Escape Horse!

We started today with a devotion out of Psalms; we are all wonderfully complex and marvelous creations…and we then discussed the “masks” we tend to wear to protect ourselves from allowing others to see how we are really feeling inside. God sees and knows...

Another Great Day at the Ranch

Hi my name is Jacob. I am the junior leader, I was a camper 3 years ago then last year I came to the advanced horsemanship camp. The ranch has made some awesome changes in my life like helping me accept God in my life and it showed me the way to the next step in my...

Cran-Hill Day 3

Today in the stable the boys continued to learn and practice proper grooming skills, horse bathing, cleaning and feeding care. From there the afternoon focus was on riding positions, technique and the use of various control maneuver activities which allowed the boys...

Day 2 Success!

Hello everyone! Day two up at Cran-hill  consisted of some awesome meals, fun team building activities, horsemanship skills and to top it all off… archery tag and ice cream! Once we got all the boys up, we sat down for some morning devotions. Today’s...