Growing and Learning

by | Jun 13, 2023 | Ranch News | 2 comments

Monday was an amazing day for our girls W.A.R group. A FULL day of activites. I (Sharon) was able to spend the day with the girls and had so much fun getting to know these awesome teens. I was blown away by all that these girls accomplished. I’ll highlight several of the activities below, but beyond just these activities I witnessed the girls growing and learning on both group and personal levels. I saw fears being overcome, trust being built, emotions being felt and expressed, connections being made stronger and hard conversations leading to growth and renewed confidence. God has brought together an extraordinary group of young women who will surely make memories to last a lifetime.

Monday began with the girls spending more time with their horses. They spent a lot of time learning how to saddle, mount and then lead their horse around the paddock. Time was spent learning to use the reigns to tell the horse which direction to turn and to tell the horse when to go and when to stop. The girls did a great job leading their horses in a safe and gentle way. It was amazing to see how the horses responded to the girls confident leadership. Miss Sadie was a bit nervous to ride her horse on Sunday, on Monday she overcame that fear and rode her horse, Alfredo, with a renewed confidence. We are all very proud of her for overcoming her fear and finding the courage to do hard things! Way to go, Sadie!

After a scrumptious lunch, the girls were able to participate in a tie-dye project. They were able to choose a keepsake CranHill t-shirt and then choose a design to create a cool piece of art! Fun was had by all!

After tie-dye the group hit the archery and tomahawk ranges. Lots of friendly competition ensued! It was amazing how many of the girls were able to hit all the different targets! These girls have skills!

Our final activity of the day was called Spider-Web. An activity in which the girls had to one by one make through the spider-web. There were a few rules – one girl at a time through the web, everyone had to make it through, if anyone touched any part of the web everyone had to start over and the final rule — the girls could not use their voices!! After several frustrating tries, a plan unfolded and everyone worked together and in record time this group was successful getting everyone through the web!! Job well done, girls!

Amazing that after a day full of so much activity, there was still lots of energy to have a dance party by the campfire! Continue to pray for these girls. Pray for continued growth and transformation. Prayers for sunshine are also good! Stay tuned for a glimpse of what else these courageous teens are up to.


  1. Ashley king

    I love these blogs! Amazing job girls! 💕

  2. Grandma Penny

    Hi Madison. All the reservations are made. Getting excited. Glad to see your all having a good time. Hope your all warm. Can’t wait to give you a big hug. If your good I’ll give you a back rub. Enjoy. Love you. Grandma


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