Each Day A New Dawn Rises

by | Aug 21, 2014 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Last night we had our awesome ups and a couple downs.
I am convinced I woke up yelling at the enemy after I dreamt that the trail hike was a struggle. He will not have the power to ruin this.

So last night we did a log burning after speaking about Philippians 4:13 and helping the boys see that that can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens them. The boys were then given a log to burn and literally burn up something they do not want to bring forth from their past. They were allowed to share or not. Some great things were burnt and left behind (being off task/getting held back, saying no, lack of motivation, lack of interpersonal skills, pride, regret, swearing) folks, that’s God right there!!! These boys amaze me on the regular!


The good Lord then blessed us with this view to end the night


This morning we had our horse show and the boys said goodbye to their horses from this week, sometimes it’s harder than they planned. This connection, relationship, bond is awesome to see.


However these horses will not be forgotten as the wonderful Manitou Lin staff gave each boy a horse shoe decorated and with their own horses hair so they will not be forgotten.


We are now on our way to the trail. Please please PLEASE pray for weather!!! Help God hear we would like this storm to pass over us for a pleasant trail hike and the ability to focus on the message, the Word, and growing.

Thank you…and we all love you all very much!!!


  1. Bonnie

    Every day is an inspiration for these boys. It’s so wonderful to hear how much closer they have become with God. I’m excited to hear all the amazing stories!

  2. Kim Dittenber

    I hope everyone has rain gear. Thinking of all if you out there while I sit INSIDE and hear this rain roll in. Best wishes for safety if it storms as well! AD’s mom.

  3. Trisha M. Belbot (Mom)

    That was so kind of the camp to give the boys such a memorable gift. Praying for good weather, safe travel.


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