Day 1 – God Is Our Creator

Day 1 – God Is Our Creator

Sunday was the first full day of camp. It was a busy one! The boys started out early with their morning group devotion. Their devotion theme for the day was that God is our Creator. God created everything. God is the creator of all of the nature around us. God creates...

Settling In

Settling In

The group made it to CranHill!! After getting settled into their cabins, it was already time for their first activity! ! The boys started of by reaching for new heights -- on the climbing wall!! All of the boys attempted the climb, many of them multiple times. Several...

Our True Self – Day 5

Our True Self – Day 5

We had another amazing day! We started our day with devotions. We learned that most people wear masks as they go about their daily lives.  Not real masks (that would be weird), but invisible masks that hide who they really are or what they really think.  As people, we...

God Celebrates your progress – Day 5

God Celebrates your progress – Day 5

Today was a day to celebrate! The girls each demonstrated how with God's grace and love they are able to take steps towards being the best versions of themselves. After a healthy morning meal, everyone headed off to the barn. Each girl spent an hour building their...

Day 4 God Knows Me

Day 4 God Knows Me

The girl's have mastered the morning routine. Devotionals referred back to our craft activity from yesterday. It can be scary to take off the masks we wear to protect ourselves from being hurt by others. Because God knows everything about us we never have to hide from...

Get Your Ranch T-Shirt Today!

Get Your Ranch T-Shirt Today! Become a “Faith Friend” and get one of our new Ranch t-shirts!Our programs are only possible because of the generosity of supporters like you! Use the link below 👇🏼Choose $25 or more.Change ‘Donation...

It is what it is, so be HAPPY anyway – Day 3

It is what it is, so be HAPPY anyway – Day 3

Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory! Staff used their "incredible", LOUD voices to wake the girls up. They were, again, downstairs and ready to go for morning devotions on time. This morning we focused on remembering that we are all created perfect in HIS...