Day 8. The final full day of the journey. The boys have been doing well. The first day of the hike they quickly learned that walking and hiking with a loaded pack on your back are two very different things. Some really struggled the the reality of how difficult a task it is. But in the end, all pushed through and encouraged one another to finish strong. The boys have been excited and eager to learn how to set up tents, build fires, cook food over packable stoves and learn to work together to make the tasks easier and more efficient.
Today the boys will hike their final miles. They will hike away from the river toward a more modernized campground. Their time spent in nature has allowed them time to reflect at a deeper level and take in all of God’s beautiful creation. The final miles today are sometimes the hardest. Their bodies are physically tired after a week full of activity. At times, their minds are tired after all of the emotional highs and lows experienced during a week of learning and growing. They faced so many challenges this week. Today they will press forward and cross that “finish line”. What a moment that will be for them. I’m sure they will be very proud of themselves for accomplishing what seemed like such a difficult task just a few days ago.
“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” – Philippians 3:14
Pray for the group today – for all of the strength needed to cross that finish line. Pray all of the experiences over the last 8 days will create transformation as they return home. Pray the boys will lean into the purpose God has for each of them and be a light to those around them.
We are so proud of these boys! We look forward to continue building relationships with each of them and their families. We love how the Remembrance Ranch family keeps growing!
Thanks for these photos and the updates! We can’t wait to get them home to us tomorrow!!!