Today We Chose JOY

Today we dove into Ephesians 3:15 and finished with reviewing our SOAP acronym our devotionals (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer). We were able to have church outside today, despite the rain just earlier the sun peeked through! After lunch we had each girl...

We Made It!

This is a quick post to let you know we made it!  We’ll make another post tomorrow with more detail of the days activities. We arrived safely at Cran-Hill and kicked off the week with rules and expectations. Each of the girls were given a journal and some directions...

Girls W.A.R. Trip 2020 begins in 3 Days!

Only 3 more days until we leave! I am so excited to begin our journey.  We are blessed to have 8 girls and 1 Jr. Leader to embark on this transformational experience.  Each of the girls will work with staff to develop personal goals.  Through the entire trip, we will...

Day 2 on the Trail – John 10:10

I have found a small window of connection so I wanted to add a quick update. We are just leaving site 2 on our way to the final stop. The boys are doing great. They are learning a lot about themselves. The staff is making strong connections of their behavior and...

Day 1 on the Trail!

We made it to the Manistee River Trail and the boys completely dominated the first leg of the trail! We arrived at the first site and were able to get tents up quickly, collect firewood, and set up for dinner.  We spent the evening around the fire and have some great...