store for you on this journey.
    Love you! Mom

    • Harrison

      I miss you

    • Elizabeth Helms

      Hi Harrison,
      Hope you are enjoying being at camp. I’m sure you are having a ton of new adventures and meeting new kids. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Have lots of fun and hang in there!

      Aunt Elizabeth

      • Harrison

        Thank you for your support.

  9. Charli

    Hope your having a good time. We missed you at the family reunion. I got a big bass at grandmas pond. We miss your jokes

  10. Anna Haveman

    Hi Harrison!

    I hope you are having an amazing adventure and challenge so far! I know that you are going to learn so much and hopefully have a lot of fun too! I am proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing something new. I hope to see or hear from you early this school year so I can hear all about this week and your summer!

    -Miss Haveman

    PS. Cedric says hi too!

    • Braden

      Thank you. My favorite part has been riding horses so far.

  11. Michelle Woods

    Hi H –

    Mr. Matt and I love seeing pictures of you at camp. How did you like the horses today? Did you enjoy learning how to saddle and ride the horses?

    We are really proud of you. Can’t wait to hear all the stories about camp.

    Love you,

    Mrs. Michelle and Mr. Matt

    • Harrison

      Thank you and I’m having a good time.

  12. Aunt Whit

    Hey Bud!
    So excited to hear all about your trip! This is an amazing opportunity and I know you will make the most of it. Your uncle Andrew and I can’t wait for you to meet your new cousin Madison. She’s so lucky to have you as her big cousin. We love you lots and are proud of the funny, brave, and handsome young man you’ve become.

    • Harrison

      Thank you. I’m having a good time

  13. Maria

    Hi Harrison! I hope your first night went well at camp and you are learning many new things! By reading some of the comments it looks like you did something with horses. Did you have fun? Were you able to ride them? Feed them? I thought of you all day today. I hope you are doing great and learning many new things!

  14. Uncle dan

    Harrison, Cru and Ellis missed you this weekend but we all are so excited about your adventure I hope you have the best time can’t wait to hear all about it .

  15. Faith Self

    Hi Harrison!
    Hope your having a great time at camp! What has been your favorite part? I’m so proud of you! Keep leaning on God throughout this week and everyday!

  16. Pastor John

    The pictures make it look like you’re having a fantastic time! I’ve never been a fan of horses myself, and I think that’s because I didn’t spend enough time around them as a kid to conquer my fears and learn to appreciate them. You’re blessed to have this opportunity, so make the most of it! And have fun too. 🙂
    I’m praying for you, and all the other comments on here shows you have a lot of other support as well. That’s awesome!

  17. Dad

    Hope you’re having a great day Harrison. Thinking about you this morning. Can’t wait to see you this weekend and to hear all about what you learned, what you tried, the froends you’ve made, and the things you’ve conquered. Love you buddy.

  18. Michelle Woods

    You are doing so great! Way to go H!

    I’m so proud of you!

    Mrs. Michelle

  19. Mom


    Hope you had a good day! Looks like the weather is going to be perfect tomorrow for all your fun activities. Can’t wait to see your tie dye! Love and miss ya tons!

    • Harrison

      I had a rough day I did not hit any one I just had a rough time

      • Aunt Crystal

        You got this buddy. I hope today was a better day for you. You are an amazing young man. Love you lots.

      • Julie syrait

        We all have those days . But u just do the best you can and the next day will be better. Lots of love. Sending a hug! Grandma julie

  20. Maria

    Hi Harrison! I hope you had a lot to do today at camp! If I asked you what was the best part of camp today what would you say? I hope we can meet someday and you can tell me all about it! Also, can’t wait to hear about the colors in your tye dye shirt! Sleep well Harrison!

  21. Brandon Helms

    Harrison, I’m really looking forward to hearing about your trip. I think you have spent some time near the river, I hope you have scouted some fishing spots for trout. Keep working hard and having fun.

  22. Dad

    Hope your Tuesday is going great Harrison. I watched the video of you on your horse this morning. You look like a natural. Hope you are having a blast. Missing you hanging out with me in the morning. Love you.

  23. Mom

    Harrison I saw you riding that horse! Awesome job buddy! So thankful Mr. Dave is posting the videos. It looks like you are having an amazing experience and making friendships. So blessed that God has put these people in your life! Miss you tons! Sending prayers for strength, wisdom, good rest at night, and health. Love you!

    • Charli

      Wish you were here so I didn’t have to mow. Mom got me to softball without getting lost so that’s been nice. Love you.

  24. Maria

    Hello Harrison! I finally found out how to see the pictures of your daily activities and all you are learning! I love how God is walking with you! Our whole family is praying for you this week! I sent them your picture and we are all so excited to learn about your week! I hope you are making some new friends and learning about Gods love and how absolutely wonderful you are! You are special!

    Sending Blessings to you this Tuesday!

  25. Mom

    Hope you had a good night sleep. Looks like another amazing day. I am sure you have a fun filled day. We are all excited to hear about all your adventures and friendships you are making. Love you so much buddy!

  26. Michelle Woods

    Hey H,

    Tomorrow is the big day. You get to start the hike. It is going to be tough, but you are strong. Remember you have an incredible God walking the walk with you. Lean on Him when you get frustrated. Know that he will keep you calm.

    I look forward to hearing about the all your success.


    Enjoy the hike!

    Love you,
    Mrs. Michelle

  27. Maria

    Hello Harrison!

    Sending you prayers for closure to a beautiful Wednesday! I hope your day was amazing!

  28. Aunt Crystal

    Hey Harrison! I have some horse jokes for you today since you have been horseback riding.

    What do you call a scary horse in the dark?…… A nightmare! haha
    What is a horses favorite state?……Neighbraska

    I hope these put a smile on your face. Have a good day!

  29. Harrison

    Hope I make it out in one piece

  30. Mom

    Hey H,
    Hope you are having a great day! Enjoy your new adventure of hiking the trail. Can’t wait to hear all about it. The moon tonight is suppose to be super cool. Love and miss ya tons

  31. Charli

    Hi Harrison I hope you are having a good time at camp! I had a good day at the beach but got sunburned.

    • Anna Haveman

      Hi Harrison!

      Based on the other comments, it’s sounds like you set off on a long hike today! I’m sure it was tiring but I also hope it challenged you in amazing ways! You should have a perfect view of the stars and super moon tonight!

      -Miss Haveman

  32. Dad

    Hey Harrison!

    I hope you had a great 1st day on the trail. I can’t wait to hear how you like hiking and camping in your own tent. I wonder what foods you guys will have on the trail. Can’t wait to see you in just a few days.

    Love you buddy.


  33. Mom

    I am so very proud of you! You are doing an amazing job at camp. I know there are times when it is tough but remember God has given you the strength you need and the people to help you. Love ya! You got this buddy!

  34. Mom

    Good morning buddy! How was your first night camping? Remeber if we never struggle or challenge ourselves we will never grow. We will never see how amazing God has made us! He made you perfect in his image. He has given and will give you everything you need. You are such an amazing young man. I am so very proud of you doing hard things and that you never give up! Love and miss you!

  35. Maria

    Hi Harrison! Happy Friday to you! I just typed a message to you and tried sending it to you and my computer said there was an error! I’ll try again!

    I hope your week has been amazing and that you have memories and experiences that will last a very long time! I am so very proud of you and if I had to guess it looks like the horses may have been the best part! Way to go for trying something new. I hope I can meet you sometime and hear all about your trip!

    God Bless You!

  36. Aunt Whit and Uncle Andrew

    Hey bud!
    Sounds like you’ve been having some fun and some rough moments. Take in the good and remember that rough moments will pass and to be patient and kind with yourself as well as others. Even as an adult I have to remind myself to take a deep breath when I get frustrated or angry or even overwhelmed. Keep your head up and stay positive. Can’t wait to see you and hear all about your time there! We love you always!

  37. Michelle Woods

    Hey H! You are doing it! You are overthinking incredible challenges. Continue to trust in our GOD. HE is giving you the strength to do this. So proud of you!

    Mrs. Michelle

  38. Dad

    Good morning Harrison!! Last day on the trail today. I think it’d be so awesome to be in the woods hiking with a little rain. I bet the animals love it. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Want a big dinner on Sunday? Be thinking of what sounds good. Love you buddy.

  39. Mom

    Can’t wait to see you tomorrow! The rain is going to add to your story. When I go on hikes with you and start complaining you can get tell me all about how you had to hike in the rain all day and you survived. I am so very proud of you! This camp was not easy and you did it! Miss you so much! See ya tomorrow! Love ❤️ Mom


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