Stake in the Ground Recap

As the boys practice their new rock wall climbing abilities I am stepping to the side to fill you in on this stake in the ground thing we recently mentioned.Our first day on the trail brought many struggles for the boys as they realized the size of their packs and the...

Some Messages Home!!!

CA – aka: DaddyLongLegs – to my mom – I love you with all my heart, I have a couple scratches and bruises but it’s no harm & I can’t wait to see you!!  & Terp I want to thank you for praying for me and praying to God to guide...

We Serve a BIG God!!!!!

We lost service on the trail so were not able to post along the way…its going to be really hard for me to fit all the awesomeness into this one post, but I will try!!! All the teens did a great job hiking the trail; they hiked so fast that we hit our first water...

We Have Our Ups and We Have Our Downs…

Well we have landed back to base camp and what a hiking adventure it was. The boys have all been active in talking about new goals and working toward improving areas of their lives. We have seen huge improvements in many of our boys but along with improvements comes...

What A Trip!

So, we pushed our way through the hills, rocks and trees only to find more hills, rocks and trees. You can imagine the frustration on the faces of seven teen boys when it sunk in that we were actually hiking and living in the woods for four days. It was incredibly...