After our normal morning wake-up, we met for our daily Devo’s. We talked about who God is and the four ways that God speaks to us: Bible, people, circumstances, and prayer. We also talked about creation vs. evolution. We then introduced the boys to their Bibles and a simple acronym to help them with devo’s: SOAP.
- Scripture: Pick one scripture
- Observation: Make some observations about the scripture
- Application: How can you apply what you learned to your life?
- Prayer: Spend some time in prayer around the observations and application.
Today was definetly a day of coming together. It was amazing to see the boys tackle one team building activity after another. They learned very quickly how much easier it is to accomplish goals as a team than as an individual. The spider web activity took them the longest to finish, however, the post-processing was so good. We asked the boys, “what was working?” And “what was not working.” It was great to hear all the learnings that came out of such a simple activity. Their problem solving skills were surely developed in a big way today!
After lunch, each boy was introduced to his horse. First, they were taught how to brush and care for their horse. Then, they learned how to bridle and saddle. Finally, they were given their initial riding lesson. For some, it was a little scary at first. Each horse weighs over 1000 lbs and can seem a little scary at first. However, after warming up to their horse, the boys learned a lesson about unconditional love. These horses don’t care where you came from, what color your skin is, how much trouble you have been in, if you are angry or depressed. They just love spending time with you. And that is exactly how our Heavenly Father loves us!
We ended the afternoon by helping with some barn chores and evening feeding of the horses. The boys are growing together quickly. They are being challenged physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Even on Day 2, they are being challenged like they never have before and they learning to be responsible and respectable young men.
After dinner, the boys had their first “hot seat.” This is an individual coaching session with the staff. Each boy is coached on how he is doing in meeting those expectations we laid out on day 1. Based on meeting/or not meeting expectations, they are awarded points. These points can be used to purchase things like pop, candy, and ice cream.
It is going to be a hot week; please pray that the boys stay hydrated and that the heat doesn’t cause frustrations and division among the group. Normally, one day 2 and 3, the teens start to get comfortable enough with each other that they can start to push each other’s buttons and get on each other nerves. Pray that the staff is able to work through these struggles with the group as we get closer to leaving for our 11 miles hike on the Manistee River trail. The boys will need each other to complete this part of our Wilderness Adventure Ranch.
Thanks for the update. God is so good and wonderous are his ways. We thank God for Remembrance Ranch and for the camp. We know that you God are with them and love them all. Please continue to show your love, mercy and grace in new ways to the campers and staff. Strengthen and protect the all and keep them safe from any attacks from the enemy. We trust in your words and know you God have great plans for them, not of evil but to give them a hope and future. Jeremiah 29:11
Praying for the week and for transformations. We are so thankful that all of these young people have a change to learn and grow. God is with Each One and we pray that Each One will become more aware of how much God and others care about them. We continue to pray for your organization that all needs will be taken care of and that strength and inspiration will continue!!!! from G and W Weidman
First of all I am SO proud of you for being at camp. I know it can be overwhelming to be away from home and open up to new experiences. I pray that you pay attention to people being placed in your life that truly want the best for you. I also pray that you do your best to respond as much as you are able during your experience. Know that these life lessons will continually be available for you to reflect on, so it’s ok if it takes some time for things to make sense. I pray you are able to connect with the other campers and find some things in common. Most of all, I pray you know how much you are cherished. Enjoy bonding with your horse. I know from experience how healing that equine energy can be. Best wishes for a wonderful time of trust, healing, faith and adventure in the days ahead.
Your prayer partner,
From Jan and Rick Heath fanily
HI to all the awesome boys attending the fun filled camp and a special shout out to ALEX, our person that we have been praying for this past nonth. Hoping all of you are blessed with each others company and guidance by God. HAVE a great Monday.
Praying for Unity, Honesty and commitment! This is a great opportunity to find something new inside each of you and have fun at the same time. This is YOUR TIME, and it is a treasure of opportunity within the a challenge if you are willing to dig!
Stay strong.
Much Love Through Christ!
Uncle Kevin