Soaring to New Heights

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

This morning the girls went to riding lessons and experienced the round pen. They were able to watch Jillian, their instructor, establish trust and obedience with the horse in the pen. The girls reflected on how this exercise relates to our relationship with God. We often hesitate to trust and obey God,  just like the horse struggled at first to trust and obey the instructor and  follow her directions.

Before lunch the girls participated in an entrepreneurial activity. The girls were asked to take a pair of scissors, two pieces of tape, pieces of spaghetti and make the tallest structure they could together. The girls brainstormed and worked together as a team. They practiced their listening and leadership skills to work towards winning the tallest structure.

We were able to take a trip tubing down the river. We listened to worship music as we floated, it was a nice relaxing time!

After lunch the girls participated in the zip line and tomahawks. They were able to overcome their fears and climb the ladder to get to the top of the zip line. They encouraged one another as they climbed and soared. At tomahawks many of the girls learned a new skill and challenged themselves to give it their all!

1 Comment

  1. Jake Manning

    Continued prayers for you, Gracen, and the rest of the team on the trail. Love seeing these photos and reading about the memories being made, life learned, and relationships grown and strengthened. Hoping the rest of the time on the trail goes well, Gracen!


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